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    Epidemiological studies have documented the incidence of injuries in female gymnasts . In comparison to other sports, the incidence of injury in gymnastics is high relative to other sports. One epidemiology study prompted the author to state that "...women's gymnastics should he recognized as a hazardous sport." To understand the etiology 01 injury, researchers have identified injuries by sites, types and/or events (floor, uneven bars, vault, and balance beam). Dismounts, considered an element 01 all events, have drawn attention as an injury mechanism. Studies have shown he dismount, especially when gymnasts attempt to "stick" their lauding, to be a major component of the incidence of injury. This study investigated ground reaction forces in the dismount from the balance beam under two styles (stick and roll-out of the landing). Attenuation of relatively high impact forces through modification of landing may be used, at minimum, in practices to reduce the exposure to gymnasts to this physical contraindication. Subjects were 23 female gymnasts who ranged in age (118 to 201 months, mean=158.8, SD=23.7) and level (5 to 10). Each subject was asked to perform two types of dismounts (roundoff and barani) from a balance beam and to land each dismount with two the different styles onto a mot adhered to a force platform. AU subjects had ground reaction forces for both styles of the roundoff. and 14 subjects had ground reaction forces for both styles of the barani dismount. Table 1 contains a summary of the ground reaction forces as a percentage of body weight. Our results indicate that vertical ground reaction forces are significantly reduced by rolling out of the landing


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    INTRODUCTION • Epidemiological studies have documented the incidence of injuries in female gymnasts. In comparison to other sports, the incidence of injury in gymnastics is high. One epidemiological study prompted the author to state that "...women's gymnastics should be recognized as a hazardous sport." To understand the etiology of injury, researchers have identified these by sites on he body, types of injuries, and/or events (f1oor, uneven bars, vault, and balance beam) in which they occurred. Dismounts, considered an element of all events, have drawn attention as an injury mechanism. Studies have shown the dismount, especially when gymnasts attempt to "stick" their landing, to be a major component of the incidence of injury. This study investigated ground reaction forces (medial-lateral, anterior-posterior, and vertical) in salto dismounts from the balance beam under two styles (stick and roll-out) of landing. The subjects ware 6 female gymnasts ranging in age from 131 to 184 months and in skill level from 7 to 10. RESULTS -Ground reaction forces were recorded for both styles of dismount for 4 subjects in the back salto, 2 subjects in the front salto, and 2 subjects in the cartwheel back salto. Table 1 contains a summary of the ground reaction forces normalized in units of body weight. The results indicate that, by rolling out of the landing, vertical ground reaction forces are substantially reduced for all types of salto dismounts investigated. CONCLUSION -Attenuation of relatively high impact forces through modification of landing may be used, at minimum, in practices 10 reduce the exposure of gymnasts to this physical contraindication