10 research outputs found

    Sampling quantum phase space with squeezed states

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    We study the application of squeezed states in a quantum optical scheme for direct sampling of the phase space by photon counting. We prove that the detection setup with a squeezed coherent probe field is equivalent to the probing of the squeezed signal field with a coherent state. An example of the Schroedinger cat state measurement shows that the use of squeezed states allows one to detect clearly the interference between distinct phase space components despite losses through the unused output port of the setup.Comment: 6 pages LaTeX. Submitted to Optics Expres

    Accuracy of Sampling Quantum Phase Space in Photon Counting Experiment

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    We study the accuracy of determining the phase space quasidistribution of a single quantized light mode by a photon counting experiment. We derive an exact analytical formula for the error of the experimental outcome. This result provides an estimation for the experimental parameters, such as the number of events, required to determine the quasidistribution with assumed precision. Our analysis also shows that it is in general not possible to compensate the imperfectness of the photodetector in a numerical processing of the experimental data. The discussion is illustrated with Monte Carlo simulations of the photon counting experiment for the coherent state, the one photon Fock state, and the Schroedinger cat state.Comment: 11 pages REVTeX, 5 figures, uses multicol, epsfig, and pstricks. Submitted to Special Issue of Journal of Modern Optics on Quantum State Preparation and Measuremen

    Operational Time of Arrival in Quantum Phase Space

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    An operational time of arrival is introduced using a realistic position and momentum measurement scheme. The phase space measurement involves the dynamics of a quantum particle probed by a measuring device. For such a measurement an operational positive operator valued measure in phase space is introduced and investigated. In such an operational formalism a quantum mechanical time operator is constructed and analyzed. A phase space time and energy uncertainty relation is derived.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlocality of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state in the phase space

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    We discuss violation of Bell inequalities by the regularized Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) state, which can be produced in a quantum optical parametric down-conversion process. We propose an experimental photodetection scheme to probe nonlocal quantum correlations exhibited by this state. Furthermore, we show that the correlation functions measured in two versions of the experiment are given directly by the Wigner function and the Q function of the EPR state. Thus, the measurement of these two quasidistribution functions yields a novel scheme for testing quantum nonlocality.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX, contribution to proceedings of 6th central-european workshop on quantum optic

    Fractional Talbot effect in phase space: A compact summation formula

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    A phase space description of the fractional Talbot effect, occurring in a one-dimensional Fresnel diffraction from a periodic grating, is presented. Using the phase space formalism a compact summation formula for the Wigner function at rational multiples of the Talbot distance is derived. The summation formula shows that the fractional Talbot image in the phase space is generated by a finite sum of spatially displaced Wigner functions of the source field.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to Optics Expres


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    Theoretical investigations of separability and entanglement of bipartite quantum systems b