27 research outputs found
Pultruded carbon fiber profiles - 3D x-ray tomography data-sets for two different pultruded profiles
Mixed mode fracture resistance data set from DCB-UBM experiments
The present repository contains an extensive data set of mixed-mode fracture resistance curves extracted from a series of 45 double cantilever beams under uneven bending moment experiments. The data will be further explained in a Data in Brief paper which has been sent for review. The title of the submitted article is "Dataset of mixed-mode R-curves from DCB-UBM fracture tests of a UD glass/epoxy composite" and it is submitted as an accompanying article to the already published work: Erives, R., Sørensen, B. F., & Goutianos, S. (2022). Extraction of mix-mode cohesive laws of a unidirectional composite undergoing delamination with large-scale fibre bridging. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 107346. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.COMPOSITESA.2022.10734
Understanding the mechanical response of glass and carbon fibres: stress-strain analysis and modulus determination
Data analysis of single fiber tensile test
Probability of failure in composites: Influence of test specimen design [Software]
Jupyter Notebook for calculating the size effect on test specimen geometries with non-constant stresses
An efficient stiffness degradation model for layered composites with arbitrarily oriented tunneling and delamination cracks [Software]
Files: ConfigStiffnessDegradation.py: The main python script which should be run through Abaqus utilities.py and LaminateModel.py: Python function definition used by the Config...py script OA2D.f: Main user-element (UEL) used in Abaqus koutvar.inc.f : Common block definition used by the shadowing element for contour plot output from OA2D.f SubConfig: batch-script used in order to run the script on a linux-cluster using batch (content depends on cluster setup) The codes are used in the following publication to where reference should be made: Herrmann, L., Mikkelsen, L.P., Legarth, B.N., Duddeck, F., Niordson, C.F., An efficient stiffness degradation model for layered composites with arbitrarily oriented tunneling and delamination cracks. Composites Science and Technology, submitted Jan. 2022. The code can also be found on: https://gitlab.windenergy.dtu.dk/lapm/off-axis-2d-user-element-library-for-abaqus
Mixed mode fracture resistance data set from DCB-UBM experiments
The present repository contains an extensive data set of mixed-mode fracture resistance curves extracted from a series of 45 double cantilever beams under uneven bending moment experiments. The data will be further explained in a Data in Brief paper which has been sent for review. The title of the submitted article is "Dataset of mixed-mode R-curves from DCB-UBM fracture tests of a UD glass/epoxy composite" and it is submitted as an accompanying article to the already published work: Erives, R., Sørensen, B. F., & Goutianos, S. (2022). Extraction of mix-mode cohesive laws of a unidirectional composite undergoing delamination with large-scale fibre bridging. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 107346. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.COMPOSITESA.2022.10734
Isothermal and dynamic DSC dataset for an epoxy resin system for wind turbine blade applications
Data-set behind the publication: Jørgensen, J.K., Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, Tom Løgstrup Andersen, Characterisation and in situ monitoring of epoxy thermoset curing for application in wind turbine blade manufacturing, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 1293, 012015, https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1293/1/012015, 2023. The data-set contain DSC measurement performed Dynamic measurement for heat-up at different heat rate from 2 - 20 K/min Isothermal measurement at temperatures ranging from 40 - 100C Tg measurement performed after Isothermal heating at 60C, 80C or 100C
The fatigue damage evolution in the load-carrying composite laminates of wind turbine blades
Video and data-set behind the figures used in the book chapter: Mikkelsen, LP, The fatigue Damage evolution in the load-carrying composite laminates of wind turbine blades, chapter 16 in “Fatigue life prediction of composites and composite structures”, Edited by A.P. Vassilopoulos, Second edition, Elsevier Ltd, To be published in 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102575-8.00016-4. The files are organised based on the first characters in the filename with fist two numbers and than a "a" for video and "b,c.." for data behind that video. The video have the following link to the figures in the book chapter: Figure 16.19: 03a-Eps05-2-Zoom.mp4 , https://youtu.be/PynQ0IEyne8 Figure 16.21A: 01a-2Dprojection.avi , https://youtu.be/sr1J_5oc2EE Figure 16.21B: 02a-Video 3D 360.mpg , https://youtu.be/riqtI6fARko Figure 16.25: 11a-Eps05-2.mp4 , https://youtu.be/RJwfpiiLws0 Figure 16.28A: 21a-LFoVexsitu.mp4 , https://youtu.be/PmUWAI9qfMQ Figure 16.28B: 22a-SFoV1G.mp4 , https://youtu.be/sFBgVyF1Bfw Figure 16.29: 23a-SFoVGreen.mp4 , https://youtu.be/wJMV9bP5ntw Figure 16.30: 24a-SFoVRed.mp4 , https://youtu.be/9m1Q0MrzJrY Figure 16.31: 25a-RotatingSegmentedDamage.mpg , https://youtu.be/OHPkwwaTUSM Figure 16.34: 31a-Stained.mpg , https://youtu.be/Sddg0sbzw6w Figure 16.35: 41a-RLmovie.mpg , https://youtu.be/H7aZrIYjKeQ Figure 16.36A: 51a-SFoV-Tension-Compression-T.mpg , https://youtu.be/AdsjDkq8QE8 Figure 16.36B: 52a-SFoV-Tension-Compression-W.mpg , https://youtu.be/ddSqQnW8jM
Ex-situ X-ray computed tomography data for a non-crimp fabric based fibre composite under fatigue loading
Ex-situ X-ray CT fatigue testing data sets published as a data in brief: "Ex-situ X-ray computed tomography data for a non-crimp fabric based fibre composite under fatigue loading", Data in brief, 2017, doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2017.10.074. Together with the following article: K. M. Jespersen and L. P. Mikkelsen, “Three dimensional fatigue damage evolution in non-crimp glass fibre fabric based composites used for wind turbine blades,” Compos. Sci. Technol. (In press), 2017, 10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.10.004
Datasets from tensile testing of unidirectional carbon fiber composites using different specimen types
The raw tensile data behind figure 8 in the reference: Rajnish Kumar, Lars P Mikkelsen, Hans Lilholt and Bo Madsen, Experimental Method for Tensile Testing of Unidirectional Carbon Fibre Composites Using Improved Specimen Type and Data Analysis, Materials, 14, 3939, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14143939, 2021. to where a reference should be given