13 research outputs found

    Protection Against Phishing Attacks on Social Networks with Use of Selected Machine Learning

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    Nowadays, many interactions between people have moved to the Internet, mainly to social media. Due to the huge amount of data, hackers target social media by carrying out cyber-attacks, especially phishing. It focuses on tricking the victim into clicking a link and then providing private information or installing malware on the victim\u27s computer. Phishing attacks are becoming more and more difficult to recognize every year. Therefore, there is a need to support humans in this difficult task and machine learning can be used for this purpose. The paper analyzes the works on phishing recognition by humans and artificial intelligence. Then, the new AlexPhish algorithm for classifying phishing URLs was presented, along with a proposal for its implementation on social media platforms. It is trained on the “Web page phishing detection” dataset and achieves an accuracy of 94.53%

    Efficiency of maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic system under variable solar irradiance

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    Field conditions decrease the energy output of photovoltaic (PV) systems, mainly due to excessive temperatures. However, in regions with moderate ambient temperatures, as in Poland, solar energy is commonly delivered with highly fluctuating irradiance. This introduces yet another source of energy losses due to the non-ideal tracking of actual position of Maximum Power Point (MPP). Majority of PV-systems are equipped with DC/AC and grid-connected inverter. Since the solar energy flux is variable, an adequate MPP-tracking algorithm is required to handle a wide range of load levels and face rapid changes of input power. Along with the essential DC/AC conversion, the quality of MPP-tracking must also be taken into account in evaluation of inverter efficiency. The tracking in dynamic conditions has been addressed only recently. Several algorithms has been studied theoretically, experimentally or in laboratory conditions by applying artificial input test-patterns. This work takes the opposite approach by applying the recorded real-life solar irradiance and simulating the tracking behavior to study the problem for true field conditions in Poland. The simulation uses the unique high-quality irradiance data collected with 200 ms time resolution. The calculation of both static and dynamic MPP-tracking efficiency has been performed for representative variable-cloudy day, applying commonly used Perturb&Observe tracking algorithm

    Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine — a novel approach of combining comprehensiveness, coordination, innovation and pro-quality measures for improving diagnosis, treatment, patient care, and the advancement of medical science

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      W Polsce, podobnie jak w innych krajach europejskich, obserwuje się ciągły wzrost zapotrzebowa­nia na świadczenia zdrowotne w zakresie chorób krwi. Na to zjawisko składa się nie tylko obser­wowana od kilkudziesięciu lat zwiększona zapadalność na nowotwory układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego, ale również dynamiczny rozwój metod diagnostycznych i leczniczych, jaki się dokonał w ostatnim czasie. Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii jest referencyjną jednostką naukowo­-kliniczną prowadzącą badania naukowe i translacyjne w dziedzinie hematologii, transfuzjologii i dyscyplin pokrewnych oraz udziela świadczeń medycznych w tym zakresie. Instytut to nowoczesny ośrodek krajowy, w którym stawia się na skoordynowane leczenie i nowe technologie medyczne. W działalności medycznej personel kieruje się zasadą wielospecjalistycznego podejścia, co oznacza udział wszystkich niezbędnych specjalistów na etapie rozpoznawania i określania zaawansowania choroby, a także leczenia i prowadzenia rehabilitacji oraz obserwacji po leczeniu. Kompleksowe postępowanie zapewnia możliwość uzyskania najlepszych wyników terapii. Skoordynowana opieka medyczna, jaką swoim Pacjentom oferuje Instytut, przekłada się przede wszystkim na szybszy i lep­szy efekt medyczny. Dla osiągnięcia tego celu ważne są interoperacyjność i autentyczna współpraca między poszczególnymi jednostkami diagnostycznymi i medycznymi, a także innymi ośrodkami prowadzącymi leczenie specjalistyczne. Oprócz standardowych metod diagnostyki i leczenia Insty­tut oferuje możliwość wysokospecjalistycznego i nowatorskiego leczenia celowanego molekularnie, a także uczestnictwo w międzynarodowych badaniach klinicznych z zastosowaniem nowatorskich i eksperymentalnych sposobów leczenia chorych na nowotwory układów krwiotwórczego i chłonnego. Prowadzone przez Instytut badania naukowe zaowocowały możliwością stosowania nowoczesnych technik immunologicznych i genetycznych we wszystkich wymagających takich technologii proce­sach diagnostyczno-leczniczych. Procesy te są zadaniem złożonym i interdyscyplinarnym; dotyczą nie tylko prawidłowego rozpoznania choroby, ale również oceny markerów prognostyczno-predykcyj­nych, wczesnej diagnostyki i prewencji powikłań, doboru dawców i biorców przeszczepów komórek krwiotwórczych, a także oceny głębokości remisji. We współpracy z innymi podmiotami w kraju i za granicą Instytut uczestniczy w programie kompleksowego i skoordynowanego zachowania rozrodczości u kobiet chorych na nowotwory poddawanych chemio- i radioterapii. Przez ostatnie lata Instytut prowadził działania inwestycyjne, które pozwoliły wyposażyć poszczególne pracownie w innowacyjną aparaturę i specjalistyczne urządzenia. Dzięki specjalistycznym zasobom kadrowym, doświadczeniu hematopatologów oraz wspierającemu ich zespołowi biologów i biotechnologów Instytut dysponuje niezbędnym know-how do skutecznego wdrażania i komercjalizacji wyników badań naukowych. Dynamiczny rozwój tej dziedziny działalności prowadzi do powstawania inno­wacyjnych produktów tworzonych w ramach Krajowych Inteligentnych Specjalizacji. Taka sytuacja buduje przewagę konkurencyjną Instytutu w zakresie innowacyjnych technologii medycznych — nie tylko na poziomie krajowym, ale też na arenie międzynarodowej.    Like in all European countries, Poland has witnessed a continuing rise in healthcare services needed for treating hematological disease. Not only have morbidity rates increased in myeloid and lymphoid malignancies but, in parallel, a dynamic development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic treatments has occurred in recent times. The Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine constitutes a reference centre in Poland committed to delivering scientific-clinical excel­lence where it undertakes scientific studies and translational research in hematology, transfusion medicine and related disciplines along with providing healthcare services in such fields. This is a modern medical centre focused on coordinating and integrating treatment using new medical technologies. A multidisciplinary strategy to medicine ensures that all necessary specialists are engaged in disease diagnoses and also for defining disease progression stages together with actual treatment, subsequent rehabilitation and follow-up monitoring. By adopting this comprehensive approach, optimal therapeutic solutions are thereby achieved; patients receive coordinated medi­cal healthcare, which above all else, results in faster and more effective treatments. In order to achieve such aims, it is vital that all diagnostic and medical units collaborate, including with those from other medical centres whenever added specialist treatment is required. In addition to standard diagnostics and treatment, the Institute provides highly specialised and innovative treat­ments that are molecularly targeted, as well as the opportunity of participating in international clinical trials, where innovative and experimental therapies are used on patients with myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. Such trials have enabled the Institute to apply modern immunological and genetic technologies to diagnoses-treatment. Performing such procedures requires a complex and multidisciplinary approach, not just for ensuring correct diagnoses, but for also assessing prognostic-predictive disease markers, making the diagnoses early, preventing complications, selecting appropriate donor-recipients for hematopoietic cell transplants and evaluating the extent of remission. In collaboration with other national centres and those abroad, the Institute is also engaged in complex and coordinated programmes devoted to preserving women’s fertility for those suffering from cancer and who are treated with chemo/radio-therapy. Over recent years, the Insti­tute has invested in furnishing individual laboratories with the latest equipment and specialised instrumentation. Because of its highly specialist staff, the wide experience of hematopathologists and the supporting teams of biologists and biotechnologists, the Institute has at its disposition the vital ‘know-how’ thereby allowing developments from scientific studies to become successfully im­plemented and commercialised. The dynamic rise in this area has driven the creation of innovative products under the National Smart Specialisation initiative; this giving the Institute a competitive advantage in developing new medical technologies, at both country and international levels

    Evaluation of the impact of atmospheric pressure in different seasons on blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Objectives: Atmospheric pressure is the most objective weather factor because regardless of if outdoors or indoors it affects all objects in the same way. The majority of previous studies have used the average daily values of atmospheric pressure in a bioclimatic analysis and have found no correlation with blood pressure changes. The main objective of our research was to assess the relationship between atmospheric pressure recorded with a frequency of 1 measurement per minute and the results of 24-h blood pressure monitoring in patients with treated hypertension in different seasons in the moderate climate of the City of Łódź (Poland). Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 1662 patients, divided into 2 equal groups (due to a lower and higher average value of atmospheric pressure). Comparisons between blood pressure values in the 2 groups were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: We observed a significant difference in blood pressure recorded during the lower and higher range of atmospheric pressure: on the days of the spring months systolic (p = 0.043) and diastolic (p = 0.005) blood pressure, and at nights of the winter months systolic blood pressure (p = 0.013). Conclusions: A significant inverse relationship between atmospheric pressure and blood pressure during the spring days and, only for systolic blood pressure, during winter nights was observed. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(5):783–79

    Using Solar Energy for Charging Electric Vehicles in Poland – a case study

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    The recent advancements in the fields of electric propulsion and battery technology have made possible the implementation of all-electric transport within the coming decades. However, the widespread use of electric cars could seriously threaten the existing capabilities of energy generation and the load of the utility grid. This work investigates the use of solar energy for producing energy for transportation locally, using energy buffering and minimizing grid energy transfers. A case-study of an electric car and dedicated PV-system is investigated for the duration of a full year in Polish climatic conditions

    Data Processing in Cloud Computing Model on the Example of Salesforce Cloud

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    Data processing is integrated with every aspect of operation enterprises—from accounting to marketing and communication internal and control of production processes. The best place to store the information is a properly prepared data center. There are a lot of providers of cloud computing and methods of data storage and processing. Every business must do the right thing, which is to think over how the data at your disposal are to be managed. The main purpose of this paper is research and the comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model. The cloud in SaaS (software as a service) model—Salesforce.com and a free platform development offered by Salesforce.com—force.com were used to perform the research. The paper presents the analysis results of available methods of processing and storing data outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model on the example of Salesforce cloud. Salesforce.com offers several benefits, but each service provider offers different services, systems, products, and forms of data protection. The choice of customer depends on individual needs and business plans for the future. A comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model was presented. On the basis of collected results, it was determined for what purposes the data processing methods available on the platform are suitable and how they can meet the needs of enterprises

    Medical Data Transformations in Healthcare Systems with the Use of Natural Language Processing Algorithms

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    Machine learning has only recently begun to see its application in medicine and is still facing quite a few challenges that prevent it from being more widely used. Problems such as high data dimensionality and the lack of a common data schema still remain relevant. It is worth examining the usage of machine learning in the context of healthcare and deploying selected machine learning algorithms on the problem of cardiovascular disease diagnosis. Cardiovascular diseases are currently the most common cause of death in the world. Many of them develop for a long time in an asymptomatic way, and when the first symptoms become visible, it is often too late to implement effective treatment. For this reason, it is important to carry out regular diagnostic tests that will allow you to detect a given disease at an early stage. It is then possible to implement appropriate treatment that will prevent the occurrence of an advanced form of the disease. While doing so, it attempts to analyse data from different sources and utilizing natural language processing to combat data heterogeneity. The paper assesses the efficiency of various approaches of machine learning (i.e., TR-SVM (Terminated Ramp–Support Vector Machine), TWNFI (Transductive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference), Naive Bayes) when applied in the healthcare field and proposes the solutions to the problem of plain text data transformation and data heterogeneity with the help of natural language processing. The algorithms used for diagnosis were implemented, tested and their performance compared, with their parameters also investigated, making it easier to choose an algorithm better suited for a specific case. Whereas TRSVM is better suited for smaller datasets with a high amount of dimensions, TWNFI performs better on larger ones and does not have the performance problems

    Data Processing in Cloud Computing Model on the Example of Salesforce Cloud

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    Data processing is integrated with every aspect of operation enterprises—from accounting to marketing and communication internal and control of production processes. The best place to store the information is a properly prepared data center. There are a lot of providers of cloud computing and methods of data storage and processing. Every business must do the right thing, which is to think over how the data at your disposal are to be managed. The main purpose of this paper is research and the comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model. The cloud in SaaS (software as a service) model—Salesforce.com and a free platform development offered by Salesforce.com—force.com were used to perform the research. The paper presents the analysis results of available methods of processing and storing data outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model on the example of Salesforce cloud. Salesforce.com offers several benefits, but each service provider offers different services, systems, products, and forms of data protection. The choice of customer depends on individual needs and business plans for the future. A comparison of available methods of data processing and storage outside the enterprise in the cloud computing model was presented. On the basis of collected results, it was determined for what purposes the data processing methods available on the platform are suitable and how they can meet the needs of enterprises

    Selected Genetic Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problem Solving

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    The traveling salesman problem (TSP) consists of finding the shortest way between cities, which passes through all cities and returns to the starting point, given the distance between cities. The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is the issue of defining the assumptions and limitations in mapping routes for vehicles performing certain operational activities. It is a major problem in logistics transportation. In specific areas of business, where transportation can be perceived as added value to the product, it is estimated that its optimization can lower costs up to 25% in total. The economic benefits for more open markets are a key point for VRP. This paper discusses the metaheuristics usage for solving the vehicle routing problem with special attention toward Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Metaheuristic algorithms are selected to solve the vehicle routing problem, where GA is implemented as our primary metaheuristic algorithm. GA belongs to the evolutionary algorithm (EA) family, which works on a “survival of the fittest” mechanism. This paper presents the idea of implementing different genetic operators, modified for usage with the VRP, and performs experiments to determine the best combination of genetic operators for solving the VRP and to find optimal solutions for large-scale real-life examples of the VRP

    Graphical user interface development for windows scripting

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    Background: The computer software engineering market provides the developers with the multitude of various solutions: programming languages, platforms and frameworks to choose among. For automation of operating system administrative tasks (e.g. file manipulation, gluing applications, quick prototyping) the common choice is usually a scripting language (e.g. Bash, Perl, Tel, JScript) Motivation: It was identified that the standard Windows Script Host (WSH) for Microsoft Windows lacks a standardized and satisfactory technology for featuring its scripts with the functional graphical user interface. This recognition of the gap in Windows scripting led to the idea of providing the means of easy and robust definition of graphical user interface for scripting tasks in Windows environment (JScript / VBScript). Project: The aforesaid investigation led to the creation of the language/framework which provides the developers, experienced in windows scripting, with a tool to create standalone applications in the manner similar to creating desktop widgets or web pages. The description of an application user interface with the proposed language consist of an XML file binding script actions with tags corresponding to window control widgets from .NET Windows Forms library