5 research outputs found

    A Health Sector Online Toolkit for Implementing Learning into Practice from Violence Against Women Trainings (TILPVAWT)

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    Violence against women (VAW) is a major public health and human rights concern. Intimate partner violence and sexual violence are among the most pervasive forms of violence against women. Training health professionals in VAW is essential to raise awareness and improve the care for victims with a comprehensive approach. One of the objectives of this project was the development of a set of 28 tools to facilitate VAW training of health professionals, using certain common content, and the transfer of this knowledge into their clinical practice. This toolkit has been presented on the website http://www.toolner.com/en/. This website has been designed in an easy to use and friendly way, and is oriented to trainers, organisations and individuals interested in improving their teaching skills in VAW, but with the potential to be adapted and used independently by different organisations. The toolkit is divided into five phases of training: preparation, development, implementation, post-training, and assessment; each containing different tools and examples. Training in VAW is the first step to change attitudes but it is necessary to motivate professionals, adapt content, methodology and assess the impact of the training. This website is a tool by which to achieve this

    Notfallsituation: häusliche Gewalt

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    In der Schweiz stirbt alle zwei Wochen eine Person infolge häuslicher Gewalt. Die Pandemie mit COVID-19 stellt durch soziale Isolation und Sorgen um Krankheit und Existenz eine Herausforderung an das Zusammenleben dar. Konflikteskalation mit häuslicher Gewalt kann die Folge sein, weshalb eine Sensibilisierung des medizinischen Personals besonders wichtig ist

    Situation d’urgence: violence ­domestique

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    En Suisse, une personne décède toutes les deux semaines à la suite de violences domestiques. La pandémie de COVID-19 représente un défi pour la cohabitation du fait de l’isolement social et des inquiétudes concernant la maladie et l’existence. Il peut en résulter une escalade des conflits avec des violences domestiques, et une sensibilisation du personnel médical est dès lors primordiale