21 research outputs found

    Computer Support for Cooperative Work: Computers Between Users and Social Complexity

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    In this paper I consider work processes as complex customerperformer relations. From this point of view I identify the cooperation network carrying on a work process and analyze the cooperation forms of its members. I show how cooperative work is primarily characterized by the complexity of the inter-actions constituting it, and how it is possible to measure the transaction costs of a work process generated by its complexity. Moreover I analyze the factors affecting the transaction costs of a work process, and I discuss how one of them, the threshold of sustainable complexity of its participants has a particular relevance, as it defines a limit that cannot be overcome through organizational means. CSCW systems are finally discussed as computer-based tools that can enhance the threshold of sustainable complexity of a cooperative network. This view allows us to evaluate CSCW systems, as well as any computer based system, within a well defined categorization

    Workflow Modeling using Proclets

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    . The focus of traditional workflow management systems is on control flow within one process definition, that describes how a single case (i.e., workflow instance) is handled in isolation. For many applications this paradigm is inadequate. Interaction between cases is as least as important. This paper introduces and advocates the use of interacting proclets, i.e., light-weight workflow processes. By promoting interactions to first-class citizens, it is possible to model complex workflows in a more natural manner, with improved expressive power and flexibility. 1 Introduction Workflow Management Systems allow for the explicit representation and support of business processes. Available workflow management systems have difficulties dealing with the dynamic and inter-organizational nature of today's business processes [26]. We will argue that one of the core problems of current workflow languages is the focus on purely case-based processes. In traditional workflow management syst..