62 research outputs found

    Bird-Banding in Greenland

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    Reviews the ornithological studies and banding activities, the latter from 1890. Data are given on banding and recoveries in 1946-65 for 44 species cited by their English, Latin, Danish and Greenlandic names. The total number of birds banded in 1945-68 is >116,000. Author comments on human predation, the economic importance of birds to the natives, and on the system of paid banding by local population as fostering Greenlanders' interest in hunting laws and bird protection.Baguage des oiseaux au Groënland. Au Groënland, le baguage des oiseaux, initiative danoise, a débuté en 1926 avec le Dr A. Bertelsen. Après la seconde guerre mondiale, le Dr Finn Salomonsen entreprit un programme officiel de baguage, qui éveilla l'intérêt des Groënlandais. Selon ce programme, les administrateurs du gouvernement danois choisissent des citoyens de chaque district pour baguer les oiseaux sur la base d'une rétribution. Au cours des récentes années cependant, l'intérêt a décliné parmi la population locale et pour maintenir le travail de baguage, il a fallu envoyer de Copenhague des expéditions spéciales. De 1946 à 1965, 89,258 oiseaux ont été bagués; de ceux-ci, 6,542 ont été retrouvés par la suite (5,947 au Groënland et 595 ailleurs). De 1966 à 1968, 26,758 nouveaux baguages ont été réalisés, pour un total de 116,016 en 23 ans

    The History of Greenland. Vol. I: Earliest Times to 1700, by Finn Gad

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    The History of Greenland: Vol. II: 1700 to 1782, by Finn Gad

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    Migratory Movements and Mortality of Peregrine Falcons Banded in Greenland, 1972–97

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    In 1972 we initiated a long-term study of Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in West Greenland to evaluate population status and describe general breeding ecology. The study area encompassed approximately 6050 km2, spanning the area from the edge of the inland ice cap westward to the coast. From 1972 to 1997, we banded 1896 peregrines (1771 nestlings, 125 adults). Encounters of banded peregrines (n = 114) outside the study area occurred at locations from Greenland to Uruguay. In contrast to the equal sex ratio recorded in broods at banding, the sex ratio of nestling encounters was significantly skewed toward females. The majority (54%) of encounters involved capture and release by other falcon researchers, particularly those operating banding stations along the Eastern Seaboard and in southern Texas. Peregrines from Greenland appeared to reach wintering areas by late October or early November. Although male peregrines wintered significantly farther south than females, there was no significant difference in the mean date of capture along the East Coast of the United States in the hatch year (mean = 9 October ± 2.5 days for males and 9 October ± 1 day for females). Spring migration appeared to commence in early April, with breeding birds back on the study area by late May or early June. Despite the extensive recent use of satellite telemetry, long-term banding continues to play an important role in studies of peregrine migration, natal dispersal, and survival.En 1972, nous avons entrepris l’étude à long terme des faucons pèlerins Falco peregrinus dans l’ouest du Groenland dans le but d’évaluer l’état de la population et de décrire l’écologie générale de la reproduction. L’aire visée par l’étude comptait environ 6 050 km2, s’étendant ainsi du bord de la calotte glaciaire de l’arrière-pays jusqu’à la côte ouest. Entre 1972 et 1997, nous avons bagué 1 896 faucons pèlerins (1 771 oisillons, 125 adultes). Des faucons pèlerins bagués (n = 114) ont été repérés à l’extérieur de l’aire visée par l’étude, dans des endroits allant du Groenland jusqu’en Uruguay. En contraste avec la proportion égale des sexes enregistrée dans les nichées au moment du baguage, la proportion des sexes chez les oisillons repérés tendait considérablement plus du côté des femelles. La majorité (54 %) des repérages ont fait l’objet de captures et libérations de la part d’autres chercheurs spécialisés dans les faucons, surtout ceux situés aux postes de baguage du littoral est et du sud du Texas. Les faucons pèlerins du Groenland semblaient atteindre les aires d’hivernage vers la fin d’octobre ou le début de novembre. Même si les mâles hivernaient beaucoup plus au sud que les femelles, aucune différence importante n’a été relevée dans la date moyenne de capture sur le littoral est des États-Unis pendant l’année de l’éclosion (moyenne = 9 octobre ± 2,5 jours chez les mâles et 9 octobre ± 1 jour chez les femelles). La migration printanière semblait commencer vers le début d’avril, les oiseaux reproducteurs étant de retour dans l’aire visée par l’étude vers la fin de mai ou le début de juin. Malgré l’utilisation récente et fréquente de la télémétrie satellitaire, le baguage à long terme continue du jouer un rôle important dans l’étude de la migration, de la dispersion natale et de la survie du faucon pèlerin.В 1972 мы начали программу мониторинга сокола-сапсана Falco peregrinus в западной Гренландии с целью оценить состояние популяции и описать экологию размножения вида. Район исследований составил примерно 6050 кв. км от края ледникового щита до западного побережья. С 1972 по 1997 год мы окольцевали 1896 птиц (1771 птенцов и 125 взрослых особей). Эти птицы были встречены от Гренландии до Уругвая (n = 114). По сравнению с сбалансированным соотношением самцов и самок при кольцевании, на гнездовьях впоследствии отмечались преимущественно самки. 54% находок были отловлены и отпущены на станциях вдоль восточного побережья Северной Америки и в южном Техасе. Сапсаны из Гренландии достигают зимовок к концу октября или началу ноября. Хотя самцы сапсана отмечались на зимовках существенно южнее самок, мы не отметили достоверной разницы в средней дате их появления вдоль восточного побережья США в их год вылупления (в среднем 9 октября ± 2,5 дня для самцов и 9 октября ± 1 день для самок). Весенний перелет начинается в раннем апреле и птицы появляются в местах гнездования в конце мая или начале июня. Несмотря на широкое использование спутниковой телеметрии, многолетние наблюдения окольцованных птиц остается одним из главных методов отслеживания миграции, разлета и выживания соколов-сапсанов

    Pollutant and Shell Thickness Determinations of Peregrine Eggs from West Greenland

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    A preliminary survey of breeding peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in West Greenland in 1972 indicated both a high nesting density (one pair per 100 square miles) and a high production rate (2.25 young per pair or 2.57 per pair with young). ... Peregrines in the eastern United States and southern Canada experienced an increasing incidence of reproductive failures throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, culminating in the disappearance of the breeding populations by 1964. Studies were therefore carried out in the Northwest Territories and Alaska in 1966 to determine the status of the northern birds. No apparent abnormalities were found, and the reproduction was considered to be normal. ... Thin eggshells have been a characteristic of all the declining populations. The degree of thinning is closely associated with levels of the DDT compound p,p'-DDE in the eggs .... We have therefore examined the eggshells and shell fragments obtained in Greenland in 1972 for evidence of shell thinning and have measured the chlorinated hydrocarbons in two unhatched eggs. During the 1972 Greenland peregrine survey, 1 unhatched egg was collected from each of 2 eyries. In addition, shell fragments of 7 hatched eggs from 4 different females were collected. The mean thickness of these 9 eggs from 6 females was 0.298 mm ±0.018 (95 per cent C.L.: range 0.26-0.33), 14 per cent lower than the mean thickness of 42 peregrine eggs from Greenland that were collected before 1940 (thickness = 0.347 mm ±0.018 ...). Shell thinning of unhatched and broken eggs obtained from Ungava in 1967 and 1970 was somewhat more severe; the mean thickness was 21 per cent less than that of 59 peregrine egg-shells collected in the eastern Arctic between 1900 and 1940. ... DDE concentrations, expressed on either a wet weight or a lipid weight basis are within the range of those measured in peregrine eggs from Alaska and northern Canada. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) have not previously been determined in peregrine eggs from the Arctic. Levels in the Greenland eggs were comparable to those of DDE .... The composition of the PCB mixture was similar to that of commercial mixtures containing 60 per cent chlorine by weight, Profiles of PCB residues in these eggs are strikingly like those of fat biopsies from peregrines in Chile, a further example of the global nature of the contamination to which this species is exposed. Body burdens of organochlorine compounds in the West Greenland peregrines are not therefore sufficiently high to affect reproductive success; the pollution ecology of this population might be considered comparable to that of other arctic-breeding peregrines in the mid-sixties. These also had comparatively high organochlorine levels with no apparent effect on reproduction, but many eggs approached a critical level of shell thinning. Because of the close relationships found in other populations between DDE concentrations and the degree of shell thinning and associated reproductive failures, we conclude that a comparatively small increase in the DDE levels to which these birds are exposed would endanger the population

    Falcon Research in Greenland, 1973

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    ... During the summer of 1972 a research team initiated the first in-depth study of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in West Greenland. Eight eyries (nests) of this endangered species were located in an inland sample area of 700 sq. mi. Detailed observations were taken of peregrine breeding behaviour at one eyrie. Seven of the eyries produced young, containing an average of 2.57 young per successful eyrie. This high reproductive rate indicates a healthy population, but analyses of 2 addled eggs revealed high p,p'-DDE as well as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) residues and eggshell fragments from 9 eggs showed a 14 per cent decrease in thickness compared with 42 eggs collected in Greenland before the introduction of DDT into the environment. ... The [1973] survey area consisted of 900 sq. mi. (2,330 sq. km.), including ice-cap, lakes, fjords, and other unsuitable habitat totalling about 150 sq. mi. (388 sq. km.). We found 10 occupied peregrine falcon nesting cliffs in the survey area in 1973. ... 9 eyries produced young. Of these 9, 7 were also successful in 1972, while another was occupied throughout the season by an aggressive pair, and at the ninth a lone female mildly defended the cliff. Of the 9 producing eyries in 1973, 1 contained 4 young, 5 contained 3 young each, 2 had 2 young each, and 1 held 1 young. This gives a total of 24 young peregrines and a production rate of 2.4 young per occupied eyrie, or 2.67 young per successful eyrie. These young were counted at advanced ages varying from 2.5 weeks to just before fledging. It is believed that all or almost all fledged. We found 1 occupied eyrie per 90 sq. mi. (233 sq. km.), or 1 successful eyrie per 100 sq. mi. (260 sq. km.). All young were banded with a metal band on the left tarsus and a red plastic band on the right. ... The colour bands signify the beginning of an international peregrine colour banding system established for quick geographical identification of banding locality. During the 2 summers, 9 gyrfalcon nesting cliffs were located in the survey area. We believe that at least 6 of the 9 locations were occupied in 1972. In 1973, 8 of the 9 cliffs were checked. Young were found at 4 sites. A fifth was observed from an aircraft and appeared to be active. Lone adults were observed at 2 other locations. Seven young gyrfalcons were banded out of 10 young found. One nest site was inaccessible and the young were not banded, accounting for the difference in number located and banded. The production rate per producing pair of gyrfalcons was 2.50 young. ... Our sample survey indicates that in 1973, as in 1972, the peregrine falcon reproduced normally in West Greenland. The slightly higher production rate in 1973 can possibly be attributed to warmer temperatures during the nesting period, as the summer of 1972 was unseasonably cool. However, the 1972 data on eggshell thinning and high DDE and PCB residues reveal that this population is precariously balanced, and severe reproductive failure threatens. Analysis of the 1973 addled egg and measurement of the additional eggshell fragments will supplement the 1972 results to provide a larger data base. ..

    West Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey, 1978

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    This brief report describes results of a survey project which has been banding West Greenland peregrines annually since 1972. Statistics on number of eyries, sex ratios, and number of young hatched per eyrie are given

    The Molecular Structure of the Beadex and Heldup-A Loci of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Genetic studies indicate that excess-of-function Beadex mutations and loss-of-function heldup-a mutations affect different parts of a single bipartite genetic unit. In order to investigate the molecular nature of the Beadex and heldup-a mutations we isolated DNA from a 49 kilobase region surrounding the sites at which these mutations occur. We found gross structural alterations associated with one heldup-a mutation and each of the 13 different Beadex mutations that we examined. As expected from previous genetic studies these loci are separated by only a short molecular distance which is at most 1.5 kilobases. The structural alterations associated with the thirteen Beadex excess-of-function mutations examined are clustered within a three kilobase region. Several of these mutations are found to be associated with the deletion of part of an 800 bp region. This indicates that an element that normally represses gene activity is located within this region: A 200 base pair segment which is required for the function of the wild-type heldup-a locus is defined using a heldup-a mutation which results from a small deletion. Two RNA transcripts have been found which span this 200 base pair segment. One of these two transcripts, a four kilobase RNA, is expressed during stages in which the Beadex structural gene product is expected to be active. The structure of this transcript is affected by one heldup-a mutation and each of five Beadex mutations that were examined. However, only one of the Beadex mutant alleles expresses significantly elevated levels of this RNA. Other RNA species in the region surrounding the the Beadex and heldup-a loci were not affected either in amount or size by Beadex mutations. We have also reintroduced a wild-type 10.4 kilobase fragment, which includes the region m which Beadex and heldup-a mutations map, into the Drosophila genome by P element mediated transformation. This introduced fragment fails both to complement loss-of-function heldup-a mutations and to enhance an excess-of-function phenotype. This result indicates that some sequences required for the normal heldup-a function must be located outside this 10.4 kilobase region.</p

    the Fishing Industry of Iceland.

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    The aim of this study is to examine the geographic bases of Iceland's sea fisheries. Because of restrictions imposed by the natural environment Iceland is economically dependent on other countries to supply most of her basic goods. Climate and topography limit agricultural production to hay and fodder crops in addition to minor amounts of potatoes, turnips, and other leafy vegetables. [...