212 research outputs found

    Are the large central cities of the Midwest reviving?

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    Most central cities of the Midwest experienced revival in the 1990s in comparison with the previous two decades, according to such broad measures as population, employment, unemployment, and income. This article evaluates gains in light of the overall turnaround of the Midwest economy and finds that underlying urban/suburban differences in performance have not changed radically in most metropolitan areas.Middle West ; Economic conditions - Middle West

    Preview of the Great Lakes economy looking north and south

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    Federal Reserve District, 7th ; Great Lakes

    Trends and prospects for rural manufacturing

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    Manufactures ; Rural development

    State-local business taxation and the benefits principle

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    This article advances the proposition that general business taxation should be structured to recover the costs of public services rendered to the business community. Estimates of one possible form of such a tax structure are offered for states of the Seventh District and for other U.S. regions.Corporations - Taxation ; Local finance ; Taxation

    Does business development raise taxes?

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    Labor market ; Property tax

    Linkages across the border--the Great Lakes economy

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    Great Lakes ; Automobile industry and trade

    School choice and competition

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    Is midwest manufacturing at a crossroads?

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    Manufactures ; Trade

    Higher energy prices in the Midwest

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    Middle West ; Gasoline ; Power resources - Prices

    Work force issues

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    Labor supply ; Middle West
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