58 research outputs found

    Design and Evaluation of Menu Systems for Immersive Virtual Environments

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    Interfaces for system control tasks in virtual environments (VEs) have not been extensively studied. This paper focuses on various types of menu systems to be used in such environments. We describe the design of the TULIP menu, a menu system using Pinch Gloves™, and compare it to two common alternatives: floating menus and pen and tablet menus. These three menus were compared in an empirical evaluation. The pen and tablet menu was found to be significantly faster, while users had a preference for TULIP. Subjective discomfort levels were also higher with the floating menus and pen and tablet

    A First Step Towards Nuance-Oriented Interfaces for Virtual Environments

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    Designing usable interfaces for virtual environments (VEs) is not a trivial task. Much of the difficulty stems from the complexity and volume of the input data. Many VEs, in the creation of their interfaces, ignore much of the input data as a result of this. Using machine learning (ML), we introduce the notion of a nuance that can be used to increase the precision and power of a VE interface. An experiment verifying the existence of nuances using a neural network (NN) is discussed and a listing of guidelines to follow is given. We also review reasons why traditional ML techniques are difficult to apply to this problem

    Affordances and Feedback in Nuance-Oriented Interfaces

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    Virtual Environments (VEs) and perceptive user interfaces must deal with complex users and their modes of interaction. One way to approach this problem is to recognize users’ nuances (subtle conscious or unconscious actions). In exploring nuance-oriented interfaces, we attempted to let users work as they preferred without being biased by feedback or affordances in the system. The hope was that we would discover the users’ innate models of interaction. The results of two user studies were that users are guided not by any innate model but by affordances and feedback in the interface. So, without this guidance, even the most obvious and useful components of an interface will be ignored

    Using Pinch Gloves(TM) for both Natural and Abstract Interaction Techniques in Virtual Environments

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    Usable three-dimensional (3D) interaction techniques are difficult to design, implement, and evaluate. One reason for this is a poor understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the wide range of 3D input devices, and of the mapping between input devices and interaction techniques. We present an analysis of Pinch Gloves™ and their use as input devices for virtual environments (VEs). We have developed a number of novel and usable interaction techniques for VEs using the gloves, including a menu system, a technique for text input, and a two-handed navigation technique. User studies have indicated the usability and utility of these techniques

    Dense and Dynamic 3D Selection for Game-Based Virtual Environments

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    The importance of the rehabilitation program following an internal hemipelvectomy and reconstrucion with limb salvage - gait analysis and outcomes: a case study

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    Background: Chondrosarcomas account for approximately 20% of bone sarcomas, with the most common site being the lower limb. Hemipelvectomies that involve hindquarter amputation have previously been the treatment of choice for pelvic tumors. However, with advances in chemotherapy, radiotherapy, imaging and surgical techniques more patients are now being treated with limb salvage surgery. The rehabilitation outcomes following an internal hemipelvectomy have not been well identified and there is currently little, if any, gait analysis data on rehabilitation following hemipelvectomy in limb salvage patients. Case description: A 53-year-old male underwent an internal hemipelvectomy with limb salvage followed by a 2-year rehabilitation program. The aim of this case study is to describe temporal and spatial parameters, metabolic energy expenditure and joint kinematics of a patient with an internal hemipelvectomy who underwent a wide excision of a chondrosarcoma followed by intensive rehabilitation. Outcomes: Walking speed (1.6 m/s), stride length (1.7 m), stride width (0.13 m) and good symmetry in step length (right 0.85 m and left data 0.80 m) and stance time (right 62% and left 59%) indicate a walking pattern similar to the asymptomatic able bodied. Oxygen consumption was 16.6 ml/kg/min and oxygen cost 0.17 ml/kg/m. Discussion: Following the intensive 2-year rehabilitation program this patient’s gait pattern was similar to a control group with no statistically significant difference in the movement of the left and right knee and ankle joints. Some differences were identified against the control group in respect of the movement of the pelvis and hips, but this is partly to be expected. This case study highlights the functional outcomes that can be achieved following limb salvage surgery with intensive rehabilitation and a high level of motivation from the individual

    Neuroprotection and acute spinal cord injury: A reappraisal

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    Personalized Nuance-Oriented Interaction in Virtual Environments

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    Personalized Nuance-Oriented Interaction in Virtual Environment
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