9 research outputs found
Post-primary education in West Ham, 1918-39.
This thesis is concerned with post-primary education in West Ham 1918-39, with
particular reference to secondary education. The realities of local educational
experience are set against a background of educational acts an economies. The
economic difficulties of the 1920s and the Depression of the 1930s were keenly felt
in West Ham despite the efforts of the predominantly Labour council to mitigate
poverty. A gap sometimes existed between the educational opportunities Labour
councillors wished to provide and those they were able to provide. Generally a
pragmatic approach was taken and certainly a secondary education was not seen as
essential for all.
Chapter One outlines West Ham's pre-1918 history and growth with reference to
local politics and immigrant and religious groupings. West Ham's interwar history
is told in greater detail. Chapter Two relates the difficulties encountered by the
West Ham Education Committee in its decision to establish compulsory
continuation schools, not least from the parents of West Ham. West Ham was one
of the few areas in the country which succeeded in implementing compulsory
continuation education albeit for a limited period. A section on technical education
is also included in this chapter, although detailed treatment is hampered by a
scarcity of records.
Chapter Three examines West Ham's secondary school scholarships in the context
of the national situation. West Ham's higher elementary/central school scholarships
are subjected to the same scrutiny. Each of West Ham's secondary schools shared
a broadly similar curriculum and ethos. Chapter Four highlights these similarities
but also points out differences. Of the five interwar secondary schools, two
catered for girls, one for boys and two were mixed. Two of the secondary schools
were Catholic institutions, although both accepted non-Catholic pupils. Three of
the schools were aided and two municipal. A section is included on West Ham's
higher elementary/central schools but records are less full than those for the secondary schools. Chapter Five compares and contrasts West Ham's interwar
secondary school system with that in East Ham, its sister borough. Chapter Six
discusses both the economic and cultural factors underlying local attitudes to
post-compulsory schooling. The main conclusions drawn relate to these attitudes
which militated against any easy acceptance of such education as necessarily
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
Summary of allele-specific contacts. (XLSX 10 kb
Additional file 5: Figure S3. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
Mapping of the hinge region. Contact maps at the hinge region in F1 brain and Patski cells. Data are shown at a 100 kb resolution for a region of chrX:70,000,000–75,099,999 (left) and at a 40 kb resolution for chrX:70,000,000–75,039,999 (right). The estimated boundaries of the superdomains 1 and 2 (at 100 kb or 40 kb) are marked by dotted red lines and the hinge region located in between the superdomains contains the least number of contacts. (PDF 825 kb
Additional file 8: Figure S5. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
Intrachromosomal contacts at Kcnk9 and at imprinted genes, excluding those located on chromosome 7. a Significant contacts are detected at the maternally expressed gene Kcnk9 on the maternal allele (Mat). Allelic mRNA-seq profiles show expression on the maternal allele at imprinted genes Kcnk9, Trappc9, Chrac1 and Ago2, and on the paternal allele (Pat) at Peg13, in agreement with a previous study [62]. Allelic CTCF profiles show absence of binding to the differentially methylated region (DMR) on the maternal allele (arrow) presumably facilitating the formation of contacts between the Kcnk9 promoter region and an unidentified distant enhancer, similar to the situation in human [62]. The needle plot of contact counts between a 40 kb window that overlaps Kcnk9 (grey bar) and other regions shows more interactions on the maternal (pink) than the paternal allele (blue). Genes with maternal or paternal expression are colored pink or blue, non-imprinted genes black, and non-expressed genes grey, respectively. Contact regions showing significant allelic biases are marked by asterisks. b Distribution of maternal-to-paternal allelic contacts at autosomal genes and X-linked genes determined by DNase Hi-C at 40 kb resolution in F1 brain in which the paternal chromosomes are from spretus. c Violin plots show the distribution of maternal-to-paternal allelic contacts at maternally and paternally imprinted genes at 40 kb resolution in F1 brain, after removing genes located on chromosome 7, which changes the shape of the distribution, due to fewer genes showing a low maternal-to-paternal contact ratio (see also Fig. 7). Dotted line indicates median ratios of maternal-to-paternal contacts at autosomal genes. (PDF 1263 kb
Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
Allelic differences between contact maps for the X chromosomes are not seen for homologous autosomes. Allelic intrachromosomal chromatin contact heatmaps of chromosome 1 homologs based on SNP reads at 1 Mb resolution obtained by DNase Hi-C and in situ DNase Hi-C in F1 brain and in Patski cells. Contact maps for chromosomes 1 appear remarkably similar between maternal (BL6) and paternal (spretus) chromosomes. See Fig. 1a for comparison with contacts maps obtained for the Xa and Xi, which demonstrate striking differences. (PDF 1178 kb
Additional file 4: Figure S2. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
TADs are more prominent on Xa versus Xi. Contact maps for the Xa and Xi at 100 kb resolution for chrX:98,500,00–103,499,999 in F1 brain (top) and Patski cells (bottom). (PDF 717 kb
Additional file 6: Figure S4. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
Reproducibility of Xi contact maps obtained by DNase Hi-C and in situ DNase Hi-C approaches in F1 brain and Patski cells. Allelic intrachromosomal chromatin contact heatmaps are shown for the mouse Xa and Xi based on SNP reads at 1 Mb resolution using DNase Hi-C and in situ DNase Hi-C to the same whole brain specimen, and for two independent biological replicates using in situ DNase Hi-C on Patski cells. These contact maps show remarkably similar features between replicates, between methods, and between in vitro and in vivo mouse hybrid systems. Note that XCI is reciprocal between F1 brain (spretus Xi) and Patski cells (BL6 Xi). (PDF 1598 kb
Additional file 7: Table S3. of Bipartite structure of the inactive mouse X chromosome
List of imprinted genes and genes that escape XCI in mouse F1 brain. (XLSX 12 kb
MOESM1 of Distinct epigenetic features of differentiation-regulated replication origins
Additional file 1. Supplemental figures and tables