2 research outputs found

    A Risk-Adjusted Performance Evaluation Of US And EU Hedge Funds And Associated Equity Markets Over The 2007-2009 Financial Crisis

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    Hedge funds are considered to be market-neutral due to their unrestricted investment flexibility and more efficient market timing abilities (Ennis & Sebastian, 2003). They may also be considered as suitably unconventional assets for improving portfolio diversification (Lamm, 1999). The evidence from this study confirms the dominance of hedge funds over the CAC 40, DAX, S&P 500 and Dow Jones from 2004 to 2011. Overall, the Sharpe, Sortino, Omega, Jensens alpha, Treynor and Calmar ratios illustrate that US hedge funds outperformed both EU hedge funds and the associated equity markets over this period. Evidence was also found that both US and EU hedge funds were more correlated with the S&P 500 and Dow Jones after the financial crisis of 2007-2009 than before the crisis

    Psychological and Behavioural Drivers of Short-Term Investment Intentions

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    Analysing the factors that influence the short-term investment intentions of investors is critical for investment institutions. If investment institutions are informed about these factors they can create a framework to more accurately profile their clients to provide clients with the desired liquidity, maturity dates and desired risk and return expectations. Risk tolerance is one of the elements that has been used over time to profile investors, however, this paper found that other factors should also be included. Therefore, this article aimed to determine what drives investors’ short-term investment intentions following a more sociological and behavioural approach by including investor personality traits, behavioural finance biases and investors’ risk tolerance behaviour. Secondary data was obtained from a private investment firm surveying private investors in South Africa. Male investors were also more likely to invest in the short-term compared to female investors. Several personality traits, risk tolerance and a single behavioural finance bias were found to influence investor intentions to invest in the short-term. It is therefore recommended to portfolio management companies that several sociological and behavioural variables do explain whether investors will be willing to invest in short-term or more long-term investment portfolios