63,622 research outputs found

    Electron pockets and pseudogap asymmetry observed in the thermopower of underdoped cuprates

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    We calculate the diffusion thermoelectric power of high-Tc cuprates using the resonating-valence-bond spin-liquid model developed by Yang, Rice and Zhang (YRZ). In this model, reconstruction of the energy-momentum dispersion results in a pseudogap in the density of states that is heavily asymmetric about the Fermi level. The subsequent asymmetry in the spectral conductivity is found to account for the large magnitude and temperature dependence of the thermopower observed in underdoped cuprates. In addition we find evidence in experimental data for electron pockets in the Fermi surface, arising from a YRZ-like reconstruction, near the onset of the pseudogap in the slightly overdoped regime.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    The aspherical Cavicchioli-Hegenbarth-Repovš generalized Fibonacci groups

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    The Cavicchioli–Hegenbarth–Repovš generalized Fibonacci groups are defined by the presentations Gn (m, k) = 〈x 1, … , xn | xixi+m = xi+k (1 ⩽ i ⩽ n)〉. These cyclically presented groups generalize Conway's Fibonacci groups and the Sieradski groups. Building on a theorem of Bardakov and Vesnin we classify the aspherical presentations Gn (m, k). We determine when Gn (m, k) has infinite abelianization and provide sufficient conditions for Gn (m, k) to be perfect. We conjecture that these are also necessary conditions. Combined with our asphericity theorem, a proof of this conjecture would imply a classification of the finite Cavicchioli–Hegenbarth–Repovš groups

    Spin Dynamics near the Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in Impurity-Doped YBa2Cu4O8

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    We studied low-frequency spin dynamics near the impurity-induced superconductor-to-insulator transition for underdoped high-Tc superconductor YBa2(Cu1-xMx)4O8 (M=Ni, Zn) using the Cu nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spin-echo technique. We observed remarkable suppression of the normal-state pseudo spin-gap and a loss of Cu NQR spectrum intensity at low temperatures around the critical impurity concentration.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.70, No.7 (2001

    Vortex Loop Phase Transitions in Liquid Helium, Cosmic Strings, and High-T_c Superconductors

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    The distribution of thermally excited vortex loops near a superfluid phase transition is calculated from a renormalized theory. The number density of loops with a given perimeter is found to change from exponential decay with increasing perimeter to algebraic decay as T_c is approached, in agreement with recent simulations of both cosmic strings and high-T_c superconductors. Predictions of the value of the exponent of the algebraic decay at T_c and of critical behavior in the vortex density are confirmed by the simulations, giving strong support to the vortex-folding model proposed by Shenoy.Comment: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett, with a number of corrections and addition

    Evidence for two electronic components in high-temperature superconductivity from NMR

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    A new analysis of 63Cu and 17O NMR shift data on La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 is reported that supports earlier work arguing for a two-component description of this material, but conflicts with the widely held view that the cuprates are a one-component system. The data are analyzed in terms of two components A and B with susceptibilities Chi(A), Chi(B), and Chi(AB)=Chi(BA) . We find that above Tc, Chi(AB) and Chi(BB) are independent of temperature and obtain for the first time the temperature dependence of all three susceptibilities above Tc as well as the complete temperature dependence of Chi(AA)+Chi(AB) and of Chi(AB)+Chi(BB) below Tc. The form of the results agrees with that recently proposed by Barzykin and Pines.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetothermopower in A 2− x

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    A magnetothermopower has been observed in electronically spin-polarized polycrystalline Sr2-xLaxFeMoO6 and Ba2FeMoO6. The magnetothermopower is linear up to ~50 K for Sr2-xLaxFeMoO6 and linear up to ~270 K for Ba2FeMoO6. We suggest that the magnetothermopower may arise from a spin-tunneling magnetothermopower between the grains
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