5 research outputs found
Changes in the source and transport mechanism of terrigenous input to the Indian sector of southern ocean during the late quaternary and its palaeoceanographic implications
Changes in the terrigenous sediment source and transport mechanisms during the late Quaternary
have been investigated using four sediment cores within the Indian sector of Southern Ocean,
using the magnetic susceptibility (MS) and sedimentological records. Sediments deposited during
the Holocene and other interglacial periods were characterised by low MS, low sand content,
reduced ice-rafted detritus (IRD) input and increased illite possibly transported via hydrographic
advection from the south. The glacial intervals are characterised by high MS, high sand content,
increased IRD input and reduced illite clays, derived from both local as well as Antarctic sources.
Significant reduction in clay fraction and illite content during glacials suggests that the erosive
and transporting capabilities of the deep and bottom waters could have reduced compared to the
interglacial times. The changes in terrigenous influx to this region were significantly influenced by
the rhythmic glacial–interglacial fluctuations in bottom circulation and the position of the Polar