75 research outputs found

    MicroRNA expression profiles in liver and colon of sexually immature gilts after exposure to Fusarium mycotoxins

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    To improve our knowledge of the role of microRNAs (miRs) in responses of the porcine digestive system to two Fusarium mycotoxins, zearalenone (ZEN) and deoxynivalenol (DON), we examined the expression of 7 miRs (miR-9, miR-15a, miR-21, miR-34a, miR-122, miR-125b, and miR-192), previously found to be deregulated in diseased liver and colon cells. In this study, immature gilts were exposed to NOEL doses of ZEN (40 μg/kg/d), DON (12 μg/kg/d), ZEN+DON (40+12 μg/kg/d), and placebo (negative control group) for 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days. Before the treatment, expression levels of the selected miRs were measured in the liver, the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ascending and the descending colon of the gilts. Hierarchical clustering of the tissues by their miR expression profiles was consistent with what would be expected based on the anatomical locations and the physiological functions of the organs, suggesting that functions of the miRs are related to the specificities of the tissues in which they are expressed. A subset of 2 pairs of miRs (miR-21+miR-192 and miR-15a+miR-34a), which were assigned to two distinct clusters based on their tissue abundance, was then evaluated in the liver and the ascending and the descending colon during the treatment. The most meaningful results were obtained from the ascending colon, where a significant effect of the treatment was observed, suggesting that during the exposure to mycotoxins, the pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival were disordered. Changes in miR expression in the liver and the descending colon of the treated gilts were smaller, and were associated more with treatment duration than the exposure to ZEN, DON, or ZEN+DON. Further research should focus on identification of genes whose expression is regulated by these aberrantly expressed miRs. This should facilitate understanding of the miRNA-regulated biological effects of mycotoxins

    Is callose a barrier for lead ions entering Lemna minor L. root cells?

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    Plants have developed a range of strategies for resisting environmental stresses. One of the most common is the synthesis and deposition of callose, which functions as a barrier against stress factor penetration. The aim of our study was to examine whether callose forms an efficient barrier against Pb penetration in the roots of Lemna minor L. exposed to this metal. The obtained results showed that Pb induced callose synthesis in L. minor roots, but it was not deposited regularly in all tissues and cells. Callose occurred mainly in the protoderm and in the centre of the root tip (procambial central cylinder). Moreover, continuous callose bands, which could form an efficient barrier for Pb penetration, were formed only in the newly formed and anticlinal cell walls (CWs); while in other CWs, callose formed only small clusters or incomplete bands. Such an arrangement of callose within root CWs inefficiently protected the protoplast from Pb penetration. As a result, Pb was commonly present inside the root cells. In the light of the results, the barrier role of callose against metal ion penetration appears to be less obvious than previously believed. It was indicated that induction of callose synthesis is not enough for a successful blockade of the stress factor penetration. Furthermore, it would appear that the pattern of callose distribution has an important role in this defence strategy

    Surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland — a report from a prospective, multi-centre observational study PSSO_01 conducted under the auspices of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology

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    Introduction. Since 2016, as part of the PSSO_01 multi-centre research project conducted under the auspices of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology, clinical data on rectal cancer treatment have been collected. The objective of the study was to illustrate the state of early results of surgical treatment. Material and methods. The research project is multi-centre in nature. Data shall be collected electronically. The study protocol does not impose or suggest any course of procedure. It only systematizes the way data are collected for scientific purposes. The analysis of early results of surgical treatment was compared with the results of population studies from other European countries (Netherlands, Belgium). Results. By the end of June 2018, 736 patients were registered in the study. In 399 (54.2%) an anterior resection was performed. More than half of patients undergoing subsequent surgical treatment (54.2%) receive neoadjuvant treatment, with the percentage of patients undergoing radiotherapy or radiochemical treatment for lower rectal cancer being about 70%. Most patients (96%) are operated in elective procedure. The percentage of laparoscopic surgeries is low (8.6%). Postoperative complications are observed in 21.1% of patients. Severe complications (grades III–V according to Clavien-Dindo classification) occur in 7.6% of patients undergoing surgery. Postoperative mortality is 1.1%. Discussion. Although the project does not have the character of a registry and does not allow for drawing wider conclusions concerning the compliance with the standards of qualification for neoadjuvant treatment, the important information is that more than half of rectal cancer patients receive preoperative treatment, and the percentage of severe postoperative complications does not exceed 10%. Conclusions. The results of the PSSO_01 project are representative and reflect the actual situation concerning surgical treatment of rectal cancer patients in Poland

    The surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland. The findings of a multi-center observational study by the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology (PSSO-01)

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    Introduction. PSSO-01, a Polish prospective multi-center project on rectal cancer, started in 2016 with participation on a voluntary basis. This study evaluates the early outcome of the surgical treatment of rectal cancer in Poland according to hospital volume. Material and methods. The dataset derives from 17 clinical centers registered in the PSSO-01 study. From 2016 to 2020, the data of 1,607 patients were collected. Taking into account the number of patients enrolled in the study, the centers were divided into three categories: high volume, medium volume, and low volume. Nominal variables were compared between different categories of centers using the chi-square test. The STROBE guidelines were used to guarantee the reporting of this observational study. Results. More patients with metastatic disease were operated on in the low volume centers (p = 0.020). Neoadjuvant treatment was used in 35%, 52%, and 66% of patients operated on in low, medium, and high volume centers respectively (p < 0.001). Laparoscopic resection in medium volume centers was performed more often than in other centers (p < 0.001). The total rate of postoperative complications related to high, medium, and low centers was 22%, 26%, 18% (p = 0.044). One year following surgery, a stoma was present in 63% of patients. A defunctioning stoma following anterior resection was reversed in only 55% of patients. Anastomotic leakage was the main reason for a non-reversal diverting stoma. Conclusions. The representation of low volume centers in the PSSO-01 study was understated. However, the outcomes may show the actual situation of surgical treatment of rectal cancer in high and medium volume centers in Poland

    Differential information in large games with strategic complementarities

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    We study equilibrium in large games of strategic complementarities (GSC) with differential information. We define an appropriate notion of distributional Bayesian Nash equilibrium and prove its existence. Furthermore, we characterize order-theoretic properties of the equilibrium set, provide monotone comparative statics for ordered perturbations of the space of games, and provide explicit algorithms for computing extremal equilibria. We complement the paper with new results on the existence of Bayesian Nash equilibrium in the sense of Balder and Rustichini (J Econ Theory 62(2):385–393, 1994) or Kim and Yannelis (J Econ Theory 77(2):330–353, 1997) for large GSC and provide an analogous characterization of the equilibrium set as in the case of distributional Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Finally, we apply our results to riot games, beauty contests, and common value auctions. In all cases, standard existence and comparative statics tools in the theory of supermodular games for finite numbers of agents do not apply in general, and new constructions are required

    Leczenie chirurgiczne raka odbytnicy w Polsce — raport z prospektywnego, wieloośrodkowego badania obserwacyjnego PSSO_01 prowadzonego pod auspicjami Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej

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    Wstęp. Od 2016 roku w ramach wieloośrodkowego projektu badawczego PSSO_01 prowadzonego pod auspicjami Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej, gromadzone są dane kliniczne dotyczące leczenia raka odbytnicy. Celem pracy było zobrazowanie stanu dotyczącego wczesnych wyników leczenia chirurgicznego. Materiał i metody. Projekt badawczy ma charakter wieloośrodkowy. Dane gromadzone są elektronicznie. Protokół badania nie narzuca ani nie sugeruje żadnego sposobu postępowania, systematyzuje jedynie sposób zbierania danych w celach naukowych. Analiza dotycząca wczesnych wyników leczenia chirurgicznego została porównana z rezultatami populacyjnych badań z innych krajów europejskich (Holandia, Belgia). Wyniki. Do końca czerwca 2018 roku w badaniu zarejestrowano 736 chorych. U 399 (54,2%) wykonano resekcję przednią. Leczenie neoadiuwantowe otrzymała ponad połowa chorych, poddanych następnie leczeniu operacyjne­mu (54,2%), przy czym odsetek pacjentów poddanych radio- bądź radiochemioterapii z powodu raka dolnej części odbytnicy wyniósł około 70%. Większość chorych (96%) operowana była w trybie planowym. Odsetek operacji wykonanych techniką laparoskopową jest niski (8,6%). Powikłania pooperacyjne zaobserwowano u 21,1% chorych. Ciężkie powikłania (III–V st. wg klasyfikacji Claviena-Dindo) sięgały 7,6% operowanych chorych. Śmiertelność po­operacyjna wyniosła 1,1%. Dyskusja. Chociaż projekt nie ma charakteru rejestru i nie pozwala na wyciągniecie szerszych wniosków dotyczących przestrzegania standardów kwalifikacji do leczenia neoadiuwantowego, istotną informacją jest to, że ponad połowa chorych na raka odbytnicy otrzymuje leczenie przedoperacyjne, a odsetek ciężkich powikłań pooperacyjnych nie przekracza 10%. Wnioski. Wyniki projektu PSSO_01 są reprezentatywne i odzwierciedlają faktyczną sytuację dotyczącą leczenia chirurgicznego chorych na raka odbytnicy w Polsce

    The effect of pre-incubation of Allium cepa L. roots in the ATH-rich extract on Pb uptake and localization

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    The positive influence of anthocyanin (ATH) on toxic metal-treated plant material is well documented; however, it is still not explained if it is caused by changes in element absorption and distribution. Therefore, detailed analysis of the effect of the ATH-rich extract from red cabbage leaves on Pb uptake and localization at morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural level was the goal of this study. Two-day-old adventitious roots of Allium cepa L. (cv. Polanowska) were treated for 2 h with the aqueous solution of Pb(NO3)2 at the concentration of 100 μM with or without preliminary incubation in the anthocyanin-rich extract from Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata rubra leaves (250 μM, 3 h). The red cabbage extract did not change the total Pb uptake but it enhanced the translocation of accumulated metal from roots to shoots. Within the pretreated roots, more Pb was deposited in their basal part and definitely smaller amount of the metal was bound in the apoplast of the outer layers of cortex cells. The ultrastructural analysis (transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis) revealed that the ATH-rich extract lowered the number of Pb deposits in intracellular spaces, cell wall and cytoplasm of root meristematic cells as well as in such organelles important to cell metabolism as mitochondria, plastids and nucleus. The Pb deposits were preferably localised in those vacuoles where ATH also occurred. This sequestration of Pb in vacuoles is probably responsible for reduction of metal cytotoxicity and consequently could lead to better plant growth.This work was supported by the grant of the University of Lodz, no. 505/04038

    Effect of light colour on the quality of tulips forcing by plus 5 degrees Celsius method

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    Cebule czterech odmian tulipanów pędzono przy sztucznym świetle, pod lampami jarzeniowymi typu TLD emitującymi światło białe, niebieskie, czerwone, żółte i zielone. Natężenie napromienienia kwantowego wynosiło 12,5 i 25 μmol·m⁻²·s⁻¹. Długość dnia odpowiednio 6 i 12 godzin. Istotny wpływ na jakość tulipanów zaobserwowano przy wysokim natężeniu napromienienia kwantowego i długim dniu. Tulipany pędzone przy świetle czerwonym miały najdłuęsze pędy, o największej masie i najbardziej okazałych kwiatach. Światło niebieskie wpłynęło na poprawę sztywności łodyg i liści.Four cultivars of tulips were forced in artificial light using fluorescent lamps TLD types, which emitted white, blue, red, yellow and green light. Quantum irradiance was determined on 12.5 and 25 μmol·m⁻²·s⁻¹. Daylength was 6 and 12-hour respectively. Significant influence on the quality of tulips was observed under high quantum irradiance and long day. Tulips forced under red light have the highest shoots, the greatest weight and flowers. The blue light improved stems and leaves rigidity

    Some Structure-Sensitive Properties of NaCl:Ni2+\text{}^{2+} Crystals

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    The effect of thermal treatment upon the yield strength and some optical absorption parameters were investigated for NaCl crystals containing different amount of divalent nickel. It has been shown that the main changes of the structure-sensitive characteristics occur in two temperature ranges. In the low-temperature range (room temperature-473 K) the yield strength of crystals does change drastically whereas the optical parameters of annealed samples become similar to those characteristic of as-received crystals. On the other hand, the high-temperature annealings (473-673 K) mainly affect the optical characteristics remaining the mechanical ones - more or less similar to those typical of the solution treated state. Some correlations of these effects with the morphology of possible nickel clusters have been shortly discussed