11 research outputs found

    Exploring the Links Between International Business and Poverty Reduction: Bouquets and beans from Kenya

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    Oxfam believes that companies, with the right policies and practices, can be part of sustainable and inclusive development. However, they can also get it badly wrong and can inflict substantial damage on the environment and on the rights of workers, farmers, and communities. Oxfam has developed tools, including the Poverty Footprint methodology, to assist companies in better understanding their impacts.This report looks at the influence of UK retailers and consumers on the produce export sector in Kenya. It is the result of a joint undertaking between Oxfam and International Procurement and Logistics Ltd., the biggest importer of fresh produce into the UK.Download an accompanying case study: Women Producers of 'Bouquets and Beans' in Kenya: Exploring the links between international business and poverty reductio

    UK Supermarket Supply Chains: Ending the human suffering behind our food

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    Inequality is rampant across the global economy, and the agro-food sector is no exception. At the top, big supermarkets and other corporate food giants dominate global food markets, allowing them to squeeze value from vast supply chains that span the globe, while at the bottom the bargaining power of small-scale farmers and workers has been steadily eroded in many of the countries from which UK supermarkets and others from around the world source. The result is widespread human suffering among the women and men producing our food. This report puts key findings of the global campaign report Ripe for Change: Ending human suffering in supermarket supply chains in a UK context

    Better Jobs in Better Supply Chains

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    This is the fifth in a series of Briefings for Business that Oxfam has published recently, the purpose of which is to offer ideas and insights into topical poverty issues and what they mean for business. Oxfam believes business plays a key role in poverty reduction by creating jobs that enable people to work their way out of poverty. There is a growing body of evidence that better labour standards also benefit business by boosting sales, staff recruitment and retention, and supply chain productivity. Sustainable, green and ethical are moving from the margins to the mainstream. Is your business prepared? Better Jobs in Better Supply Chains sets out two key labour issues based on Oxfam's current analysis and two business behaviours that hinder rather than help. In each case the issue is explored and the benefits of addressing them are identified. The four issues highlighted are; Precarious work and poverty wages, weak relations between management and workers, purchasing practices that undermine labour standards, and over-reliance on audits. Leading companies, working with NGOs and trade unions, have started to tackle the root causes of poor standards. Case studies are included on initiatives by Adidas, Next, Marks & Spencer, ASDA George, Danone, McDonalds and many other companies. There is a tool to help you benchmark your company, a section on emerging issues and a list of resources

    Steps Towards a Living Wage in Global Supply Chains

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    What are the barriers to ensuring that a living wage is paid, and what are the root causes of low wages? Almost a century after the ILO constitution recognized the need for workers to earn a living wage, this Oxfam paper outlines the compelling reasons for responsible companies to act now to raise wages that are inadequate to meet the needs of workers and their families.The paper looks at the positive steps taken in a range of sectors, and provides a framework for deeper change. It highlights initiatives already underway and aims to help companies which source from developing countries to understand the issue and what success looks like from an Oxfam perspective. It includes recommendations, signposts further reading and suggests indicators of good practice

    Oxfam GB Statement on Modern Slavery: For the financial year 2015/16

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    The UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires organizations with an annual turnover of at least £36m to make a public statement on steps they are taking to identify and prevent modern slavery in their operations and supply chains. Oxfam GB advocated for this policy development, and this statement describes steps taken in relation to our own operations and supply chain. We have opted to share detailed information about our current approach in order to demonstrate transparency on this challenging issue and to encourage greater transparency by others.

    Business and Human Rights: An Oxfam perspective on the UN Guiding Principles

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    This briefing outlines the responsibility of businesses to respect human rights under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), also known as the Ruggie Framework. It provides an overview of the UNGPs and gives an Oxfam perspective, including case studies, on key issues for businesses

    In Work But Trapped in Poverty: A summary of five studies conducted by Oxfam, with updates on progress along the road to a living wage

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    Oxfam believes that access to decent work on a living wage is a fundamental pathway out of poverty, and one of the best ways to counter growing inequality. This summary of recent Oxfam research in Morocco, Kenya, Malawi, Vietnam and Myanmar paints a picture of workers, mostly women, who are working hard but trapped in poverty producing food and garments for consumers. Four of the five studies were conducted with companies who source or sell the products. The paper outlines the findings, gives a progress update and looks at what needs to change for workers like these to enjoy decent work on a living wage in the future

    Labour Rights in Unilever's Supply Chain: From compliance to good practice. An Oxfam study of labour issues in Unilever's Viet Nam operations and supply chain

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    This new Oxfam report, based on research in Viet Nam, explores the reality on the ground in Unilever's operations and wider supply chain, and compares the findings with the company's high-level policy commitments. The company co-operated fully with the study, providing access to its staff, operations, data and suppliers. This enabled Oxfam to assess the labour standards in the context of international standards and local conditions. The study focused on issues which are important to workers but difficult for companies to measure and manage: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining; a Living Wage; and Working Hours and Contract Labour

    Labour Rights in Vietnam: Unilever's progress and systemic challenges

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    In 2011, Oxfam published a study into the gap between Unilever's high-level policies on labour rights and the reality on the ground for workers in Vietnam. Oxfam has reviewed the progress made since 2011 and found that the company's overall commitment to respecting human and labour rights has been strengthened as a result of effective leadership across the business.In this report, Oxfam identifies three key issues that need to be tackled for Unilever to move to the next level of social impact and responsible sourcing and for the good intentions of their policies to translate into real impact for the lives of workers throughout their supply chain.Unilever's suppliers in Vietnam have not yet bought into the business case for changes in labour rights and improved standards.Further work is needed to improve incomes and gender diversity.The systemic issues covered in this report affect entire sectors. Unilever understands this and has committed to tackle the root causes of negative human rights impacts and to report its progress publicly

    Underpaid and Undervalued: How Inequality Defines Women's Work in Asia

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    Rising economic inequality across Asia is threatening poverty reduction and slowing down the fight against gender inequality. Although the region has experienced economic growth, the bottom 70% have seen their income share fall while the share for the top 10% has increased rapidly. Low wages and a lack of rights at work, particularly for women, are at the heart of this scandal. At the same time, women are subsidizing the economy with a disproportionate responsibility for unpaid care work. Achieving living wages and recognizing, redistributing and reducing unpaid care work could support both economic and gender equality in Asia and should be prioritized by both governments and businesses