4 research outputs found

    Essential oils rich in pulegone for insecticide purpose against legume bruchus species: Case of <i>Ziziphora hispanica</i> L. and <i>Mentha pulegium</i> L.

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    Ziziphora hispanica L. and Mentha pulegium L. are aromatic shrubs known to produce essential oils demanded by food industries. This study reports on the insecticidal activity of these two oils harvested in Khenifra (Morocco) and of its major compound (Pulegone) against the main legume bruchids. Chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of 33 compounds in the essential oil of Ziziphora hispanica (EOZH) and 24 compounds in the essential oil of Mentha pulegium (EOMP), with pulegone being the most dominant in both with percentages respectively of 79.1% and 63.8%. According to the insecticidal activities exerted, the two essential oils, as well as the pulegone, showed significant results against all the bruchids tested of legumes. Pulegone has shown good insecticidal activity, thus the lethal doses of 50% are between 61.6mg/g and 74.4mg/g, which explains the remarkable activity of the two essential oils which are rich in this molecule. moreover, the addition of essential oils in the storage of legumes does not have a significant effect on the legumes and does not diminish their nutritional qualities. This study indicates that essential oils and their main constituent have the potential to be developed into botanical insecticides

    Behaviour desorption study of the essential oil of Cedrus atlantica in a porous clay versus insecticidal activity against Sitophilus granarius: explanation of the phenomenon by statistical studies

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    Substances of natural origin and more particularly essential oils currently represent an alternative solution in the fight for the protection of stored foodstuffs. The way to use these essential oils and the storage conditions remain the main handicap in dealing with this subject. This article develops the use of porous supports as a medium for the study of the behavior of essential oils with respect to insecticidal activities. The process relates to the fixing and/or grafting of essential oils in porous clay media in a well-defined geometric form included in the storage methods. The study of transfers of the essential oil of Cedrus atlantica in a porous clay medium in the case of desorption was made by analytical and numerical models of diffusion process, to know the behavior of the oil and to determine some physical parameters (diffusivity Dz, activation energy Ea, evaporation rate F and constant of evaporation K) which explain the mechanisms involved and to try to exploit them in parallel with the insecticidal activities against of Sitophilus granarius the main cereal pest by statistical approaches such as: design of experiments and principal component analysis

    Behaviour desorption study of the essential oil of

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    Substances of natural origin and more particularly essential oils currently represent an alternative solution in the fight for the protection of stored foodstuffs. The way to use these essential oils and the storage conditions remain the main handicap in dealing with this subject. This article develops the use of porous supports as a medium for the study of the behavior of essential oils with respect to insecticidal activities. The process relates to the fixing and/or grafting of essential oils in porous clay media in a well-defined geometric form included in the storage methods. The study of transfers of the essential oil of Cedrus atlantica in a porous clay medium in the case of desorption was made by analytical and numerical models of diffusion process, to know the behavior of the oil and to determine some physical parameters (diffusivity Dz, activation energy Ea, evaporation rate F and constant of evaporation K) which explain the mechanisms involved and to try to exploit them in parallel with the insecticidal activities against of Sitophilus granarius the main cereal pest by statistical approaches such as: design of experiments and principal component analysis