11 research outputs found
Additional file 1: of Reasons for poor follow-up of diabetic retinopathy patients after screening in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
Study Questionnaire. The interview was conducted in Kiswahili by a native speaker. The structured questionnaire used was pilot tested on 10 patients at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) prior to its use in order to ensure adequate understanding. The answers were recorded in Kiswahili and then translated into English. (DOCX 84Â kb
Presence of immune cell markers and phenotypes by immunohistochemistry.
<p>Presence of immune cell markers and phenotypes by immunohistochemistry.</p
Connective tissue scarring grade using polarised light.
<p>Connective tissue scarring grade using polarised light.</p
Comparison of CD8 and CD56 cellular grades.
<p>Comparison of CD8 and CD56 cellular grades.</p
Conjunctival sections from two patients with trichiasis after staining for NCR1.
<p>Numerous NCR1 positive cells, stained brown, can be seen. Original magnification ×200.</p
Conjunctival sections after staining for CD45.
<p>Some CD45 positive cells, stained brown, can be observed. However, many CD45 negative inflammatory cells can also be seen. Original magnification ×400.</p
Demographic and clinical characteristics.
<p>Demographic and clinical characteristics.</p
Force of infection modelling of seroconversion rates before and after MDA.
<p>A. Maximum likelihood fits from reversible catalytic equilibrium model for antibody responses either pgp3 or CT694 is shown. X-axis represents the time in years that each model has a change point. The y-axis is the log-likelihoods from each model where log-likelihoods are rescaled against a maximum of 0 and a log-likelihood above -2 is an approximate 95% confidence interval when the change occurred. B. A model in which SCR changed 10 years previously, to represent the time at which MDA ceased, had a better fit than the model that assumed the SCR had remained constant (likelihood ratio test X<sup>2</sup> = 45.4 p,0.0001). The triangles represent deciles of observed seroprevalence; the solid blue line represents the predicted values based on the model with dotted lines and the 95% CI.</p
Population structure of Kahe-Mpya and the study population.
<p>Population structure of Kahe-Mpya and the study population.</p