58 research outputs found

    Public Service Model in Building Good Governance Culture of Local Government Integrated with New Public Service (NPS)

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    Public service in Indonesia is still has many complaints by people, the role of bureaucracy is required to change attitudes and behavior in order to serve community well, public service is a term used to mean service provided by government to its citizens, the New Public Services Approache in the Public Administration paradigm will inevitably have to be able to change the view of providing service to community.Public service does not only satisfy customers, but rather focus on building a relationship of trust and collaboration with citizens, this study had been conducted over two years in Malang, Batu, Malang and it is called as Malang area, which represented a wide range of people. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques were done by interviews and documentation, and then the data were analyzed by Miles and Hubberman approach, with data reduction.Society as the licensing service users most directly feeling the impact would certainly want fast and accurate services in accordance with the standard operating procedures that had been set. Satisfaction in the service was the thing giving meaningful contributions to the survival of public institutions concerned so that the public service could be said having superior service and expected by society.Each pattern of public service should have a responsibility by showing a good attitude in the timeliness doing service, especially with New Public Service approach in which the public participation can not be taken lightly, because the community is the king who should be respected and given good services, as well as in having attitude of full responsibility on the job and in responding the users of complaint service. If the responsibility of employees in performing job duties is well, it can be ascertained that the jobs given will be completed with the results as expected. Keywords: Public Service, Local Government, New Public Service


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    Human resources management is importan thing to organization existence so, this field, need a good human resources qualities. Motivation and work dicipline will created good qualities human resources that organization needed. Location on this research on BPTP Jawa Timur di Karangploso. This research is done by interview and observasi. A point on this research are motivation and work dicipline that aplicated on BPTP Jawa Timur di Karangploso is given direct influence and proofed by same change


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    Pelayanan public merupakan hal yang langsung bersentuhan dengan masyarakat, dan tentunya juga rawan sekali dengan adanya keluhan dari para pengguna layanan tersebut, hal inilah yang mendasari bagaimana pengelolaan model pengaduan yang efektif dijalankan. Pendekatan pengelolaan pengaduan (Complaint Mechanism) dalam paradigma Administrasi Publik mau tidak mau harus bisa merubah pandangan  dalam pelayanan pada masyarakat, lebih dari itu, kesimpulan Complaint Mechanism adalah bahwa pelayanan publik tidak hanya memuaskan pelanggan, tetapi juga lebih fokus pada bagaimana apabila ada keluhan dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan publik ini. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis dengan metode analisis interaktif yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi atau penafsiran data. Pelayanan publik di Indonesia relative sudah berjalan di Indonesia, terutama dalam hal menangani pengaduan, Pelayanan publik adalah pengertian yang biasa digunakan untuk mengartikan pelayanan yang disediakan oleh pemerintah kepada warganya (citizen) juga yang secara langsung melalui sektor publik atau melalui ketetapan penganggaran pelayanan sektor swasta, kondisi pelayanan publik yang diberikan oleh instansi pemerintah di Indonesia secara umum sudah berjalan dengan baik, akan tetapi dibutuhkan sarana yang baik untuk bisa mengelola pengaduan apabila pelayanan ini mengalami permasalahan.Public services are a direct contact with the community, and of course also very vulnerable to complaints from users of these services, this is what underlies how effective management of complaints models is carried out. Complaint Mechanism approach in the Public Administration paradigm inevitably must be able to change the outlook in service to the community, more than that, the conclusion of Complaint Mechanism is that public services not only satisfy customers, but also focus on what if there are complaints in implementation this public service. In this research, descriptive qualitative method was used. The data collection technique is done by interview and documentation with a sampling technique using purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The collected data will be analyzed by interactive analysis methods which include data reduction, data presentation, and verification or interpretation of data. Public services in Indonesia are relatively already running in Indonesia, especially in terms of handling complaints. Public services are a common understanding used to interpret services provided by the government to its citizens (citizens) also directly through the public sector or through the provision of private sector service budgeting, the condition of public services provided by government agencies in Indonesia has generally been running well, but good facilities are needed to be able to manage complaints if these services experience problems

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan, Kompetensi Serta Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Asn Dinas Peternakan Dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Professionalism in public services is supported by the quality and performance of the Civil Servants who work in government agencies. The goal of this research is to know the Effect of Education and Training, Competence and Work Environment on the Performance of Civil Servants at the Department of Animal Husbandry and Food Security in Pasuruan Regency. This research using observation and survey methods by distributing questionnaires to 55 respondents. The data obtained in this research were analyzed quantitatively using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 24. Data analysis included Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, and Hypothesis Test. The results of this research stated that education and training (X1) did not affect performance, proved by the significance value (Sig.) of the X1 variable on the t-test of 0.181 > 0.05 and the t-count value of 1.355 t-table 2.007, the Standardized Coefficient Beta value of 0.414. On the other part, education and training (X1), competence (X2), and work environment (X3) simultaneously influence performance (Y). This is evidenced by the significance value (Sig.) of the three variables in the F-test of 0.010 F-table 2.78

    Implementasi Kebijakan Tata Kelola Keuangan untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Herregistrasi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    The existence of finances will determine the organization's activities. Likewise, finance has an important meaning in the smooth running of educational activities and processes in education. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research conducted by direct observations, interviews, and documentation. The research results show several supporting factors, including the solidity of university staff in successful policy implementation, adequate understanding of policy actors, bureaucratic structure and clear division of authority, student participation, and compliance with the policies issued. Apart from this, another factor that supports maximum policy implementation is the existence of resources that are mobilized optimally so that information and socialization about policy number 62/TB. KU-340/IX/2023 concerning the Revocation of the Education Development Contribution (SPP) Policy for the Undergraduate Program (S1) in Odd Semester 2023/2024 can run optimally. Every policy implemented is also not free from inhibiting factors. However, there are no significant obstacles in implementing this policy. One example is a small number of students' understanding of the content, scope, and considerations for issuing this policy. After revoking, tuition fee reductions were given through Rector's Decree number 62/TB.KU-340/IX/2023, the registration service runs well and does not significantly reduce the number of registered students.AbstrakBerjalan tidaknya aktivitas organisasi akan ditentukan oleh keberadaan keuangan. Begitu pula dalam dunia pendidikan, keuangan memiliki arti penting terhadap kelancaran kegiatan dan proses pendidikan yang dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung atau observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa faktor pendukung diantaranya kesolidan staff universitas dalam menyukseskan implementasi kebijakan, pemahaman pelaku kebijakan yang memadai, struktur birokrasi dan pembagiaan wewenang yang jelas, partisipasi dan kepatuhan mahasiswa terhadap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan. Selain hal tersebut, faktor lain yang mendukung implementasi kebijakan menjadi maksimal adalah adanya sumber daya yang digerakkan secara maksimal sehingga informasi dan sosialisasi tentang kebijakan Nomor:62/TB.KU-340/IX/2023 tentang Pencabutan Kebijakan Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan (SPP) Program Sarjana (S1) Semester Ganjil 2023/2024 dapat berjalan secara maksimal. Setiap kebijakan yang diimplementasikan juga tidak luput dari faktor penghambat. Namun dalam implementasi kebijakan tentang Pencabutan Kebijakan Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan (SPP) ini tidak ada penghambat yang signifikan. Salah satu contoh adalah pemahaman sebagian kecil mahasiswa terkait isi, lingkup, serta pertimbangan keluarnya kebijakan tersebut. Pasca dikeluarkannya kebijakan pencabutan keringanan biaya SPP melalui SK Rektor Nomor: 62/TB.KU-340/IX/2023, pelayanan heregistrasi berjalan dengan baik dan tidak mengurangi jumlah mahasiswa yang seharusnya melakukan heregistrasi secara signifikan


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    The government through the Disnaker PMPTSP optimizes ad retribution revenue. But on the other hand, this advertisement in its installation has disturbed and damaged the beauty of the city because it did not comply with the regulations made for it. This situation encourages researchers to examine in depth the Advertising Management Policy with a Triple Loop perspective. The purpose of this study is to find out how the billboard management policy is with a Triple Loop perspective in Malang City. To obtain the expected information, this research uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research results show that understanding the triple loop is how to structure the relationship between organizational structure and habits are fundamentally changed as organizations learn how to learn. Outcomes of this learning include improving ways of understanding and changing goals, developing a better understanding of how to respond to the environment and deepening our understanding of why we choose to do things.AbstrakPemerintah melalui Disnaker PMPTSP mengoptimalkan penerimaan retribusi iklan. Tetapi disisi lain iklan ini dalam pemasangan telah mengganggu dan merusak keindahan kota dikarenakan tidak mengindakan peraturan yang dibuat untuk itu. Keadaan tersebut mendorong peneliti untuk mengkaji mendalam tentang kebijakan pengelolaan reklame dengan perspektif Triple Loop. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuai bagaimana kebijakan pengelolaan reklame dengan perspektif Triple Loop di Kota Malang. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diharapkan tersebut maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman Triple Loop adalah bagaimana menata hubungan antara struktur dan kebiasaan organisasi diubah secara fundamental karena organisasi belajar bagaimana untuk belajar. Hasil dari pembelajaran ini termasuk meningkatkan cara untuk memahami dan merubah tujuan, mengembangkan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai bagaimana menanggapi lingkungan dan memperdalam pemahaman kita tentang mengapa kita memilih untuk melakukan sesuatu

    Renewal Concept of Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia: Comparative Study of Local Government of Batu City and Probolinggo Regency

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    Development planning and tourism are an inseparable part of the integrated development unity in Indonesia. SDGs demands for sustainable development are a challenge in themselves. Development in Indonesia has an integrated planning system from central to regional government and from region to center. Integrating the SDG's focus as a mandatory aspect of sustainable development, tourism is included as one of the development items. This research uses qualitative methods by comparing the two regions. The concept of sustainable tourism development, namely Pro-Economic Prosperity, Pro-Environmental Sustainability, Pro-Social Justice and Pro-Environment, has not fully answered new problems such as capacity which results in a saturation point in development and change. in leadership in a democratic system for 5 years, and unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters. Tourism development has been discussed a lot, and some things refer to new variables. This research aims is to find a new concept of sustainable development. Informants from this research used purposive sampling with the informant being the Head of Research and Development at BAPPEDA and the Head of the Tourism Development Section at the Tourism Office in two different regions, namely Batu City and Probolinggo Regency. Primary data uses interview results and secondary data uses official documents from regional organizations. This research produces three new variables in Sustainable Development, namely political sustainability, disaster preparedness, and visitor capacity as aspects that need further consideration. This variable is a new concept in the development of Public Administration Science, especially in the field of Sustainable Development


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    O-Ranger adalah program PT. Pos untuk mempermudah para pelanggan jasa pos dalam mengirim barang. Sistem kerja O-Ranger yaitu dengan mengambil barang langsung ke tempat pelanggan/customer. Penelitian ini akan melihat seberapa puas pelanggan kantor pos terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh O-Ranger pick up Kota Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini guna mengetahui kualitas dari pelayanan O-Ranger PT. Pos Persero Kota Malang dan mengetahui bagaimana Good Corporate Governance dijalankan dalam program O-Ranger di PT. Pos Persero Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik penentuan informan yaitu menggunakan snowball sampling yang mana informan pada penelitian ini adalah marketing dari kantor pos kota Malang, tiga orang O-Ranger dan sepuluh orang pelanggan dari O-Ranger. Sumber data primer adalah pelanggan O-Ranger  dan sumber data sekunder adalah pengamatan pada lokasi penelitian secara langsung. Triangulasi data adalah teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Analisa data menggunakan teori dari Miles, Huberman dan Saldana dengan cara: penyeleksian data atau kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil yang baik, dimana pelayanan yang diberikan oleh O-Ranger Kota Malang telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Dapat kita lihat dalam dimensi yang ada pada setiap indikator seperti tangible, realibility, responsiviness, assurance juga emphaty menunjukkan respon yang positif dari pengguna jasa O-Ranger PT. Pos Persero telah menyusun pedoman etika bisnis dan tata perilaku (Code Of Conduct). Pedoman ini mengatur tentang etika dalam berbisnis dan berperilaku bagi para insan Pos dan semua yang terlibat didalamnya. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa PT. Pos telah melaksanakan Good Corporate Governance dengan baik. Abstract: O-Ranger is a PT. Pos program to facilitate postal service customers in sending goods. O-Ranger work system that is by taking goods directly to the customer / customer. This study will look at how satisfied the post office customers are with the services provided by the Malang City O-Ranger pick-up. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the O-Ranger service of PT Pos Persero Malang City and to find out how Good Corporate Governance was implemented in the O-Ranger program at PT. Pos Persero Malang City. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The technique of determining informants is using snowball sampling, where the informants in this study are marketing from the Malang post office, three O-Ranger and ten customers from O-Ranger. Primary data sources are O-Ranger customers and secondary data sources are observations at research sites directly. Data triangulation is a technique used in data collection. Data analysis uses theories from Miles, Huberman and Saldana by: selecting data or condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verifying data. This research shows good results, where the services provided by O-Ranger Malang have shown good results. We can see in the dimensions that exist in each indicator such as Tangible, Reliability, Responsiviness, Assurance as well as Emphaty shows a positive response from O-Ranger service users. PT Pos Persero has compiled a code of business ethics and code of conduct. This guideline regulates ethics in doing business and behavior for the people of the Post and all those involved in it. This proves that PT. Pos Indonesia has implemented Good Corporate Governance (GCG) very well.Keywords: Service; Good Corporate Governance; Customer Satisfactio


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    Abstract: Excellent service really needs to be owned and displayed when doing a job in a frontliner or customer service position and in excellent service it can be said to be good if it has served the community well. The purpose of this study is to find out about the success of using online passport services, find out the actors involved in online passport services in Malang City and describe the obstacles in implementing online passport services in Malang City. The research method used is qualitative research with in-depth data collection techniques, observation and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis used is purposive sampling. The result shows that the implementation of online passport service at the Immigration Agency Class 1 TPI Malang has been running since August 2017. The implementation of online passport service innovation cannot be separated from service innovations that can be said to be effective and efficient because it consists of several factors that influence the success of implementing these innovations. Factors that influence the implementation of innovation service include the character of the innovation (maker), the communication channel and the social system.Keywords: online passport; innovation; excellent serviceAbstrak: Pelayanan Prima sangat perlu untuk dimiliki dan ditampilkan pada saat melakukan suatu pekerjaan dalam posisi frontliner atau customer service dan dalam pelayanan prima dapat dikatakan baik apabila sudah melayani masyarakat dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang kesuksesan pengunaan pelayanan paspor online, untuk mengetahui aktor-aktor yang terlibat pelayanan paspor online di Kota Malang serta mendeskripsikan kendala dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan paspor online di Kota Malang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sementara analisis data yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelengaraan pelayanan paspor online di Instansi Imigrasi Kelas 1 TPI Malang sudah berjalan mulai berjalan bulan agustus 2017. Penyelengaraan inovasi pelayanan paspor online tidak lepas dari inovasi pelayanan yang sudah bisa dikatakan efektif dan efisien karena terdiri dari beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan penyelengaraan inovasi tersebut. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan penyelenggaraan pelayanan inovasi tersebut antara lain adalah faktor karakter inovasi (pembuat), faktor saluran komunikasi dan faktor sistem sosial.Kata Kunci: paspor online; inovasi; pelayanan prim