15 research outputs found

    Proteomic alterations in early stage cervical cancer

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    Laser capture microdissection (LCM) allows the capture of cell types or welldefined structures in tissue. We compared in a semi-quantitative way the proteomes from an equivalent of 8,000 tumor cells from patients with squamous cell cervical cancer (SCC, n = 22) with healthy epithelial and stromal cells obtained from normal cervical tissue (n = 13). Proteins were enzymatically digested into peptides which were measured by high-resolution mass spectrometry and analyzed by "all-ornothing" analysis, Bonferroni, and Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing. By comparing LCM cell type preparations, 31 proteins were exclusively found in early stage cervical cancer (n = 11) when compared with healthy epithelium and stroma, based on criteria that address specificity in a restrictive "all-or-nothing" way. By Bonferroni correction for multiple testing, 30 proteins were significantly up-regulated between early stage cervical cancer and healthy control, including six members of the MCM protein family. MCM proteins are involved in DNA repair and expected to be participating in the early stage of cancer. After a less stringent Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple testing, we found that the abundances of 319 proteins were significantly different between early stage cervical cancer and healthy controls. Four proteins were confirmed in digests of whole tissue lysates by Parallel Reaction

    Lack of telomerase RNA gene hTERC expression in alternative lengthening of telomeres cells is associated with methylation of the hTERC promoter

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    The immortal phenotype of most human cancers is attributable to telomerase expression. However, a number of immortal cell lines and tumors achieve telomere maintenance in the absence of telomerase via alternative mechanisms known as ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres). Here we show that the promoter of the telomerase RNA gene (hTERC) is methylated in three of five ALT cell lines and is associated with a total absence of hTERC expression in the three lines. Treatment with 5-azacytidine in combination with trichostatin A resulted in partial demethylation of the hTERC promoter and expression of the gene. Partial methylation was detected in tumors (5%) and in immortal cell lines (27%). Cell lines with partial methylation express hTERC. Only in ALT cell lines does there appear to be a strong correlation between hTERC promoter hypermethylation and lack of hTERC expression

    Telomerase in (pre)neoplastic cervical disease

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    This study was performed to determine upregulation of the human telomerase RNA component (hTR) and mRNA of the catalytic subunit of telomerase (hTERT) in (pre)malignant cervical lesions, to analyze possible intralesional heterogeneity of hTR expression, and to relate hTR and hTERT mRNA levels to telomerase activity levels and human papillomavirus (HPV) typing. hTR expression was determined by in situ hybridization (ISH) on paraffin-embedded sections, obtained from patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I-III or cervical cancer and from normal controls. hTR and hTERT mRNA expression were determined by semiquantitative rt-PCR on frozen samples from the same lesions. Data on telomerase activity and HPV were obtained from a previous study. hTR expression as determined by ISH was observed in 0 of 8 normal cervices, 1 of 14 CIN I, 15 of 28 CIN II, 21 of 30 CIN III, and 16 of 18 cervical cancer specimens. In general, hybridization patterns for hTR expression were homogeneous throughout the lesion. Frequency of hTR expression was related to grade of CIN/cervical cancer (P < .001). hTR expression, as determined by rt-PCR, was detected in 8 of 8 normal cervices, 2 of 2 CIN I, 12 of 14 CIN II, 23 of 23 CIN III, and 16 of 17 cervical cancer specimens. hTERT mRNA was detected in 1 of 8 normal cervices, 1 of 2 CIN I, 5 of 14 CIN II, 14 of 23 CIN III, and 11 of 17 cervical cancer specimens. hTR as determined by rt-PCR was not related to grade of CIN/cervical cancer, whereas hTERT mRNA expression was related to grade of CIN/cervical cancer (P < .01). hTR expression, as determined by ISH and hTERT mRNA expression by rt-PCR, were related to telomerase activity levels (P < .001, P < .05, respectively) and presence of oncogenic types of HPV (both P < .05). Our data show frequent upregulation of hTR and hTERT mRNA expression in CIN lesions, which appear to occur earlier than induction of telomerase activity. The fact that semiquantitative hTERT mRNA as well as hTR levels are related to telomerase activity levels illustrates that in (pre)malignant cervical lesions upregulation of both telomerase components may be important for functional telomerase. HUM PATHOL 31:1304-1312

    Detecting cervical cancer by quantitative promoter hypermethylation assay on cervical scrapings: A feasibility study

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    Current morphology-based cervical cancer screening is associated with significant false-positive and false-negative results. Tumor suppressor gene hypermethylation is frequently present in cervical cancer. It is unknown whether a cervical scraping reflects the methylation status of the underlying epithelium, and it is therefore unclear whether quantitative hypermethylation specific PCR (QMSP) on cervical scrapings could be used as a future screening method augmenting the current approach. Cervical scrapings and paired fresh frozen cervical tissue samples were obtained from 53 cervical cancer patients and 45 controls. All scrapings were morphologically scored and analyzed with QMSP for the genes APC, DAPK, MGMT, and GSTP1. To adjust for DNA input, hypermethylation ratios were calculated against DNA levels of a reference gene. Hypermethylation ratios of paired fresh frozen tissue samples and scrapings of cervical cancer patients and controls were strongly related (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.80 for APC, 0.98 for DAPK, and 0.83 for MGMT; P <0.001). More cervical cancer patients than controls were DAPK positive (P <0.001). When cutoff levels for ratios were defined to be above the highest ratio observed in controls, QMSP in cervical scrapings identified 32 (67%) of 48 cervical cancer patients. This feasibility study demonstrates that QMSP on cervical scrapings holds promise as a new diagnostic tool for cervical cancer. The addition of more genes specifically methylated in cervical cancer will further improve the assay

    Detecting cervical cancer by quantitative promoter hypermethylation assay on cervical scrapings:A feasibility study

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    Current morphology-based cervical cancer screening is associated with significant false-positive and false-negative results. Tumor suppressor gene hypermethylation is frequently present in cervical cancer. It is unknown whether a cervical scraping reflects the methylation status of the underlying epithelium, and it is therefore unclear whether quantitative hypermethylation specific PCR (QMSP) on cervical scrapings could be used as a future screening method augmenting the current approach. Cervical scrapings and paired fresh frozen cervical tissue samples were obtained from 53 cervical cancer patients and 45 controls. All scrapings were morphologically scored and analyzed with QMSP for the genes APC, DAPK, MGMT, and GSTP1. To adjust for DNA input, hypermethylation ratios were calculated against DNA levels of a reference gene. Hypermethylation ratios of paired fresh frozen tissue samples and scrapings of cervical cancer patients and controls were strongly related (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.80 for APC, 0.98 for DAPK, and 0.83 for MGMT; P <0.001). More cervical cancer patients than controls were DAPK positive (P <0.001). When cutoff levels for ratios were defined to be above the highest ratio observed in controls, QMSP in cervical scrapings identified 32 (67%) of 48 cervical cancer patients. This feasibility study demonstrates that QMSP on cervical scrapings holds promise as a new diagnostic tool for cervical cancer. The addition of more genes specifically methylated in cervical cancer will further improve the assay