65 research outputs found

    Round-Up¼ Ready Spring Wheat: Its Potential Short-Term Impacts on U.S. Wheat Exports Markets and Prices*

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    This report examines potential impacts on export markets and prices from commercializing GMO hard red spring wheat in the U.S. within the next two to six years. GMO crop technology offers possible large benefits to consumers in the future, if plant-breeding concepts in the development stage materialize. For the short run, however, there is much evidence suggesting that the majority of foreign consumers have serious reservations about purchasing food products made from GMO wheat.

    Grain Handling Services in Iowa Elevators - Availability, Charges and Plans for Expansion

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    As the shift to field shelling continues in Iowa, the demand for commercial grain drying and handling facilities will increase. In January 1968, a survery was taken of licensed grain handling firms in the state. Questions were asked about present receiving and drying facilities, storage capacity, charges for seervices, and plans for expansion. This article summarizes the findings

    Update on Major Genetic Food Developments Since September 15

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    Several developments in October and early November add uncertainty to the future demand prospects for genetically modified crops. In mid-November, about 50 members of the U.S. Congress introduced a bill that would require U.S. food to be identified with a genetic origin label if one or more ingredients has 0.1% or more of genetically modified material. That is an even closer tolerance level than EU\u27 s one percent. Also, Japan\u27s three futures markets indicate they plan to offer two separate types of soybean futures contracts starting in April of 2000: non-GMO and GMO contracts. Reports from Reuter News Service, a major and widely respected international news service, indicated last month that some Japanese processors were paying premiums of 40 to 50 cents and 50 to 60 cents per bushel, respectively, for non-GMO com and soybeans. Brazil has extended its ban on planting of GMO soybeans for at least three years, and has substantially tightened penalties for planting such soybeans. Penalties include destroying the crop

    Evolution of the Demand for Non-GMO Corn and Soybeans

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    When ISU had a GMO conference on the ICN in late April this year, the key issue was a regulatory-related one: what to do with the few GMO corn events that had not been approved by the European Union (EU). As the 1999 harvest season approaches, the issue has shifted from one centered on a foreign government regulatory process to one of consumer acceptance. Currently, the portion of demand that is emerging as actual or potential non-GMO is the direct human-food and beverage market abroad, and the domestic corn processing market. Market conditions for non-GMO and GMO grain are highly fluid. Demand-related developments have progressed rapidly in the past two and one-half months, as indicated by the sequence of events below

    1968 Farm Outlook - Higher Receipts Expected, But Costs to Rise, Also

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    Present forecasts indicate 1968 net farm income will be close to that in 1967. Cash receipts should go up, but rising costs will offset most of the income gain
