11 research outputs found

    Working on eye-level: The Kinzigtal-way to produce value and health gain—some insights into the cooperation of health, nursing and social services

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    Located in Southwest Germany, Gesundes Kinzigtal develops a fully integrated health care over all sectors of care for the population of the region on a shared gain contract with two statutory health insurers which cover nearly half of the population. It is run by a regional health management company in cooperation with a physicians’ network and a health sciences based health care management company. Having started in 2006 the more effective trans-sector organisation of the local health care system and increased investments in well-designed preventive and health promotion programmes have led to a reduction in morbidity and mortality. The results for one of the insurers show a substantial morbidity adjusted efficiency gain already for the years 2007–2010, rising to more than 16% of total costs. The workshop will share insights into some of the interventions, which were most effective, and discusses the challenges which had to be overcome. A key-word seems to be to produce an “eye-level paradigm of management” between doctors and patients as well as betweeen all the health professions and between management and providers. More information can be found on www.optimedis.de and www.gesundes-kinzigtal.de and on the evaluation (in German and English) www.ekiv.or

    Erratum: Antihistone properties of C1 esterase inhibitor protect against lung injury (Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2017) 196 (186–199) DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201604-0712OC)

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    The authors wish to inform the readers that there is an error in their article published in the July 15, 2017 issue of AJRCCM (1). It was brought to their attention that they had inadvertently duplicated a representative image in Figure 2F (B1 2/2B2 2/2 mice, Bleomycin 1 Veh) in Figure 6A (wild-type mice, Bleomycin 1 Veh). A revised version of Figure 6A is published here with the correct Bleomycin 1 Veh panel (Figure 2F, which is unchanged, is also included for comparison). These corrections do not affect the interpretation of the data or the conclusions of the paper. The authors deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused