7 research outputs found

    Influence of social networking websites on medical school and residency selection process

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    Background Social networking (SN) has become ubiquitous in modern culture. The potential consequences of revealing personal information through SN websites are not fully understood. Objective To assess familiarity with, usage of, and attitudes towards, SN websites by admissions offices at US medical schools and residency programmes. Methods A 26-question survey was distributed in autumn 2009 to 130 US medical school admissions officers and 4926 residency programme directors accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Results A total of 600 surveys were completed, with 46 (8%) respondents who self-identified as reviewing only medical school applications, 511 (85%) who reported reviewing residency programme applications and 43 (7%) who reported reviewing both. 90/600 (15%) medical schools or programmes maintain profiles on SN websites and 381/600 (64%) respondents reported being somewhat or very familiar with searching individual profiles on SN websites. While a minority of medical schools and residency programmes routinely use SN websites in the selection process (53/600; 9%), more than half of respondents felt that unprofessional information on applicants’ SN websites could compromise their admission into medical school or residency (315/600; 53%). Conclusions SN websites will affect selection of medical students and residents. Formal guidelines for professional behaviour on SN websites might help applicants avoid unforeseen bias in the selection process

    Mobile Learning Module Improves Knowledge of Medical Shock for Forward Surgical Team Members

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    Acute trauma care is characterized by dynamic situations that require adequate preparation to ensure success for military health professionals. The use of mobile learning in this environment can provide a solution that standardizes education and replaces traditional didactic lectures. A comparative evaluation with a pre-post test design regarding medical shock was delivered via either a didactic lecture or a mobile learning video module to U.S. Army Forward Surgical Team (FST) members. Participants completed a pretest, were randomly assigned to treatment group by FST, and then completed the post-test and scenario assessment. One-hundred and thirteen FST members participated with 53 in the mobile learning group and 60 in the lecture group (control). The percent mean score for the mobile learning group increased from 43.6 to 70 from pretest to post-test, with a scenario mean score of M = 56.2. The percent mean score for the control group increased from 41.5 to 72.5, with a scenario mean score of M = 59.7. The two-way analysis of variance mean score difference was 26.4 for the mobile learning group and 31.0 for the control, F = 2.18, (p = 0.14). Mobile learning modules, coupled with a structured assessment, have the potential to improve educational experiences in civilian and military settings

    Use of mobile learning module improves skills in chest tube insertion

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    Just-In-Time Learning is a concept increasingly applied to medical education, and its efficacy must be evaluated. A 3-minute video on chest tube insertion was produced. Consenting participants were assigned to either the video group, which viewed the video on an Apple® iPod Touch immediately before chest tube insertion, or the control group, which received no instruction. Every participant filled out a questionnaire regarding prior chest tube experience. A trained clinician observed participants insert a chest tube on the TraumaMan® task simulator, and assessed performance using a 14-item skills checklist. Overall, 128 healthcare trainees participated, with 50% in the video group. Participants included residents (34.4%, n = 44), medical students (32.8%, n = 42), and U.S. Army Forward Surgical Team members (32.8%, n = 42). Sixty-nine percent of all participants responded that they had never placed a chest tube, but 7% had placed more than 20. Only 25% of the participants had previously used TraumaMan®. Subjects who viewed the video scored better on the skills checklist than the control group (11.09 ± 3.09 versus 7.17 ± 3.56, P < 0.001, Cohen's D = 1.16). Medical students (9.33 ± 2.65 versus 4.52 ± 3.64, P < 0.001), Forward Surgical Team members (10.07 ± 2.52 versus 8.57 ± 3.22, P < 0.001), anesthesia residents (8.25 ± 2.56 versus 5.9 ± 2.23, P = 0.017), and subjects who had placed fewer than 10 chest tubes (9.7 ± 3 versus 6.6 ± 3.9, P < 0.001) performed significantly better with the video. The procedural animation video is an effective medium for teaching procedural skills. Embedding the video on a mobile device, and allowing trainees to access it immediately before chest tube insertion, may enhance and standardize surgical education for civilians and military personnel

    Just-in-time learning is effective in helping first responders manage weapons of mass destruction events

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    Chemical, biologic, radiologic, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) incidents require specialized training. The low frequency of these events leads to significant skill decay among first responders. To address skill decay and lack of experience with these high-impact events, educational modules were developed for mobile devices to provide just-in-time training to first responders en route to a CBRNE event. This study assessed the efficacy and usability of the mobile training. Ninety first responders were randomized to a control or an intervention group. All participants completed a pretest to measure knowledge of CBRNE topics. The intervention group then viewed personal protective equipment and weapons of mass destruction field management videos as an overview. Both groups were briefed on a disaster scenario (chemical nerve agent, radiologic, or explosives) requiring them to triage, assess, and manage a patient. Intervention group participants watched a mobile training video corresponding to the scenario. The control group did not receive prescenario video training. Observers rated participant performance in each scenario. After completing the scenarios, all participants answered a cognitive posttest. Those in the intervention group also answered a questionnaire on their impressions of the training. The intervention group outperformed the control group in the explosives and chemical nerve agent scenarios; the differences were statistically significant (explosives, mean of 26.32 for intervention and 22.85 for control, p < 0.01; nerve agent, mean of 23.14 for intervention and 16.61 for control, p < 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the radiologic scenario (mean, 12.7 for intervention and 11.8 for control; p = 0.51). The change in pretest to posttest cognitive scores was significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group (t = 3.28, p < 0.05). Mobile just-in-time training improved first-responder knowledge of CBRNE events and is an effective tool in helping first responders manage simulated explosive and chemical agent scenarios. Therapeutic/care management study, level II

    Knowledge and usability of a trauma training system for general surgery residents

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    Resident work-hour restrictions challenge educators to supplement residents' surgical education. We evaluated a computer-based trauma surgery system's ability to increase residents' surgical knowledge. Modules on thoracic and abdominal surgical approaches were evaluated. Surgical residents with 1 or more years of experience completed the pretest, an interactive module, the post-test, and a usability survey. Fifteen participants completed both modules. Thoracic module pretest and post-test scores were 56 ± 11 (mean ± standard deviation) and 90 ± 10, respectively (P < .0001). Mean abdominal module scores were 48 ± 20 and 85 ± 14, respectively (P < .0001). The usability survey showed that 87% of participants would use these modules to supplement their trauma training, 93% could easily distinguish anatomic detail, and 100% thought that procedures were shown clearly. This novel computer-based trauma education training system improved residents' knowledge of anatomy, surgical incisions, exposures, and technique. As innovative didactic tools arise in postgraduate medical education, it is crucial to document their effects on educational processes, learning satisfaction, and knowledge outcomes

    Identifying Pitfalls in Chest Tube Insertion: Improving Teaching and Performance

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    Chest tube thoracostomies are common surgical procedures, but little is known about how practitioners learn the skill. This study evaluates the frequency with which correctly performed tasks are executed by subjects during chest tube thoracostomies. In this prospective study, we developed a mobile-learning module, containing stepwise multimedia guidance on chest tube insertion. Next, we developed and tested a 14-item checklist, modeled after key skills in the module. Participants, defined as “novice” (fewer than 10 chest tubes placed) or “expert” (10 or more placed), were assigned to either the video or control group. A trained clinician used the checklist to rate participants while they inserted a chest tube on a TraumaMan simulator. University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, a tertiary care academic institution. Current medical students, residents, and the United States Army Forward Surgical Team members rotating through the institution. One hundred twenty-eight subjects entered and finished the study. One hundred twenty-eight subjects enrolled in the study; 86 (67%) were residents or US Army Forward Surgical Team members, 66 (77%) were novices, and 20 (23%) were experts. Novices most frequently connected the tube to suction (91%), adequately dissected the soft tissue (82%), and scrubbed or anesthetized appropriately (80%). They least frequently completed full finger sweeps (33%), avoided the neurovascular bundle (35%), and performed a controlled pleural puncture (39%). Comparing the novice video group with the novice control group, the video group was more likely to correctly perform a finger sweep (42%, p<0.001) and clamp the distal end of the chest tube (42%, p<0.001). Of all the steps, experts least frequently completed full finger sweeps (70%) and avoided the neurovascular bundle (75%). Comparing the expert video group with the expert control group, the video group was more likely to correctly perform finger sweeps, the incision, and clamping the distal chest tube (20%, p = not significant). Avoiding the neurovascular bundle, controlled pleural entry, and finger sweeps are most often performed incorrectly among novices. This information can help instructors to emphasize key didactic steps, possibly easing trainees' learning curve