12 research outputs found

    Strongly coupled artificial bulk HTS grain boundaries with high critical current densities

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    A multi-seeding process has been developed to fabricate single Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) grains containing strong artificial grain boundaries. Multi-seeding of heterogeneous YBCO grains with controlled orientation was achieved using large Sm-Ba-Cu-O (SmBCO) single crystal seeds of rod-like geometry with slots of various widths (up to 13 mm) cut into their bottom surface (i.e. parallel to the c-axis of the seed) to produce a bridge-like structure. Several YBCO grains with artificial grain boundaries were fabricated from these seed crystals and used to investigate the effect of varying the distance between the individual grain nucleation sites and the grain orientation (in-plane and out of plane) on the nature of grain boundaries. The measured local magnetic critical current density (Jc) and the magnitude of the trapped field across these artificial grain boundaries indicate that seed alignment is a key parameter in achieving strongly-coupled grain boundaries in multi-seeded grains

    Large single grain (RE)-Ba-Cu-O superconductors with nano-phase inclusions

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    Nano-phase (5-20 nm) particles of YBa2(Cu0.5M 0.6)O6 [where M = Nb, Ta, Mo, W, Zr and Hf] have been introduced successfully into RE-Ba-Cu-O single grain superconductors. A study to enlarge the size of a single grain containing these particles has been carried out involving measurement of the growth rate as a function of YBa 2(Cu0.5M0.6)O6 phase concentration and degree of un-dercooling. The influence of the change in YBa2 (Cu0.8M0.5)O6 concentration on microstructural features is also investigated and the superconducting properties of these large grain superconductors are presented. © 2005 IEEE