30 research outputs found

    Saponin-Based, Biological-Active Surfactants from Plants

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    Plants have the ability to synthesize almost unlimited number of substances. In many cases, these chemicals serve in plant defense mechanisms against microorganisms, insects, and herbivores. Generally, any part of the plant may contain the various active ingredients. Among the plant, active compounds are saponins, which are traditionally used as natural detergents. The name ‘saponin’ comes from the Latin word ‘sapo,’ which means ‘soap’ as saponins show the unique properties of foaming and emulsifying agents. Steroidal and triterpenoid saponins can be used in many industrial applications, from the preparation of steroid hormones in the pharmaceutical industry to utilization as food additives that exploit their non‐ionic surfactant properties. Saponins also exhibit different biological activities. This chapter has been prepared by participants of the Marie Sklodowska‐Curie Action—Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) in the framework of the proposal ‘ECOSAPONIN.’ Interactions between the participants, including chemists, physicists, technologists, microbiologists and botanists from four countries, will contribute to the development of collaborative ties and further promote research and development in the area of saponins in Europe and China. Although this chapter cannot provide a comprehensive account of the state of knowledge regarding plant saponins, we hope that it will help make saponins the focus of ongoing international cooperation

    Enzymatic Conversion of Sugar Beet Pulp: A Comparison of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation and Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation for Lactic Acid Production

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    U radu je ispitana učinkovitost proizvodnje mliječne kiseline tehnikama odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije, te istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije pulpe šećerne trske, nusprodukta proizvodnje šećera. Pulpa šećerne trske hidrolizirana je s pomoću pet komercijalnih enzima, te je proveden niz pokusa na tresilici s pet odabranih sojeva bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja. Postignuti su različiti prinosi ukupnih reducirajućih šećera, ovisno o aktivnosti enzima prilikom razgradnje glavnih sastojaka pulpe. Najveći prinos nakon hidrolize i najmanji talog dobiveni su primjenom mješavine komercijalnih enzima Viscozyme® i Ultraflo® Max u omjeru 1:1. U postupku odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije bakterije mliječno-kiselog vrenja iskoristile su samo dio ugljikohidrata oslobođenih enzimskom hidrolizom za rast. U postupku se istodobne saharifikacije i fermentacije pri maloj dozi enzima smanjila akumulacija šećera. Smanjila se i opasnost od kataboličke represije ugljikom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je istodobna saharifikacija i fermentacija bolja od tehnike odvojene hidrolize i fermentacije, između ostalog i zbog manjih troškova i većeg prinosa. Prinos mliječne kiseline dobiven istodobnom saharifikacijom i fermentacijom (oko 30 g/L) bio je 80-90 % veći nego onaj dobiven odvojenom hidrolizom i fermentacijom.This study compares the efficiency of lactic acid production by separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of sugar beet pulp, a byproduct of industrial sugar production. In experiments, sugar beet pulp was hydrolyzed using five commercial enzymes. A series of shake flask fermentations were conducted using five selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The differences in the activities of the enzymes for degrading the principal sugar beet pulp components were reflected in the different yields of total reducing sugars. The highest yields after hydrolysis and the lowest quantities of insoluble residues were obtained using a mixture (1:1) of Viscozyme® and Ultraflo® Max. In the SHF process, only a portion of the soluble sugars released by the enzymes from the sugar beet pulp was assimilated by the LAB strains. In SSF, low enzyme loads led to reduction in the efficiency of sugar accumulation. The risk of carbon catabolic repression was reduced. Our results suggest that SSF has advantages over SHF, including lower processing costs and higher productivity. Lactic acid yield in SSF mode (approx. 30 g/L) was 80–90 % higher than that in SHF

    Ocena aktywnosci kwasnej proteazy asparaginowej szczepow Candida wyizolowanych z jamy ustnej u pacjentow z podwyzszonym ryzykiem zakazenia grzybami

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    We have evaluated the activity of acid aspartic protease in 195 strains of Candida isolated from the oral cavity of three groups of patients. The first group comprised patients with cancer of the larynx qualified for surgery, the second- patients with neoplastic disease (Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma, acute granulocytic leukaemia, lymphatic leukaemia, lung cancer, multiple myeloma, stomach cancer, breast cancer) who were not treated, the third group- patients with neoplastic diseases treated by chemotherapy. The strains of fungi were differentiated using API 20C and Api 20C AUX tests according to the protocol adopted at the Department of Medical Parasitology and Biology, Medical University of Łódż. The activity of acid protease was studied by Staib method in Rózga modification. Almost all strains showed high and very high proteolytic activity. The rang of proteolysis zone of Candida strains from the three groups of patients varied from 2,5 to 12,5 mm. We have found the mean proteolytic zones of strains isolated from groups Iand III differed statistically significantly (p<0,001). Similarly, statisticall sihnificant difference was seen between these parameters for groups II and III (p<0,05), while there was no difference between strains from group I and II

    Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Sugar Beet Pulp with Mixed Bacterial Cultures for Lactic Acid and Propylene Glycol Production

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    Research into fermentative production of lactic acid from agricultural by-products has recently concentrated on the direct conversion of biomass, whereby pure sugars are replaced with inexpensive feedstock in the process of lactic acid production. In our studies, for the first time, the source of carbon used is sugar beet pulp, generated as a by-product of industrial sugar production. In this paper, we focus on the simultaneous saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass and fermentation of lactic acid, using mixed cultures with complementary assimilation profiles. Lactic acid is one of the primary platform chemicals, and can be used to synthesize a wide variety of useful products, including green propylene glycol. A series of controlled batch fermentations was conducted under various conditions, including pretreatment with enzymatic hydrolysis. Inoculation was performed in two sequential stages, to avoid carbon catabolite repression. Biologically-synthesized lactic acid was catalytically reduced to propylene glycol over 5% Ru/C. The highest lactic acid yield was obtained with mixed cultures. The yield of propylene glycol from the biological lactic acid was similar to that obtained with a water solution of pure lactic acid. Our results show that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation enables generation of lactic acid, suitable for further chemical transformations, from agricultural residues

    CO Oxidation over Pd Catalyst Supported on Porous TiO2 Prepared by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) of a Ti Metallic Carrier

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    A porous TiO2 layer was prepared with the plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of Ti. In a further step, Pd was deposited on the TiO2 surface layer using the adsorption method. The activity of the Pd/TiO2/Ti catalyst was investigated during the oxidation of CO to CO2 in a mixture of air with 5% CO. The structure of the catalytic active layer was studied using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The PEO process provided a porous TiO2 layer with a uniform thickness in the range of 5&ndash;10 &micro;m, which is desirable for the production of Pd-supported catalysts. A TOF-SIMS analysis showed the formation of Pd nanoparticles after the adsorption treatment. The conversion of CO to CO2 in all samples was achieved at 150&ndash;280 &deg;C, depending on the concentration of Pd. The composition of Pd/ TiO2/Ti was determined using ICP-MS. The optimum concentration of Pd on the surface of the catalyst was approximately 0.14% wt. This concentration was obtained when a 0.4% PdCl2 solution was used in the adsorption process. Increasing the concentration of PdCl2 did not lead to a further improvement in the activity of Pd/ TiO2/Ti

    Concept for Recycling Waste Biomass from the Sugar Industry for Chemical and Biotechnological Purposes

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    The objective of this study was to develop a method for the thermally-assisted acidic hydrolysis of waste biomass from the sugar industry (sugar beet pulp and leaves) for chemical and biotechnological purposes. The distillates, containing furfural, can be catalytically reduced directly into furfurayl alcohol or tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol. The sugars present in the hydrolysates can be converted by lactic bacteria into lactic acid, which, by catalytic reduction, leads to propylene glycol. The sugars may also be utilized by microorganisms in the process of cell proliferation, and the biomass obtained used as a protein supplement in animal feed. Our study also considered the effects of the mode and length of preservation (fresh, ensilage, and drying) on the yields of furfural and monosaccharides. The yield of furfural in the distillates was measured using gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The content of monosaccharides in the hydrolysates was measured spectrophotometrically using enzymatic kits. Biomass preserved under all tested conditions produced high yields of furfural, comparable to those for fresh material. Long-term storage of ensiled waste biomass did not result in loss of furfural productivity. However, there were significant reductions in the amounts of monosaccharides in the hydrolysates