9,515 research outputs found

    A Word From The Writing Team (September 2018)

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    This issue includes: Boost Your Communication Skills with Nature Win a Prize for Writing About Health Car

    A Word From The Writing Team (January 2019)

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    This issue includes: Grammarly Tips Expanded NVivo Access Upcoming Workshop

    A Word From The Writing Team (March 2019)

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    This issue includes: Key to Great Writing: Rewriting 3-Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) Upcoming Workshop

    A Word From The Writing Team (October 2018)

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    This issue includes: Writing Lessons from Ted-Ed WHYY\u27s Maiken Scott on Communicating Science Paywall: The Business of Scholarshi

    A Word From The Writing Team (July 2018)

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    This issue includes: From Thesis to Journal Article Open All Summer Sign Up for Our Fall Writing Retreat Writing Caf

    A Word From The Writing Team (November 2018)

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    This issue includes: New! Open Access Funds Available January Writing Retreat A Thanksgiving Though

    Susceptibility and Injury of Some Hybrid Walnuts by the Butternut Curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    The butternut curculio, Conotrachelus juglandis LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), injures the shoots and nuts of various species and hybrids of Juglans in eastern North America. This insect was described in 1876 (LeConte, 1876); its life history has been studied in Connecticut (Britton and Kirk, 1912) and in West Virginia (Brooks, 1922). Its range, however, extends from the New England states through southern Canada to the Great Plains and south to Kansas, Alabama, and Georgia, contiguous with the natural range of butternut (J. cinerea), its native host

    The Work of Satan

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    Greetings, radio friends. We talk today about the queer actions of Satan, the character of Satan and the work of Satan and how he deceives the people. I think we ought to know something about that person because he\u27s so active and he\u27s so prevalent and he\u27s so subtle in all that he does. We ought to know something about what he does and what his teachings are so we\u27ll be prepared against him. So you turn to the book of Revelation Chapter Twelve and we\u27ll read at verse eight, where we read that the devil prevailed not neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil. And Satan, which deceiveth the whole world, he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. Then in the next chapter, chapter 13, read down in verse 13 that this evil one doeth great wonders so that he make a fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. I want you to notice that his business is deceiving people

    The Wide Gate and the Narrow Way

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    ...So it is in the things of God. God\u27s salvation and God\u27s remedies and God\u27s promises have no value except as you apply them to yourself. And now we find some cases in which one applied and one did not notice first the case of Ruth and Orpah. You find it in the book of Ruth. These two young ladies were sisters in law

    The Value of Spoils

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    ...So I want to talk to you about that if I may in Psalm 116, 119 excuse me at verse 162, I rejoice at thy word as one that findeth great spoil. Isn\u27t that lovely? I rejoice in thy word as one that findeth great spoil. I wonder if we feel that way about our Bibles it\u27s a lovely thing to do. And I want to talk to you about some of those spoils, if I may. Spoils, of course, is what an army gets when it invades another country and gets the gold and the silver and the stones that are there and the china and all the wonderful antiques that may be there. They get the spoils. And this dear man who wrote that psalm said I rejoice at thy word as one that finds great spoil
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