372 research outputs found

    Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN

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    We are interested in attribute-guided face generation: given a low-res face input image, an attribute vector that can be extracted from a high-res image (attribute image), our new method generates a high-res face image for the low-res input that satisfies the given attributes. To address this problem, we condition the CycleGAN and propose conditional CycleGAN, which is designed to 1) handle unpaired training data because the training low/high-res and high-res attribute images may not necessarily align with each other, and to 2) allow easy control of the appearance of the generated face via the input attributes. We demonstrate impressive results on the attribute-guided conditional CycleGAN, which can synthesize realistic face images with appearance easily controlled by user-supplied attributes (e.g., gender, makeup, hair color, eyeglasses). Using the attribute image as identity to produce the corresponding conditional vector and by incorporating a face verification network, the attribute-guided network becomes the identity-guided conditional CycleGAN which produces impressive and interesting results on identity transfer. We demonstrate three applications on identity-guided conditional CycleGAN: identity-preserving face superresolution, face swapping, and frontal face generation, which consistently show the advantage of our new method.Comment: ECCV 201

    FSS-1000: A 1000-Class Dataset for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    Over the past few years, we have witnessed the success of deep learning in image recognition thanks to the availability of large-scale human-annotated datasets such as PASCAL VOC, ImageNet, and COCO. Although these datasets have covered a wide range of object categories, there are still a significant number of objects that are not included. Can we perform the same task without a lot of human annotations? In this paper, we are interested in few-shot object segmentation where the number of annotated training examples are limited to 5 only. To evaluate and validate the performance of our approach, we have built a few-shot segmentation dataset, FSS-1000, which consists of 1000 object classes with pixelwise annotation of ground-truth segmentation. Unique in FSS-1000, our dataset contains significant number of objects that have never been seen or annotated in previous datasets, such as tiny daily objects, merchandise, cartoon characters, logos, etc. We build our baseline model using standard backbone networks such as VGG-16, ResNet-101, and Inception. To our surprise, we found that training our model from scratch using FSS-1000 achieves comparable and even better results than training with weights pre-trained by ImageNet which is more than 100 times larger than FSS-1000. Both our approach and dataset are simple, effective, and easily extensible to learn segmentation of new object classes given very few annotated training examples. Dataset is available at https://github.com/HKUSTCV/FSS-1000

    Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation via BiLayer Network Architectures

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    Segmenting highly-overlapping image objects is challenging, because there is typically no distinction between real object contours and occlusion boundaries on images. Unlike previous instance segmentation methods, we model image formation as a composition of two overlapping layers, and propose Bilayer Convolutional Network (BCNet), where the top layer detects occluding objects (occluders) and the bottom layer infers partially occluded instances (occludees). The explicit modeling of occlusion relationship with bilayer structure naturally decouples the boundaries of both the occluding and occluded instances, and considers the interaction between them during mask regression. We investigate the efficacy of bilayer structure using two popular convolutional network designs, namely, Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Further, we formulate bilayer decoupling using the vision transformer (ViT), by representing instances in the image as separate learnable occluder and occludee queries. Large and consistent improvements using one/two-stage and query-based object detectors with various backbones and network layer choices validate the generalization ability of bilayer decoupling, as shown by extensive experiments on image instance segmentation benchmarks (COCO, KINS, COCOA) and video instance segmentation benchmarks (YTVIS, OVIS, BDD100K MOTS), especially for heavy occlusion cases. Code and data are available at https://github.com/lkeab/BCNet.Comment: Extended version of "Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers", CVPR 2021 (arXiv:2103.12340
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