257 research outputs found
Muligheder og barrierer for brug af Ăžkologiske ingredienser i skolemadsordninger
The report considers the following aspects:
1. The arguments that two Danish municipalities mention in relation to using, or choosing not to use, organic ingredients in school meal systems.
2. The reasons for school meal companies to use, or not to use, organic ingredients in their production as well as the challenges they meet in relation to organic food.
In relation to analyzing how the municipalities organize the school meal systems, we include issues such as the most common arguments used to legitimize their choice of meal system, objectives, involvement of users, most relevant decision makers etc. In the case of school meal companies, the project includes an analysis of barriers such as economy, supply of organic ingredients, structural conditions, cooperation with municipalities etc
Perceptions of public relations in Australian Aboriginal community-controlled non-profit organisations
This thesis examines how staff working within Aboriginal community-controlled non-profit organisations (ACCOs) perceive and practice Public Relations (PR), and foregrounds how ACCO staff, in the role as the organisationsâ key communicators, can be seen as facilitating communicative processes of social change that lead to positive social outcomes within Australian Aboriginal communities. This relationship between PR and social change has been increasingly acknowledged in scholarship. Although most of the PR literature continues to focus on the management of communications between organisations and their publics, recent scholarship sheds light on PRâs influence on society and culture, and vice versa. This indicates PR is more than just a practical tool for an organisation. Rather, PR has the potential to be a much-needed voice for marginalised groups in society.
More specifically, this thesis explores PR in the non-corporate environments of the Indigenous sector in Perth, Western Australia. A selection of six ACCOs based in the metropolitan area of Perth represent the sample, and seven ACCO staff members participated in this research.
Drawing on a postcolonial theoretical framework and employing a qualitative research approach and Indigenous methodology, this thesis found that ACCOs predominantly practice PR-like activities in reactive ways on an ad hoc basis due to their limited communicative resources or lack of knowledge on how to integrate PR into their organisational structure. It was further established that short-term government funding programs challenge the ACCOsâ ability to budget for PR. A key finding was the importance of Aboriginal culture and kinship systems that must be factored in to understanding the ACCOsâ working environments and ways of communicating with members, communities and other stakeholders. This thesis calls for further research and development of theoretical frameworks embracing and extending the cultural diversity of PR practices. Moreover, it contends that there is a need to introduce culturally sensitive and sector-specific PR that sheds light on Indigenous contexts particularly within postcolonial societies, as PR holds the potential to give voice to and drive social change for minorities in our communities locally and abroad
Academic Writing Development of Masterâs Thesis Pair Writers: Negotiating Writing Identities and Strategies
This article provides insights into how writing a Masterâs thesis in pairs affects studentsâ development and identity construction as academic writers (Burgess & IvaniÄâs, 2010). Data consist of self-recorded dialogues between four pairs of Danish Masterâs thesis writers at the start, middle and end of their thesis writing process. Data were coded thematically using grounded theory methods (Charmaz, 2006) and the resulting empirically grounded themes informed a discourse analysis of the material (Laclau & Mouffe, 2001). The findings suggest that those writing a Masterâs thesis in pairs negotiate and assign largely fixed writing identities at an early stage that serve as a way of creating boundaries and building trust, allowing the students to write, provide feedback and revise text in shared documents. Each pair develops a set of writing strategies focused on setting and maintaining boundaries, thereby ensuring that the joint pair writer identity is not threatened. The article discusses how this strategy is embedded in a wider Masterâs thesis discourse that draws heavily on concepts such as autonomy and independence and thus might not lend itself easily to the articulation of a joint identity as a writing pair
NĂ„r kunstig intelligens bliver en del af vejledningsrummet
What happens to supervision, the students and the supervisors when artificial intelligence enters the supervision space? The use of generative language models (Large Language Models), such as ChatGPT, has rapidly become a part of the reality within educational institutions (Malmström et al., 2023). Generative AI represents an entirely new actor in the supervision process, potentially influencing not only the subject matter but also work processes and relationships. The supervision space is expanding with technology that necessitates a renegotiation of what we understand by terms like originality, writing, and plagiarism within an educational context (Dehouche, 2021; Anson, 2022). Simultaneously, the relational and interpersonal dimensions of supervision are also affected (Nordentoft et al., 2020) when texts, text feedback, and other communication between supervisors and students are entirely or partially generated by artificial intelligence. To navigate this expanded supervision space, supervisors must consciously and reflectively consider both their own and their students' range of actions, as well as the implications for the future of supervision.Abstract
Generativ kunstig intelligens (GAI) er en helt ny aktÞr i vejledningen, som potentielt pÄvirker bÄde vejledningens genstand, arbejdsprocesser og relationer. For vejledningsrummet udvides med en teknologi, der kalder pÄ en genforhandling af, hvad vi i en uddannelseskontekst forstÄr ved begreber som originalitet, skrivning og plagiat (Dehouche, 2021; Anson, 2022). Samtidig pÄvirkes ogsÄ den relationelle og interpersonelle dimension af vejledningen (Nordentoft et al., 2020) i det Þjeblik, hvor tekster, tekstfeedback og anden kommunikation mellem vejleder og vejledte helt eller delvist genereres af kunstig intelligens. For at kunne navigere i dette udvidede vejledningsrum mÄ vejledere forholde sig bevidst og reflekteret til egne og studerendes handlemuligheder - og til implikationerne for fremtidens vejledning
DUT Guide om akademisk skrivning
At kunne skrive er ikke bare en forudsÊtning for at kunne bestÄ eksamener pÄ videregÄende uddannelser, det er ogsÄ en metode til at lÊre sit fag og kunne gÄ i dialog med det. Alligevel er systematiske indsatser pÄ omrÄdet relativt sjÊldne pÄ danske videregÄende uddannelser. Det betyder, at den enkelte underviser kan opleve at stÄ alene med opgaven med at stÞtte de studerende i at opbygge de nÞdvendige skrivekompetencer.
PÄ baggrund af forskningslitteratur prÊsenterer artiklen ni tips til at understÞtte udviklingen af akademiske skrivekompetencer og lÊring henvendt til undervisere. Rammen er et undervisningsforlÞb, og tipsene kan ogsÄ bruges i vejledningen
ââNu siger jeg bare ikke noget selvâ â plagiatkontrolprogrammers oversete negative effekter pĂ„ universitetsuddannelserne
Hvilke konsekvenser har det for det overvÊldende flertal af helt almindelige studerende, som ikke plagierer, at universiteterne i dag anvender plagiatkontrolprogrammer og i det hele taget har et stort fokus pÄ plagiat
Group-based exercise in daily clinical practice to improve physical fitness in men with prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy:study protocol
INTRODUCTION: Level 1 evidence supports the use of supervised exercise to mitigate the adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in men with prostate cancer. The data, however, have been generated in controlled research settings and might not be transferable to daily clinical practice. This article describes the design of an ongoing prospective observational study to evaluate the potential benefits of exercise in daily clinical practice. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Men diagnosed with prostate cancer starting or already receiving ADT at our facility are invited to participate in a 12-week exercise programme implemented as the standard of care. Exclusion criteria are opioid-demanding treatment for skeletal pain, an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status above 2 or the inability to perform floor and machine exercises independently. The intervention consists of an initial educational session of 1Âœâ
hours followed by 12â
weeks of group-based supervised training two times a week. The focus of the exercise is progressive resistance training in combination with aerobic training. Participants are measured at baseline, after 12â
weeks and after 24â
weeks as part of the programme. Primary endpoints of this study are changes in physical fitness evaluated by the 30â
s Chair-Stand Test and Graded Cycling Test with Talk Test. Secondary endpoints include changes in quality of life, body composition and safety of exercise. Inclusion started in August 2014, with 169 participants being included by December 2015. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study has been reviewed by the Scientific Ethical Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (reference number H-3-2013-FSP39). The results of the study will be published in peer-reviewed international journals and will be presented at national and international conferences and symposiums. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT02631681; Pre-results
Mobilapplikationers potentiale til understĂžttelse af specialeprocessen
Med afsĂŠt i en case om udviklingen af en mobilapplikation til at understĂžtte specialestuderendes proces argumenterer artiklens forfattere for, at der eksisterer et stort og uudnyttet potentiale i forhold til at udvikle lĂŠringsunderstĂžttende apps til smartphones, ikke mindst nĂ„r det gĂŠlder lĂŠreprocesser, der foregĂ„r uden for skemalagte undervisningsforlĂžb pĂ„ universitetsuddannelserne, sĂ„som specialeforlĂžbet. En gennemgang af den pĂŠdagogiske litteratur om specialeprocessen skaber grundlag for at vie begreberne personalisering og motivation sĂŠrlig opmĂŠrksomhed i forhold til specialeapp-casen. Central to this article is the case of developing a mobile application to support the process of writing a Masterâs thesis. The authors argue for the existence of a large and unexploited potential in respect to developing academic learning apps for smartphones, especially apps supporting learning processes that do not take place within scheduled university courses, such as the process of writing the Masterâs thesis. A review of the pedagogical literature on this process serves as the basis for bestowing special attention to the concepts of customization and motivation in the case of the Masterâs thesis app
Udvikling af studerendes akademiske skrivekompetencer â en model for en indsats pĂ„ fakultetsniveau
I artiklen prÊsenteres en model for, hvordan den faglige ledelse pÄ enkeltuddannelser og den faglige ledelse pÄ tvÊrs af flere uddannelser (her konkret et helt fakultet) kan igangsÊtte arbejdet med udviklingen af de studerendes akademiske skrivekompetencer pÄ en mÄde, der bÄde er forankret i de enkelte faglige miljÞer og samtidig muliggÞr opsamling af erfaringer og behov pÄ tvÊrs af fag. Modellen er udviklet og afprÞvet i forbindelse med et projekt afviklet i efterÄret 2015 i samarbejde med samtlige syv institutter pÄ Aarhus BSS ved Aarhus Universitet. SÊrligt fremhÊves tre af modellens styrker: 1. Modellen faciliterer, at flere centrale faglige aktÞrer involveres i arbejdet med at understÞtte de studerendes skrivekompetencer, 2. Modellen giver indsigt i studerendes aktuelle udfordringer og behov pÄ tvÊrs af et fakultet (her i form af 354 skriftlige evalueringer) og 3. Modellen har vist potentiale til at motivere fagene til at fortsÊtte arbejdet med at understÞtte de studerendes skrivekompetencer pÄ egen hÄnd og tilfÞre nÞdvendig viden til dette fortsatte arbejde.
This article presents a model for initiating development of academic writing skills in a manner that is both embedded in the disciplines and makes it possible to gain insight into studentsâ experiences and needs across departments. The model is developed and tested in the fall 2015 with all 7 departments at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. Three of the models strengths are emphasized: 1. The model facilitates the involvement of central players regarding the task of supporting students writing skills, 2. The model enables insight into the challenges and needs of student writers across faculty (the form of 354 written evaluations) and 3. The model has shown potential to motivate departments to continue to focus on developing studentsâ writing skills
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