9 research outputs found

    Parowanie wody ze zraszanego dachu budynku przemysłowego

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    Celem pracy było określenie ilości wody, która w zróżnicowanych warunkach atmosferycznych może wyparować w rejonie Krakowa z dachu o konstrukcji i materiale stosowanych do pokrycia magazynów. Dla określenia wielkości ewaporacji przeprowadzono badania w okresie IV–X 2011 r., w warunkach odpowiednio zaprojektowanego eksperymentu – w stacji doświadczalnej wyposażonej w dach eksperymentalny zwilżany za pośrednictwem systemu zraszania oraz automatyczną stację meteorologiczną. Przedstawiono wartości i zmienność ewaporacji wody wraz z podziałem na ewaporację występującą w godzinach dziennych i nocnych dla całego okresu badań oraz miesięcy w okresie badań. Obliczono średnie dobowe oraz godzinowe parowanie wody z dachu. W okresie badań parowanie z dachu budynku przemysłowego było zmienne. W każdym okresie pomiaru suma parowania w godzinach dziennych była kilkakrotnie wyższa od parowania w godzinach nocnych, co ze względów ekonomicznych uzasadnia odparowywanie wody z dachów tylko w ciągu dnia. Przedstawione dane mogą być wykorzystane do szacunkowego określania powierzchni dachowych niezbędnych do wyparowania określonej ilości wody, pod warunkiem zastosowania identycznych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych dachu i systemu zraszania

    The effect of agricultural activity on of water quality in the Jasienianka flysch stream

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    The paper presents the results of hydrochemical research conducted on the Jasienianka flysch stream, a left bank tributary to the Biała Tarnowska river. The submontane catchment of the stream, with area of 94.40 m2 is situated in the Malopolska province. The stream catchment area is covered mainly by agricultural lands (68.3%) and to a lesser degree by forests (25.5%), built-up and urbanized areas (6.2) located along the banks of the Jasienianka and its tributaries. The investigations were conducted in 2014. 21 selected physicochemical indices were determined in the stream water at five control-measurement points situated along the 13 km long stream reach. Along the analyzed stream section, only the water temperature, dissolved oxygen, BOD5 and N-NH4 + allowed to classify the waters to quality class I (maximum potential), whereas ChZT-Mn, EC, SO4 2–, Cl–, Ca2+, Mg2+, water pH and P-PO4 3– did not fulfill the requirements for class II. The other indices, in compliance with the Minister of Environment Regulation of 2016, classified water to quality class II. Statistical analysis conducted using Kruskal-Wallis test revealed statistically significant differences in the indices values between the investigated measurement-control points for SO4 2–, Mg2+, K+, N-NO3 – and PO4 3–. The assessment of water usable values revealed that it may be used for supply of water intended for human consumption only in the upper and middle reach. The Jasienianka did not meet the requirements for a natural habitat salmonid fish along its whole length because of high NO2 – concentrations

    Straty wody i składników pokarmowych w systemie nawadniania kroplowego upraw szklarniowych

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    W pracy określono straty wody i składników pokarmowych w systemie nawadniania kroplowego w szklarni, przy uprawie róż na substracie torfowym. Odpływy mierzono metodą naczynia cechowanego w trzech terminach, w których stosowano 2 lub 3 cykle nawadniania różnymi dawkami. Ponadto w laboratorium metodami referencyjnymi oznaczano w próbach uśrednionych pożywki i odcieków, stężenia 8 składników pokarmowych: N–NH4+, N–NO2–, N–NO3 –, PO4 3–, K+, SO4 2–, Ca2+ oraz Mg2+. Na podstawie pomierzonych objętości odcieków i stężeń zawartych w nich składników pokarmowych, z drugiej zaś strony w oparciu o objętości i stężenia składników w dostarczanej roślinom pożywce obliczono odpowiednio ładunki odprowadzane i wprowadzane do systemu, a z ich ilorazu ustalono procent strat składników pokarmowych. Analiza wyników badań wykazała duże zróżnicowanie objętości odpływu odcieków w zależności od wielkości nawadniającej dawki polewowej lub dobowej oraz ze względu na liczbę cykli realizowanych w ciągu dnia. W pracy wykazano potencjalne możliwości zmniejszenia strat wody w systemie nawadniania, które w zależności od wariantu obliczeniowego wyniosły w warunkach doświadczenia od 21,6 do 99,8%. Stwierdzono również wzrost stężeń Mg2+, SO4 2–, K+, N–NO2– w stosunku do pożywki podawanej roślinom, czyli odnotowano tzw. zjawisko zatężania odcieków. Ze względu na to zjawisko w przypadku tych samych 4 składników pokarmowych stwierdzono średnio największe, bo 70–90% straty ilościowe. Należy jednak podkreślić, że straty składników pokarmowych wystąpiły w każdym terminie badawczym i dotyczyły w różnym stopniu wszystkich badanych składników

    Dynamics of physicochemical parameter concentrations in the Graniczna Woda stream water

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    The paper presents variability of physicochemical parameter concentrations and determined the potential and chemical status of water in the Graniczna Woda stream, the right bank tributary to the Stoła River. The stream catchment area of 41.5 km2 is covered mainly by forests. A lowland stream flows through part of the Upper Silesia Industrial Region through three districts. A biological-mechanical municipal sewage treatment plant operates in the area of Miasteczko Śląskie, as well as a factory sewage treatment plant of Zinc Plant. The data base used in the papers consisted of the results obtained from the Provincial Inspectorate of the Environmental Protection in Katowice, monthly analyses of water samples collected in the years 2009–2013 in the control-measurement points located by the mouth of the Stoła River. 34 physicochemical indices were analyzed in the paper. Statistically significant upward trends were determined over the period of investigations for values of electrical conductivity (EC), total suspended solids, Cl, SO4, NO2-N and Zn in the stream water. Statistically significant downward trend was noted for total hardness. It was stated that both the potential and chemical status o the stream water were below good. Exceeded limit values for quality class II determined for oxygen and organic indices (chemical oxygen demand COD-Mn, total organic carbon TOC), salinity (EC, SO4, Cl, Ca, hardness) and biogenic indices and substances particularly harmful for aquatic environment (Zn, Tl) as well as exceeded allowable heavy metal concentrations may evidence a constant inflow of heavy metals to the aquatic environment of the Graniczna Woda stream from municipal and industrial sewage


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    The paper presents the results of hydrochemical tests of Biała Tarnowska River, right-bank tributary of Dunajec. Water catchment area of 983.3 km2 has a submontane character and it is located in Małopolska Province. 64% of the area is used as arable land, the rest is forest land and urbanized and built-up areas. Downstream, in the area close to the city of Tarnów, industrial areas prevail (chemical industry). The testes were carried out from 2010 to 2012 in three measuring-control points located along the 82 km river section. 32 physicochemical indicators, obtained from the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Kraków with a local branch in Tarnów, were analysed in the paper. Based on the obtained results it was stated that the water potential in the middle and upper course of the river (1st and 2nd point) was below good and in the lower course (3rd point) it was good. The chemical status of the tested surface water in these points was good. Because of high concentrations of total suspended solids in each point, the river water cannot be used in water supply for human consumption. Exceeded concentration of total suspended solids, among other things, is the reason why river water does not fulfil the natural conditions of habitat of the salmonid and carp family fish. Out of 15 tested water physicochemical indicators, 14 were statistically higher in the lower part of the catchment area. Greater water pollution in the middle and lower course of the river is caused by anthropogenic pressure


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    The paper presents the results of hydrochemical tests of Biała Tarnowska River, right-bank tributary of Dunajec. Water catchment area of 983.3 km2 has a submontane character and it is located in Małopolska Province. 64% of the area is used as arable land, the rest is forest land and urbanized and built-up areas. Downstream, in the area close to the city of Tarnów, industrial areas prevail (chemical industry). The testes were carried out from 2010 to 2012 in three measuring-control points located along the 82 km river section. 32 physicochemical indicators, obtained from the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Kraków with a local branch in Tarnów, were analysed in the paper. Based on the obtained results it was stated that the water potential in the middle and upper course of the river (1st and 2nd point) was below good and in the lower course (3rd point) it was good. The chemical status of the tested surface water in these points was good. Because of high concentrations of total suspended solids in each point, the river water cannot be used in water supply for human consumption. Exceeded concentration of total suspended solids, among other things, is the reason why river water does not fulfil the natural conditions of habitat of the salmonid and carp family fish. Out of 15 tested water physicochemical indicators, 14 were statistically higher in the lower part of the catchment area. Greater water pollution in the middle and lower course of the river is caused by anthropogenic pressure


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    The aim of the study was to find out whether the climate of the southern Poland allows for removing rainwater from industrial areas by evaporation from roof surfaces. The study covered the premises of a Logistics Centre with an approximate area of 34 hectares, located in the catchment of the Wedonka stream and in the region of water intake for Kraków at the Rudawa river. In the future, the Centre will comprise nine large warehouses. Road traffic associated with the project will cause potential risks for groundwater and surface water of this protected area. Therefore, the Centre’s investor decided to evaporate rainwater from the premises. To establish advisability of this plan, the study team designed and built a unique experimental station consisting of experimental roof, tank for collecting water for the sprinkler system, system for delivering, distributing and discharging water from the roof, measuring tilt tray, automatic meteorological station, and electronic devices for recording measurement data. The research on the experimental station was carried out from April to October in 2011 and 2012 and included continuous measurements of the volume of water supplied to and discharged from the roof. Moreover, the temperature of the roof and water in the tank and a number of important meteorological parameters were measured. The difference between supplied and discharged water, divided by the wetted surface of the roof, helped to determine thickness of the evaporation layer in millimeters. The study confirmed the possibility of removing potentially contaminated rainwater by evaporating it from roof surfaces of the Logistics Centre located near Kraków at an average rate of 5.9 dm3·m–2.d–1. However, due to high seasonal variability of rainfall and air temperature, it is necessary to temporarily collect water in an expansion tank of suitable capacity