9,631 research outputs found

    Standing wave oscillations in binary mixture convection: from onset via symmetry breaking to period doubling into chaos

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    Oscillatory solution branches of the hydrodynamic field equations describing convection in the form of a standing wave (SW) in binary fluid mixtures heated from below are determined completely for several negative Soret coefficients. Galerkin as well as finite-difference simulations were used. They were augmented by simple control methods to obtain also unstable SW states. For sufficiently negative Soret coefficients unstable SWs bifurcate subcritically out of the quiescent conductive state. They become stable via a saddle-node bifurcation when lateral phase pinning is exerted. Eventually their invariance under time-shift by half a period combined with reflexion at midheight of the fluid layer gets broken. Thereafter they terminate by undergoing a period-doubling cascade into chaos

    Inner Size of a Dust Torus in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4151

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    The most intense monitoring observations yet made were carried out on the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151 in the optical and near-infrared wave-bands. A lag from the optical light curve to the near-infrared light curve was measured. The lag-time between the V and K light curves at the flux minimum in 2001 was precisely 48+2-3 days, as determined by a cross-correlation analysis. The correlation between the optical luminosity of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and the lag-time between the UV/optical and the near-infrared light curves is presented for NGC 4151 in combination with previous lag-time measurements of NGC 4151 and other AGNs in the literature. This correlation is interpreted as thermal dust reverberation in an AGN, where the near-infrared emission from an AGN is expected to be the thermal re-radiation from hot dust surrounding the central engine at a radius where the temperature equals to that of the dust sublimation temperature. We find that the inner radius of the dust torus in NGC 4151 is ∌\sim 0.04 pc corresponding to the measured lag-time, well outside the broad line region (BLR) determined by other reverberation studies of the emission lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 13 pages, 3 figures; Corrected typo

    The AGN nature of 11 out of 12 Swift/RXTE unidentified sources through optical and X-ray spectroscopy

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    The Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) is performing a high Galactic latitude survey in the 14-195 keV band at a flux limit of ~10^{-11} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}, leading to the discovery of new high energy sources, most of which have not so far been properly classified. A similar work has also been performed with the RXTE slew survey leading to the discovery of 68 sources detected above 8 keV, many of which are still unclassified. Follow-up observations with the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) provide, for many of these objects, source localization with a positional accuracy of few arcsec, thus allowing the search for optical counterparts to be more efficient and reliable. We present the results of optical/X-ray follow-up studies of 11 Swift BAT detections and one AGN detected in the RXTE Slew Survey, aimed at identifying their counterparts and at assessing their nature. These data allowed, for the first time, the optical classification of 8 objects and a distance determination for 3 of them. For another object, a more refined optical classification than that available in the literature is also provided. For the remaining sources, optical spectroscopy provides a characterization of the source near in time to the X-ray measurement. The sample consists of 6 Seyfert 2 galaxies, 5 Seyferts of intermediate type 1.2-1.8, and one object of Galactic nature - an Intermediate Polar (i.e., magnetic) Cataclysmic Variable. Out of the 11 AGNs, 8 (~70%) including 2 Seyferts of type 1.2 and 1.5, are absorbed with NH > 10^{22} cm^{-2}. Up to 3 objects could be Compton thick (i.e. NH > 1.5 x 10^{24} cm^{-2}), but only in one case (Swift J0609.1-8636) does all the observational evidence strongly suggests this possibility.Comment: 50 pages, including 16 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    On the nature of steady states of spin distributions in the presence of spin-orbit interactions

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    In the presence of spin-orbit interactions, the steady state established for spin distributions in an electric field is qualitatively different from the steady state for charge distributions. This is primarily because the steady state established for spin distributions involves spin precession due to spin-orbit coupling. We demonstrate in this work that the spin density matrix in an external electric field acquires two corrections with different dependencies on the characteristic momentum scattering time. One part is associated with conserved spins, diverges in the clean limit and is responsible for the establishment of a steady-state spin density in electric fields. Another part is associated with precessing spins, is finite in the clean limit and is responsible for the establishment of spin currents in electric fields. Scattering between these distributions has important consequences for spin dynamics and spin-related effects in general, and explains some recent puzzling observations, which are captured by our unified theory.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Spatial correlations in chaotic nanoscale systems with spin-orbit coupling

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    We investigate the statistical properties of wave functions in chaotic nanostructures with spin-orbit coupling (SOC), focussing in particular on spatial correlations of eigenfunctions. Numerical results from a microscopic model are compared with results from random matrix theory in the crossover from the gaussian orthogonal to the gaussian symplectic ensembles (with increasing SOC); one- and two-point distribution functions were computed to understand the properties of eigenfunctions in this crossover. It is found that correlations of wave function amplitudes are suppressed with SOC; nevertheless, eigenfunction correlations play a more important role in the two-point distribution function(s), compared to the case with vanishing SOC. Experimental consequences of our results are discussed.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Anomalous magneto-oscillations in two-dimensional systems

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    The frequencies of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations have long been used to measure the unequal population of spin-split two-dimensional subbands in inversion asymmetric systems. We report self-consistent numerical calculations and experimental results which indicate that these oscillations are not simply related to the zero-magnetic-field spin-subband densities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; changed content (clarifications

    Dynamic spin-Hall effect and driven spin helix for linear spin-orbit interactions

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    We derive boundary conditions for the electrically induced spin accumulation in a finite, disordered 2D semiconductor channel. While for DC electric fields these boundary conditions select spatially constant spin profiles equivalent to a vanishing spin-Hall effect, we show that an in-plane ac electric field results in a non-zero ac spin-Hall effect, i.e., it generates a spatially non-uniform out-of-plane polarization even for linear intrinsic spin-orbit interactions. Analyzing different geometries in [001] and [110]-grown quantum wells, we find that although this out-of-plane polarization is typically confined to within a few spin-orbit lengths from the channel edges, it is also possible to generate spatially oscillating spin profiles which extend over the whole channel. The latter is due to the excitation of a driven spin-helix mode in the transverse direction of the channel. We show that while finite frequencies suppress this mode, it can be amplified by a magnetic field tuned to resonance with the frequency of the electric field. In this case, finite size effects at equal strengths of Rashba- and Dresselhaus SOI lead to an enhancement of the magnitude of this helix mode. We comment on the relation between spin currents and boundary conditions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, added references, corrected typos, extended section V, VI

    Interplay between one-dimensional confinement and crystallographic anisotropy in ballistic hole quantum wires

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    We study the Zeeman splitting in induced ballistic 1D quantum wires aligned along the [233] and [011] axes of a high mobility (311)A undoped heterostructure. Our data shows that the g-factor anisotropy for magnetic fields applied along the high symmetry [011] direction can be explained by the 1D confinement only. However when the magnetic field is along [233] there is an interplay between the 1D confinement and 2D crystal anisotropy. This is highlighted for the [233] wire by an unusual non-monotonic behavior of the g-factor as the wire is made narrower

    Anomalous Hall effect in Rashba two-dimensional electron systems based on narrow-band semiconductors: side-jump and skew scattering mechanisms

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    We employ a helicity-basis kinetic equation approach to investigate the anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional narrow-band semiconductors considering both Rashba and extrinsic spin-orbit (SO) couplings, as well as a SO coupling directly induced by an external driving electric field. Taking account of long-range electron-impurity scattering up to the second Born approximation, we find that the various components of the anomalous Hall current fit into two classes: (a) side-jump and (b) skew scattering anomalous Hall currents. The side-jump anomalous Hall current involves contributions not only from the extrinsic SO coupling but also from the SO coupling due to the driving electric field. It also contains a component which arises from the Rashba SO coupling and relates to the off-diagonal elements of the helicity-basis distribution function. The skew scattering anomalous Hall effect arises from the anisotropy of the diagonal elements of the distribution function and it is a result of both the Rashba and extrinsic SO interactions. Further, we perform a numerical calculation to study the anomalous Hall effect in a typical InSb/AlInSb quantum well. The dependencies of the side-jump and skew scattering anomalous Hall conductivities on magnetization and on the Rashba SO coupling constant are examined.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Reverberation Measurements of the Inner Radius of the Dust Torus in Nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    The most intense monitoring observations yet made in the optical (UBV) and near-infrared (JHK) wave bands were carried out for nearby Seyfert1 galaxies of NGC 5548, NGC 4051, NGC 3227, and NGC 7469. Over three years of observations with MAGNUM telescope since early 2001, clear time-delayed response of the K-band flux variations to the V-band flux variations was detected for all of these galaxies. Their H-K color temperature was estimated to be 1500-1800 K from the observed flux variation gradients, which supports a view that the bulk of the K flux should originate in the thermal radiation of hot dust that surrounds the central engine. Cross-correlation analysis was performed to quantify the lag time corresponding to the light-travel distance of the hot dust region from the central engine. The measured lag time is 47-53 days for NGC 5548, 11-18 days for NGC 4051, about 20 days for NGC 3227, and 65-87 days for NGC 7469. We found that the lag time is tightly correlated with the optical luminosity as expected from dust reverberation (Δt∝L0.5\Delta t \propto L^{0.5}), while only weakly with the central virial mass, which suggests that an inner radius of the dust torus around the active nucleus has a one-to-one correspondence to central luminosity. In the lag time versus central luminosity diagram, the K-band lag times place an upper boundary on the similar lag times of broad-emission lines in the literature. This not only supports the unified scheme of AGNs, but also implies a physical transition from the BLR out to the dust torus that encircles the BLR. Furthermore, our V-band flux variations of NGC 5548 on timescales of up to 10 days are found to correlate with X-ray variations and delay behind them by one or two days, indicating the thermal reprocessing of X-ray emission by the central accretion flow.Comment: ApJ, March 2006, v639 issue, 24 pages, 33 figures, 10 table
