4 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Field Trip Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara dengan PTPN III Unit Gunung Para dalam Meningkatkan High Order Thinking Skills

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    Field trip as a form of implementation of lectures and practicum methods of Outcome Education-based semester learning plan held at PTPN III Gunung Para Unit, Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency (Sergai), North Sumatra on Saturday, September 16 2023. The field trip program is a form of implementation of lectures and practicums for semester learning planning methods based on Outcome Education which is carried out at PTPN III Gunung Para Unit, Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Regency, North Sumatra as a form of application and at the same time practicing the knowledge obtained in lectures or Link and Match between theory and application in the field of students at the University of North Sumatra (USU) Agrotechnology and Agricultural Engineering Study Program. This activity hopes that students will be able to hone high order thinking skills including problem solving abilities, creative thinking, investigative skills and decision making abilities, especially in the fields of agriculture/plantation of oil palm and rubber commodities.  Kunjungan lapangan (field trip) sebagai wujud implementasi perkuliahan dan praktikum metode rencana pembelajaran semester berbasis Outcome Education yang dilaksanakan di PTPN III Unit Gunung Para, Kecamatan Dolok Merawan, Kabapaten Serdang Bedagai (Sergai), Sumatera Utara pada hari Sabtu, 16 September 2023. Program kunjangan lapangan (field trip) sebagai wujud implementasi perkuliahan dan praktikum metode rencana pembelajaran semester berbasis Outcome Education yang dilaksanakan di PTPN III Unit Gunung Para, Kecamatan Dolok Merawan, Kabapaten Serdang Bedagai (Sergai), Sumatera Utara sebagai bentuk aplikasi dan sekaligus mempraktikkan ilmu yang diperoleh dibangku perkuliahan atau Link and Match antara teori dan terapan di lapangan mahasiswa/i Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Program Studi Agroteknologi dan Keteknikan Pertanian. Kegiatan ini diharapkan mahasiswa/I mampu mengasah high order thingking skills meliputi kemampuan pemecah masalah, berpikir kreatif, keterampilan menginvestigasi dan kemampuan mengambil keputusan, terutama di  bidang pertanian/perkebunan komoditi kelapa sawit dan karet.   &nbsp

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan Pada Kelompok Tani Sayuran Di Desa Kampung Dalam

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    Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada kelompok tani kelapa sawit salah satunya adalah modal pengembangan usaha yang terbatas dan pengelolaan keuangan yang masih tidak tertata dengan baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka timpelaksana pelatihan mengangkat tema tentang tata cara pengelolaan keuangan pada kelompok tani sayuran di Desa Kampung Dalam. Tim akan memberikan simulasi pembuatan proposal kelayakan usaha dan bisnis sayuran dan pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan usaha sayuran. Dengan dilakukan beberapa program dalam pelatihan ini. Diharapkan petani dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pengelolaan keuangan yang dilakukan oleh petani sayuran

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kotoran Sapi Sebagai Bahan Utama Pembuatan Pupuk Organik untuk Mengurangi Penggunaan Pupuk Kimia di Desa Tebing Tinggi Pangkatan

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    The population of cattle in the village of cliffs of high rank has enormous potential. This capacity is very good if used in the manufacture of organic fertilizer because in general cow dung waste has not been processed and utilized properly by the people of the village of cliffs of high rank. Agricultural activities of the high-ranking cliff village community which continuously result in the use of chemical fertilizers continue to increase, thus the use of organic fertilizers is an alternative in reducing community dependence in using chemical fertilizers in agriculture. The objectives of this community service are, 1) to carry out socialization and training to the community, 2) to understand more about the manufacturing procedure, the tools used, the materials used, how to use them on plants, and the benefits of manure. cows as an environmentally friendly organic fertilizer.   The results of this dedication show that the manufacture of organic fertilizer requires the addition of materials, namely sawdust, rice water, coconut water, and brown sugar solution with the aim of increasing the nutrients of organic fertilizer. The application of organic fertilizers on agricultural land can reduce the manufacture of chemical fertilizers, but can improve the nutrients in the soil. Abundant cow dung is a great result for fixing nutrients in soils that are already highly dependent on chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the manufacture of organic fertilizers needs to be continuously disseminated to the community, especially farmers in rural areas who lack information and technology. This is possible through activities, knowledge and training. This service program is carried out using two methods, namely: face-to-face socialization, the practice of making organic fertilizers.The population of cattle in the village of cliffs of high rank has enormous potential. This capacity is very good if used in the manufacture of organic fertilizer because in general cow dung waste has not been processed and utilized properly by the people of the village of cliffs of high rank. Agricultural activities of the high-ranking cliff village community which continuously result in the use of chemical fertilizers continue to increase, thus the use of organic fertilizers is an alternative in reducing community dependence in using chemical fertilizers in agriculture. The objectives of this community service are, 1) to carry out socialization and training to the community, 2) to understand more about the manufacturing procedure, the tools used, the materials used, how to use them on plants, and the benefits of manure. cows as an environmentally friendly organic fertilizer. The results of this dedication show that the manufacture of organic fertilizer requires the addition of materials, namely sawdust, rice water, coconut water, and brown sugar solution with the aim of increasing the nutrients of organic fertilizer. The application of organic fertilizers on agricultural land can reduce the manufacture of chemical fertilizers, but can improve the nutrients in the soil. Abundant cow dung is a great result for fixing nutrients in soils that are already highly dependent on chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the manufacture of organic fertilizers needs to be continuously disseminated to the community, especially farmers in rural areas who lack information and technology. This is possible through activities, knowledge and training. This service program is carried out using two methods, namely: face-to-face socialization, the practice of making organic fertilizers

    The Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine in HIV-infected Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic: Its Related Factors and Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Background: The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is widespread among patients with chronic disease despite lack of supporting evidence for most CAM types. Concerned regarding higher risk of COVID-19 for HIV-infected patients, probably increase the use of CAM during COVID-19 pandemic in this population. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and factors related to CAM use among HIV-infected patients during COVID-19 pandemic, then identify drug- to-drug interaction (DDI) of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs with CAM that they used. Methods: The study was conducted in HIV Clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in September-October 2021, specifically targeting adults HIV-infected patients routinely using ARV. Demographic and clinical data, including COVID-19 and vaccine history, were taken from clinic survey and hospital medical records data. Results: 554 of 1275 patients (43.5%) reported using any type of ingested CAM during COVID-19 pandemic, mostly vitamins and/or minerals. Factors related to CAM use were history of COVID-19 infection (aOR 2.28; 95% CI 1.65-3.14) and 2-5 years ARV duration compared to more than 10 years (aOR 1.4; 95% CI 1.02–1.91). Five known potential interactions involving 20 patients and two potential weak interactions involving 8 patients were found, but many of other interactions categorized as unknown. Only limited number of patients (3.8%) were aware about the drug interaction between ARV and CAM that they used. Conclusion: CAM was commonly used by HIV-infected patients on ARV during the COVID-19 pandemics, but patient awareness related to CAM-ARV drug interactions was exteremely low