5 research outputs found

    The determination of major and some minor constituents in lead zirconate-titanate compositions by x-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption spectrometry

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    An accurate X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method is described for the determination of lead, zirconium and titanium in lead zirconate-titanate ceramics. Careful matching of samples and standards by a borax fusion method resulted in a relative standard deviation of about 0.2% for the major constituents. The determination, after separation, of the unreacted oxide of lead by atomic absorption spectrometry, and of the unreacted oxides of zirconium and titanium by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is also described. An X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method is proposed for the determination of dope elements (K, La, Sm, Yb) with internal standards (Ca, Ce, Cr, Ni respectively). The magnesium dope is determined by atomic-absorption spectrometry with standard addition

    Two calculation procedures for the determination of composition and mass thickness of thin samples by x-ray spectrometry

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    Two procedures are described for calculating the composition and mass thickness of thin samples from measured x-ray intensities. One procedure is suitable for use with a programmable hand calculator but gives correct results only for very thin samples. The other procedure utilizes the NRLXRF program and produces correct results for thin and thick films

    A borax fusion technique for quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis

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    A borax fusion technique to cast glass discs for quantitative X-ray analysis is described in detail. The method is based on the “nonwetting” properties of a Pt/Au alloy towards molten borax, on the favourable composition of the flux and finally on the favourable form of the casting mould. The critical points of the technique are stressed, resulting in a method which could be carried out successfully by inexperienced workers. In general the method compares favourably in speed and accuracy with wet-chemical methods