31 research outputs found

    Calculation accuracy of safe course made good in an anticollision system

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    The article presents an accuracy analysis of calculation made by aMultiagent Decision-Support System (MADSS) of navigation. On the basis of messages received from Universal Ship-borne AIS system (Automatic Identification System) the system calculates the parameters of vessels’ encounter and works out the parameters of own vessel’s movement (course or speed), which lead to passing other objects according to a set CPA (Closest Point of Approach)

    Inference processes in the automatic communication system for autonomous vessels

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    The era of autonomous ships has already begun in maritime transport. The 30-year forecast for the development of marine technologies predicts many autonomous vessels at sea. This will necessitate radical implementation of new intelligent maritime navigation systems. One of the intelligent systems that has to be implemented is a collision avoidance system. The inference process is a key element of autonomous manoeuvres. These authors propose an inference process that enables exchange of information, intentions and expectations between autonomous vessels and gives them an opportunity to negotiate a safe manoeuvre satisfying all the parties concerned. The model of inference in the communication process has been presented. Methods and algorithms for information exchange and negotiation have been developed. These models were implemented and tested under various conditions. The results of case studies indicate that it is possible to effectively communicate and negotiate used the developed method. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented approach over 30 random simulations have been carried out. After successful laboratory tests, over 100 scenarios were executed in quasi-real conditions and fully operational conditions. Tests were carried out in the center of the Foundation for the Safety of Navigation and Environmental Protection on Lake Silm in Iława, Poland. In the framework of project AVAL (Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look) POIR.04.01.04-00-0025-16,  82 random scenarios involving four vessels were performed and 60 random scenarios with two vessels. In 2020 tests were carried out in real conditions on the ferries Wolin and m/f Gryf. The communication and negotiation system presented in the article has been designed and developed specially for maritime navigation purposes. The authors believe that the presented solution can be one of various solutions implemented in autonomous shipping in the near future

    Navigation Decision Supporting System (NAVDEC) — Testing In Real Condition

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    The known navigational systems in use and methods of navigational decision support perform information functions and as such are helpful in the process of safe conduct of a vessel. However, none of these known systems provides a navigator with ready solutions of collision situations taking account of all the vessels in the proximity of own ship, where the Collision Regulations apply. This paper presents testing results of NAVDEC — new Navigational Decision Supporting System created by research team from Szczecin Maritime University both for ocean going ships and pleasure crafts Tests were carried out in real condition on board container vessel. Testing results were presented on example encounter situation between Hammonia Berolina (own ship) and FR8 Fortitude (target ship). Encounter parameters were compared with data received from Full mission simulator

    Analiza statystyczna zmian kursów i prędkości obiektów śledzonych przez radar dla potrzeb wielomodelowej filtracji neuronowej

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    The accuracy of calculating the parameters of another vessel movement and the consequent accuracy of determined ship encounter parameters is of key importance for collision avoidance and navigational safety. It is also essential to promptly detect a manoeuvre of another vessel, or target, especially where such manoeuvre cannot be detected by other methods, e.g. due to restricted visibility. Therefore, research in this field aims at improvement of radar target tracking methods.Dokładność obliczenia parametrów ruchu obiektu obcego, a co za tym idzie, dokładność określenia parametrów spotkania statków ma kluczowe znaczenie z punktu widzenia unikania kolizji i bezpieczeństwa nawigacji. Istotna jest również szybkość wykrycia manewru obiektu obcego, zwłaszcza w sytuacji, gdy nie można tego manewru wykryć innymi metodami, np. z powodu ograniczonej widzialności. Prowadzone badania mają na celu udoskonalenie metod śledzenia obiektów radarowych

    Analysis of Possible Avoidance of the Collision Between M/V Gotland Carilina and M/V Conti Harmony

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    The paper presents the results of collision situation simulations concerning the m/v Gotland Carolina and the m/v Conti Harmony. The simulation aimed at analyzing the causes of the collision and generating manoeuvres that would have resulted in the two ships passing each other. The analysis was made with the use of a Navigational Decision Support System (NDSS). The data to be supplied to NDSS are collected from a variety of sources of navigational information. Then they are processed by specialized computing algorithms and presented to the operator on a display in the alphanumeric and graphic forms. The data on the specific navigational situation from the Danish Maritime Administration (DMA) were used for the generation of signals transmitted to NDSS

    Analysis of navigational data availability on the basis of m/s Nawigator XXI

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    W celu poprawnego opracowania systemu wspomagania decyzji nawigatora należy na etapie projektowania określić informacje, na których podstawie decyzja będzie wypracowywana. Artykuł w pierwszej części prezentuje wymagania dotyczące obowiązkowego wyposażenia statków morskich w systemy i urządzenia nawigacyjne, a w drugiej - szczegółową analizę dostępnych informacji nawigacyjnych na przykładzie statku m/s Nawigator XXI.In order to devise a navigator's decision support system correctly, information should be specified, on stage of projecting, on basis of which the decision shall be worked out. The article presents requirements concerning obligatory ship equipment in navigational systems and devices, and the second part presents the detailed analysis of accessible navigational information on example of the m/s Nawigator XXI

    Inference processes in the automatic communication system for autonomous vessels

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    The era of autonomous ships has already begun in maritime transport. The 30-year forecast for the development of marine technologies predicts many autonomous vessels at sea. This will necessitate radical implementation of new intelligent maritime navigation systems. One of the intelligent systems that has to be implemented is a collision avoidance system. The inference process is a key element of autonomous manoeuvres. These authors propose an inference process that enables exchange of information, intentions and expectations between autonomous vessels and gives them an opportunity to negotiate a safe manoeuvre satisfying all the parties concerned. The model of inference in the communication process has been presented. Methods and algorithms for information exchange and negotiation have been developed. These models were implemented and tested under various conditions. The results of case studies indicate that it is possible to effectively communicate and negotiate used the developed method. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented approach over 30 random simulations have been carried out. After successful laboratory tests, over 100 scenarios were executed in quasi-real conditions and fully operational conditions. Tests were carried out in the center of the Foundation for the Safety of Navigation and Environmental Protection on Lake Silm in Iława, Poland. In the framework of project AVAL (Autonomous Vessel with an Air Look) POIR.04.01.04-00-0025-16, 82 random scenarios involving four vessels were performed and 60 random scenarios with two vessels. In 2020 tests were carried out in real conditions on the ferries Wolin and m/f Gryf. The communication and negotiation system presented in the article has been designed and developed specially for maritime navigation purposes. The authors believe that the presented solution can be one of various solutions implemented in autonomous shipping in the near future

    Fundamental principles of passage planning for autonomous vessels

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    This article aims to depict the fundamentals of passage planning and route management for an autonomous vessels (AV). It presents a derivation of such a voyage passage plan, its step-by-step analysis, and a comparison to its conventional equivalent. This passage plan consists of four major parts: dock and harbour, en route, approach, and mooring stages. The whole activity of passage planning itself may be divided into the following stages: appraisal, planning, execution, and monitoring. The paper concludes with an overview of potential future applications and use of mentioned content

    E-Lerning Platform for GMDSS Vocational Trainiing

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    An article presents foundation of Internet based GMDSS course. It has been elaborated by group of partners from 10 European countries. Maritime University of Szczecin is one of the them. Work has been commenced within a project 'E-Learning system for GMDSS VET' numbered 142173-LPP-1-2008-1-SI-LEONARDO-LMP under framework of European Union Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The article presents the results of current works

    Określenie pierwszeństwa drogi statków żaglowych dla potrzeb nawigacyjnego systemu wspomagania decyzji

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    The determination of sailing ship’s behavior accounting for the Collision Regulations plays an essential part in the choice of a decision procedure and the verification of its effect in navigational decision support systems. One of the basic aims of such systems is to provide procedures defining the direction of course alterations and/or speed accounting for the regulations in force. There are a number of publications on the subject. Based on the performed analysis of the collision regulations and on navigators’ and sailors’ knowledge the authors have developed an anti-collision algorithm for close quarters situations in the open sea in good visibility.Określenie sposobu zachowania się statku żaglowego z uwagi na przepisy prawa drogi odgrywa istotną rolę przy wyborze procedury decyzyjnej oraz weryfikacji wyniku jej działania w nawigacyjnych systemach wspomagania decyzji. Zasadniczym celem jest opracowanie procedur określających kierunek zmian kursu lub/i prędkości z uwzględnieniem obowiązujących przepisów. Istnieje szereg publikacji dotyczących tego zagadnienia. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy przepisów MPDM oraz w oparciu o wiedzę nawigatorów i żeglarzy opracowano algorytm manewru antykolizyjnego dla sytuacji spotkań statków żaglowych na akwenach otwartych w warunkach dobrej widzialności