53 research outputs found

    Turning chemoattractant receptors on and off with conventional ligands and allosteric modulators: recent advances in formyl peptide receptor signaling and regulation: DOI: 10.14800/ics.73

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    Recruitment and activation of neutrophils at sites of infection/inflammation relies largely on the surface expression of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that recognize chemoattractants. One of these receptors, FPR1, for which formylated peptides generated by bacteria and mitochondria are high affinity agonists, was among the first human neutrophil GPCR to being cloned. This receptor shares large sequence homologies with FPR2, another member of the FPR-family expressed in human neutrophils and having a distinct ligand binding profile. The two FPRs transduce very similar neutrophil responses but possess somewhat different regulatory profiles. The FPRs have served as excellent model receptors in studies attempting to understand not only GPCR related regulation in general, but also receptor signaling in relation to innate immune reactivity and inflammation. Recent research has identified not only a large number of conventional ligands (agonist/antagonists) that regulate FPR activities by binding to surface exposed parts of the receptors, but also a number of membrane penetrating molecules that allosterically modulate receptor function after passing the membrane and interacting with the receptor on the cytosolic side. After activation, FPR signaling is rapidly terminated and the receptors become desensitized, a dormant state that can be achieved by multiple mechanisms. A coupling of the activated receptors to the actin cytoskeleton in a process that physically separates the receptors from the signaling G-protein is one such mechanism. Traditionally, the desensitized state has been viewed as a point of no return, but recent findings challenge this view and demonstrate that desensitized FPRs may in fact be reactivated to resume active signaling. The FPRs have also the capacity to communicate with other receptors in a hierarchical manner and this receptor cross-talk can both dampen and amplify neutrophil responses. In this review, we summarize some recent advances of our understanding how the FPRs can be turned on and off and discuss some future challenges, including mechanisms of allosteric modulation, receptor cross-talk, and FPR reactivation

    Turning chemoattractant receptors on and off with conventional ligands and allosteric modulators: recent advances in formyl peptide receptor signaling and regulation

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    Recruitment and activation of neutrophils at sites of infection/inflammation relies largely on the surface expression of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that recognize chemoattractants. One of these receptors, FPR1, for which formylated peptides generated by bacteria and mitochondria are high affinity agonists, was among the first human neutrophil GPCR to being cloned. This receptor shares large sequence homologies with FPR2, another member of the FPR-family expressed in human neutrophils and having a distinct ligand binding profile. The two FPRs transduce very similar neutrophil responses but possess somewhat different regulatory profiles. The FPRs have served as excellent model receptors in studies attempting to understand not only GPCR related regulation in general, but also receptor signaling in relation to innate immune reactivity and inflammation. Recent research has identified not only a large number of conventional ligands (agonist/antagonists) that regulate FPR activities by binding to surface exposed parts of the receptors, but also a number of membrane penetrating molecules that allosterically modulate receptor function after passing the membrane and interacting with the receptor on the cytosolic side. After activation, FPR signaling is rapidly terminated and the receptors become desensitized, a dormant state that can be achieved by multiple mechanisms. A coupling of the activated receptors to the actin cytoskeleton in a process that physically separates the receptors from the signaling G-protein is one such mechanism. Traditionally, the desensitized state has been viewed as a point of no return, but recent findings challenge this view and demonstrate that desensitized FPRs may in fact be reactivated to resume active signaling. The FPRs have also the capacity to communicate with other receptors in a hierarchical manner and this receptor cross-talk can both dampen and amplify neutrophil responses. In this review, we summarize some recent advances of our understanding how the FPRs can be turned on and off and discuss some future challenges, including mechanisms of allosteric modulation, receptor cross-talk, and FPR reactivation

    Data on human neutrophil activation induced by pepducins with amino acid sequences derived from β2AR and CXCR4

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    The data described here is related to the research article titled (Gabl et al., 2016) [1]. Pepducins with peptide sequence derived from one of the intracellular domains of a given G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) can either activate or inhibit cell functions. Here we include data on human neutrophil function induced by pepducins derived from β2AR (ICL3-8) and CXCR4 (ATI-2341), respectively. ICL3-8 exerts neither direct activating effect on the NADPH-oxidase as measured by superoxide release nor inhibitory effect on FPR signaling. ATI-2341 dose-dependently triggers neutrophil activation and these cells were subsequently desensitized in their response to FPR2 specific agonists F2Pal10 and WKYMVM. Moreover, the ATI-2341 response is inhibited by PBP10 and the peptidomimetic Pam-(Lys-betaNSpe)6-NH2 (both are FPR2 specific inhibitors), but not to the FPR1 specific inhibitor cyclosporine H

    A Pepducin Derived from the Third Intracellular Loop of FPR2 Is a Partial Agonist for Direct Activation of This Receptor in Neutrophils But a Full Agonist for Cross-Talk Triggered Reactivation of FPR2

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    We recently described a novel receptor cross-talk mechanism in neutrophils, unique in that the signals generated by the PAF receptor (PAFR) and the ATP receptor (P2Y2R) transfer formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) from a desensitized (non-signaling) state back to an actively signaling state (Forsman H et al., PLoS One, 8:e60169, 2013; Önnheim K, et al., Exp Cell Res, 323∶209, 2014). In addition to the G-protein coupled FPR1, neutrophils also express the closely related receptor FPR2. In this study we used an FPR2 specific pepducin, proposed to work as an allosteric modulator at the cytosolic signaling interface, to determine whether the cross-talk pathway is utilized also by FPR2. The pepducin used contains a fatty acid linked to a peptide sequence derived from the third intracellular loop of FPR2, and it activates as well as desensensitizes this receptor. We now show that neutrophils desensitized with the FPR2-specific pepducin display increased cellular responses to stimulation with PAF or ATP. The secondary PAF/ATP induced response was sensitive to FPR2-specific inhibitors, disclosing a receptor cross-talk mechanism underlying FPR2 reactivation. The pepducin induced an activity in naïve cells similar to that of a conventional FPR2 agonist, but with lower potency (partial efficacy), meaning that the pepducin is a partial agonist. The PAF- or ATP-induced reactivation was, however, much more pronounced when neutrophils had been desensitized to the pepducin as compared to cells desensitized to conventional agonists. The pepducin should thus in this respect be classified as a full agonist. In summary, we demonstrate that desensitized FPR2 can be transferred back to an actively signaling state by receptor cross-talk signals generated through PAFR and P2Y2R, and the difference in agonist potency with respect to pepducin-induced direct receptor activation and cross-talk reactivation of FPR2 puts the concept of functional selectivity in focus