60 research outputs found

    Exploring the Link Between Ego Depletion and Exercise Intentions

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    People are constantly subject to external demands that can lead to impairments in self-control. One theory that accounts for such impairments is ego depletion, which can be responsible for people choosing to succumb to unhealthy habits rather than engaging in health-related behaviors. In study 1, I investigated the effect of ego depletion on exercise intentions among participants who do not exercise. I also tested whether showing participants an exercise advertisement framed in terms of the desirable outcomes to be attained by exercising would attenuate the effect of ego depletion on exercise intentions. No support was found for these predictions. In study 2, I used a revised measure of exercise intentions, and I examined participants who do exercise. I also investigated whether exercise self-efficacy would mediate the effect of ego depletion on exercise intentions and whether exercise habit strength would moderate these relationships. Support was found for the interaction of ego depletion and exercise habit strength on exercise self-efficacy


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    Celem tekstu jest zaprezentowanie wybranych decyzji podjętych przez Radę Północnoatlantycką podczas XXVII szczytu NATO w Warszawie. Przedstawione przez autora decyzje dotyczą: wzmocnienia wschodniej flanki NATO, uznania cyberprzestrzeni za obszar działań, wysokości środków jakie państwa członkowskie powinny przekazywać na obronność oraz wsparcia dla Afganistanu do 2020 roku. Relacjonowane zagadnienia podkreślają aktualność podstawowych zadań Sojuszu, określonych w obowiązującej koncepcji strategicznej NATO, przyjętej podczas szczytu w Lizbonie w 2010 roku.The aim of this text is to present selected decisions made by North Atlantic Council during XXVII NATO summit in Warsaw. Aspects presented by author concerning: enhancing eastern flank of NATO, recognizing cyberspace as a domain of operations, level of funds which country members should allocate on defence and support for Afghanistan until 2020. Delineating issues, underlined a topicality of basic tasks of alliance, defining in strategic concept of NATO approved during summit in Lizbon in 2010

    A CMOS Foveated Image Sensor

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    Note:Future mobile robots are expected to demonstrate a greater awareness of their environment through the use of computer vision algorithms presently under development. With the help of machine vision sensors, mobile robots would be able to detect looming objects well ahead of a collision. Such mobile robots would 'see' far greater distances than is possible with conventional range imaging. They would be able to map out their immediate surroundings passively without the need for expending energy to drive laser or SONAR range finders. With the help of higher-level algorithms, mobile robots would begin to recognize objects in the world around them and use this information to direct their own actions. The potential exists for the application of advanced prototypes of these machines in dangerous circumstances such as space exploration and maintenance of deep sea pipe-lines. […

    The importance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in enhancing security in the eastern part of the Alliance

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    Celem tekstu jest ocena i analiza działań podjętych przez Sojusz Północnoatlantycki w zakresie wzmacniania bezpieczeństwa na wschodniej flance NATO. Punkt wyjścia do prowadzonych badań stanowi imperialna postawa Federacji Rosyjskiej, która poprzez destabilizację sytuacji w Gruzji i na Ukrainie skutecznie hamuje prozachodnie ambicje państw „bliskiej zagranicy”. Celem działania Rosji jest chęć odzyskania utraconej strefy wpływów oraz statusu światowego mocarstwa. Przedmiotowa analiza obejmuje okres od szczytu NATO w Newport w 2014 r. i przyjęcia przez przywódców państw NATO „Planu Gotowości Sojuszu” (Readiness action plan) – jako doraźnej formy wzmocnienia wschodniej flanki NATO, a kończy się szczytem NATO w Brukseli w 2018 r. i zapowiedzią utworzenia inicjatywy „4 x 30”. Na ważność i aktualność tematu wpływa fakt, iż Rzeczpospolita Polska jest krajem flankowym NATO, a działania destabilizacyjne w pobliżu jej granic jednoznacznie wskazują na deficyt bezpieczeństwa w pobliżu granic Polski.The aim of this text is to analyze and assess steps taken by NATO in enhancing security in the eastern part of the Alliance. The research is conducted in connection with destabilization Georgia and Ukraine by Russian Federation. Russian aim is to hamper integration former Warsaw Pact countries with NATO, restoring supremacy in the region and regain status of the world’s superpower. This analysis covers the period from the NATO summit in Newport in 2014 and implementation by North Atlantic Council “Readiness action plan” – as an interim form of strengthening NATO’s eastern flank, and closes in 2018 with launching a NATO Readiness Initiative (4x30) during summit in Brussels. The importance of this subject is influenced by the fact that Republic of Poland is NATO’s eastern country and destabilization activities near its borders has negative influence security in the region. 