5 research outputs found

    New Preventive Programs of the Polish Hypertension Society in Gdansk. Part I: SOPKARD

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    Badania og贸lnopolskie przeprowadzone metod膮 sonda偶u reprezentatywnego pod koniec 1997 roku wskaza艂y na utrzymywanie si臋 niedostatecznego wykrywania (46%) oraz niewielkiej skuteczno艣ci leczenia (8,5%) nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, a tak偶e na pogarszanie si臋 sytuacji, szczeg贸lnie w ma艂ych miastach i na wsi. Realizuj膮c piln膮 potrzeb臋 wprowadzania kompleksowych dzia艂a艅 na rzecz skutecznej prewencji nadci艣nienia, Oddzia艂 Gda艅ski PTNT opracowa艂 i wdro偶y艂, na podstawie sprawdzonych wzor贸w szwedzkich, tak zwany Program Sopocki (SOPKARD). Program ma charakter us艂ugowy i badawczy. Jego celem jest poprawa wykrywania i skuteczno艣ci leczenia nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, cukrzycy i hipercholesterolemii. Co roku na badania w Sopocie zapraszani s膮 wszyscy mieszka艅cy ko艅cz膮cy w danym roku kalendarzowym 40 i 50 lat. Projekt realizuj膮 piel臋gniarki i lekarze podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej we wsp贸艂pracy z Akademi膮 Medyczn膮 w Gda艅sku, Pomorsk膮 Kas膮 Chorych i samorz膮dem lokalnym. Program ma charakter pilotowy dla innych miast Pomorza. Dzia艂ania edukacyjne z wykorzystaniem medi贸w i akcje pomiar贸w ci艣nienia obejmuj膮 wszystkich mieszka艅c贸w miasta. Badanie epidemiologiczne przeprowadzone przed rozpocz臋ciem programu jednoznacznie potwierdzi艂o celowo艣膰 i potencjaln膮 op艂acalno艣膰 tego typu dzia艂a艅. W Sopocie, w grupie 50-latk贸w po艂owa pali papierosy, tylko dwie trzecie mieszka艅c贸w mierzy sobie ci艣nienie, u 45% stwierdzono nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze (kryterium 140/90 mm Hg), tylko 5% spo艣r贸d os贸b z nadci艣nieniem jest skutecznie leczonych; o cukrzycy wie 4%, podczas gdy u 13% mieszka艅c贸w glikemia na czczo wynosi powy偶ej 126 mg/dl. Zorganizowana we wrze艣niu bie偶膮cego roku w Sopocie konferencja z udzia艂em Minister Zdrowia Franciszki Cegielskiej, przedstawicieli Sejmu i Senatu RP, Kas Chorych oraz autorytet贸w medycznych i dziennikarzy mia艂a na celu zintegrowanie r贸偶nych 艣rodowisk w celu skutecznej prewencji chor贸b serca i naczy艅 w Polsce.Representative survey performed in 1997 in Poland showed still low awareness of hypertension (46%) and poor control ofhigh blood pressure (8.5%), with the worst situation in small towns and villages. To intensify preventive measures we have implemented a new preventive program in Sopot (small town nearby Gdansk) based on models worked out in Sweden. Its aim is to increase detection and control of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. It is also a pilot program for other cities in Gdansk region. The program (SOPKARD) is intended to provide service to the community of Sopot, and to yield valid research material. It is based on co-operation between primary health care, university authorities and health insurance companies. Estimated minimum duration is 10 years. SOPKARD is addressed to those Sopot inhabitants who within the period 1999-2009 will reach the age of 40 and 50 years. The representative survey performed to measure the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among citizens of Sopot fully confirmed the necessity of such programs. In the group of 50-year-old inhabitants, half of them smoked cigarettes, only two thirds were aware of their blood pressure level, 45% were hypertensives (criterion 140/90 mm Hg). Among hypertensive subjects, only in 5% blood pressure was well controlled. Fasting blood glu- cose > 126 mg/dl was found in 13% of respondents, and only 4% declared to have diabetes. The aim of the conference, which inaugurated the program, was to develop an agreement between medical experts, journalists and representatives from different political groups to improve control ofcardiovascular diseases in our region and in Poland

    校褉芯泻懈 锌芯谢褜褋泻芯谐芯 锌褍褌懈 褌褉邪薪褋褎芯褉屑邪褑懈泄

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    The article compares the characteristics of state and market-driven coordination. It derives from them the need to return to capitalism. The author describes the role of the state in the process of market liberalization of the centrally planned economy, the dilemmas of state modernization, the problems emerging from the overstressed dynamics of the transition to the market. Against this background, the main features of Polish transformation have been described and the mistakes made have been identified. The author also answers the question of whether the choice of an alternative model of capitalism was possible than that proposed by the Washington consensus. The author postulates the use of the conclusions of the critical analysis of the Polish way of transformation in the new wave of reform of the economy and the functioning of the public sector in Poland.W artykule por贸wnano cechy koordynacji kierowanej przez pa艅stwo i rynkowej. Wywodzi si臋 z nich konieczno艣膰 powrotu do kapitalizmu. Autor opisuje rol臋 pa艅stwa w procesie urynkowienia nieprywatnej gospodarki centralnie planowanej, dylematy modernizacji pa艅stwa, problemy wy艂aniaj膮ce si臋 ze zbyt forsownej dynamiki przej艣cia do rynku. Na tym tle wskazuje na g艂贸wne cechy polskiej transformacji oraz pope艂nione b艂臋dy. Podj膮艂 r贸wnie偶 pr贸b臋 odpowiedzi na pytanie czy mo偶liwy by艂 wyb贸r alternatywnego wzorca kapitalizmu ni偶 postulowany przez konsensus waszyngto艅ski. Autor postuluje wykorzystanie wniosk贸w p艂yn膮cych z krytycznej analizy polskiej drogi transformacji w nowej fali reformowania gospodarki i funkcjonowania sektora publicznego w Polsce

    CCR: A combined cleaning and resampling algorithm for imbalanced data classification

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    Imbalanced data classification is one of the most widespread challenges in contemporary pattern recognition. Varying levels of imbalance may be observed in most real datasets, affecting the performance of classification algorithms. Particularly, high levels of imbalance make serious difficulties, often requiring the use of specially designed methods. In such cases the most important issue is often to properly detect minority examples, but at the same time the performance on the majority class cannot be neglected. In this paper we describe a novel resampling technique focused on proper detection of minority examples in a two-class imbalanced data task. The proposed method combines cleaning the decision border around minority objects with guided synthetic oversampling. Results of the conducted experimental study indicate that the proposed algorithm usually outperforms the conventional oversampling approaches, especially when the detection of minority examples is considered

    Lessons from the Polish way of transformation

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    The article compares the characteristics of state and market-driven coordination. It derives from them the need to return to capitalism. The author describes the role of the state in the process of market liberalization of the centrally planned economy, the dilemmas of state modernization, the problems emerging from the overstressed dynamics of the transition to the market. Against this background, the main features of Polish transformation have been described and the mistakes made have been identified. The author also answers the question of whether the choice of an alternative model of capitalism was possible than that proposed by the Washington consensus. The author postulates the use of the conclusions of the critical analysis of the Polish way of transformation in the new wave of reform of the economy and the functioning of the public sector in Poland.W artykule por贸wnano cechy koordynacji kierowanej przez pa艅stwo i rynkowej. Wywodzi si臋 z nich konieczno艣膰 powrotu do kapitalizmu. Autor opisuje rol臋 pa艅stwa w procesie urynkowienia nieprywatnej gospodarki centralnie planowanej, dylematy modernizacji pa艅stwa, problemy wy艂aniaj膮ce si臋 ze zbyt forsownej dynamiki przej艣cia do rynku. Na tym tle wskazuje na g艂贸wne cechy polskiej transformacji oraz pope艂nione b艂臋dy. Podj膮艂 r贸wnie偶 pr贸b臋 odpowiedzi na pytanie czy mo偶liwy by艂 wyb贸r alternatywnego wzorca kapitalizmu ni偶 postulowany przez konsensus waszyngto艅ski. Autor postuluje wykorzystanie wniosk贸w p艂yn膮cych z krytycznej analizy polskiej drogi transformacji w nowej fali reformowania gospodarki i funkcjonowania sektora publicznego w Polsce

    Hirshfeld atom refinement of metal-organic frameworks for accurate positioning of hydrogen atoms and disorder analysis

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    The application of Hirshfeld atom refinement (HAR) fragmentation method is demonstrated for the refinement of metal-organic framework (MOF) crystal structures. The presented method enables anisotropic refinement of imidazolate hydrogen atoms, as well as complex analysis of solvent disorder within MOF pores. The data used were derived from standard resolution in-house single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, demonstrating that high quality structural analysis of MOFs no longer requires access to neutron or synchrotron facilities