5 research outputs found

    Kajian timbulan sampah untuk menentukan produksi sampah rumah tangga dan evaluasi kapasitas TPS (studi kasus: kelurahan Jemmpong Baru-Mataram)

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    TPS is a temporary shelter of garbage before it is transported or disposed of to landfill. In order for TPS to accommodate garbage, it is necessary to know the volume of garbage to be served. This study aims to; firstly knowing the occurrence of household waste produced in the village of Jempong Baru, the second conducts an evaluation of the feasibility of TPS capacity to temporarily accommodate the waste produced based on the results of the study. The method used is descriptive method by conducting garbage survey based on SNI-19-3964-1994 and TPS capacity evaluation based on PERMEN PU RI No. 03/PRT/M/2013. From the results of the study obtained the emergence of household waste produced by the community in the village of Jempong Baru 6183 kg / day or 41907 liters / day equal to 41.9 m3 / day. Organic waste 3779 kg / day, plastic waste 572.5 kg / day, other non-organic waste 1775 kg / day. Then the results of measurement and evaluation of existing TPS with a capacity of 32 m3 with a waste ritasi one rate per day. So the existing TPS capacity is not enough to accommodate the volume of waste produced per day as much as 41.9 m3. The TPS capacity should be greater than the volume of waste produced. The results of this study are very useful to make improvements to the waste management system in Mataram city and especially in the village of Jempong Baru which is efficient and effective

    Peningkatan konduktivitas termal lemak sapi sebagai bahan PCM dengan menambahkan arang sekam padi

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    Phase change material (PCM) is a material that can absorb and store energy and can release it based on the principle of latent heat energy storage. Beef tallow is one of the materials that can be used as PCM but its low thermal conductivity is around 0.181 W/mK. Hence, thermal conductivity is considered an important factor in the conduction heat transfer.  This further affects kinetic absorption and heat release. However it is possible to increase the values by adding another material that has a high thermal conductivity. The purpose of this study is to elevate the thermal conductivity of beef tallow by adding rice husk char. This research involves direct incorporation method, where beef tallow is thawed and mixed with the rice husk char then stirred with a rotation of 100 rpm until the mixture becomes solid. Addition of rice husk char with weight fractions of 5 and 10% and grain size of 0.045 mm. Subsequently, thermal conductivity test was performed using the TQ Heat Transfer Experiment Base Unit.The results show that with the addition of rice husk can increase the thermal conductivity of PCM beef tallow. The increase obtained in the addition of 10% rice husk char is 37 times compared to the pure sample. Based on this result it is concluded that carbon-based materials such as rice husk char can be used to increase the thermal conductivity of PCM materials

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Bio-Balitani dalam Optimalisasi Pengolahan Limbah Peternakan di Yayasan Lembu Putih

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    The White Lembu Preservation, which is located in Taro Village, Tegallalang District, is one of the places that produces livestock waste which is an indicator of the cause of environmental pollution if it is not managed properly. The service activities carried out are aimed at processing livestock waste, especially cow feces and urine which accumulate into organic fertilizer by disseminating Bio-BaliTani technology. This technology is a multi-use technology based on fermentation technology utilizing superior lignocellulytic probiotic bacteria isolates from the rumen contents of bali cattle and termites. The methods used in this activity are socialization, training, formation of demonstration plots, and mentoring. Bio-BaliTani technology is applied to the processing of livestock manure, feces and urine into organic fertilizer by adding Bio-BaliTani. The results of the activity show that farmers who are members of the Lembu Putih Foundation are able to absorb and apply technology that is well disseminated as indicated by their increased knowledge in the production of solid organic fertilizer and the production of liquid organic fertilizer (biourine). The organic fertilizer produced has been marketed to several hotels in the Tegallalang and Ubud sub-districts. Based on the results of the activity, it can be concluded that the dissemination of Bio-BaliTani technology can be accepted and applied by the Lembu Putih Foundatio