18 research outputs found

    Correction to: Transplanting hybrid potato seedlings at increased densities enhances tuber yield and shifts tuber-size distributions

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    The original version of the article was unfortunately published online without approval of that latest version by the authors of the article. Corrections for the too early published version are listed below (locations are indicated by Heading, paragraph, sentence): Introduction, 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence: incorrect hyphenation of “gen-otype”, should be changed to “geno-type” Table 1: the descriptive header cell, “Date of:” should cover both "Planting" and "Harvest" a headline below Field Locations, Experimental Design and Cultural Practices, 2nd paragraph, 4th sentence: Inconsistent use of Figure vs Fig.: “(Figure S3)” should be changed to “(Fig. S3)” Fig. 1: In the caption “(T-Σ, T-base = 0°Cd)” should be changed to “(T-Σ in °Cd, T-base = 0 °C)” Observations, Measurements and Calculations, 2nd paragraph, last two lines: in the previous version these last two lines were shifted to previous page. Also in the final version these two lines should be shifter to the previous page Fig. 2: The white lines between the figure caption and the main text is too large, 30% more compared to previous version. These white lines should be reduced

    Hilling of Transplanted Seedlings from Novel Hybrid True Potato Seeds Does Not Enhance Tuber Yield but Can Affect Tuber Size Distribution

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    A novel cropping system for potato was tested for two consecutive years under normal Dutch agronomic conditions. Seedlings from two experimental genotypes of hybrid true potato seeds were produced in a greenhouse nursery and transplanted into the field 5 weeks after sowing to assess tuber yield levels and to study effects of hilling on tuber yield and number, tuber size distribution and tuber greening. Field experiments had a split-plot design with hilling treatments as the main plots and genotypes as the sub-plots. Final harvest was at 122 and 132 days after transplanting in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Hybrid seedlings were transplanted into small initial ridges and irrigated straight after planting. Three hilling treatments were applied between transplanting and 100% canopy cover. Treatment ‘zero hilling’ did not receive any additional hilling after transplanting. Treatments ‘double hilling’ and ‘triple hilling’ received two and three additional hilling treatments, respectively. Total tuber yields at final harvest in both years were not affected by the hilling treatments. Yields for the respective genotypes were 26 and 30 Mg/ha in 2017 and 25 and 32 Mg/ha in 2018. Total tuber numbers were only affected by hilling treatments in 2017, where under hilled conditions, plants produced more tubers compared with plants under zero hilling. Plants under zero hilling yielded more tubers in size class > 40 mm compared with triple hilling in 2017. In 2018, no significant effects of hilling on tuber numbers were found, but the trend was similar to that in 2017.</p

    Crop Cycle Length Determines Optimal Transplanting Date for Seedlings from Hybrid True Potato Seeds

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    The technology of hybrid breeding in diploid potatoes creates opportunities to design novel and improved cultivation systems based on hybrid true potato seeds. A promising cultivation pathway to produce seed or ware tubers is by transplanting greenhouse-raised seedlings into the field. This study explored the effects of transplanting date and seedling age on tuber yield, using greenhouse-raised seedlings. Field trials with experimental hybrid genotypes were conducted in three consecutive years. In 2017 and 2018, 4- and 6-week-old seedlings were transplanted at four dates: March, April, May and June. In 2019, transplanting dates included April, May and June and seedling age was 5 weeks. In 2018, the March planting experienced severe frost during the initial field period resulting in crop failure. In 2017 and 2019, plants could withstand shorter and less severe frost events. Seedling age did not significantly affect tuber parameters. Transplanting in June resulted in lower marketable yield (> 28 mm) compared with earlier transplanting dates when crops were harvested in September. At full crop senescence, no differences in marketable yield were observed. The optimal transplanting window, taking into account weather-related risks, is approximately between early April and end May. For some genotypes, crop cycle length was observed to be a more important yield-determining factor than transplanting date

    Hepatosplenic candidiasis without prior documented candidemia: An underrecognized diagnosis?

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    Introduction. Patients with a history of chemotherapy or stem cell transplantation (SCT) and prolonged neutropenia are at risk for hepatic and/or splenic seeding of Candida. In our experience, hepatosplenic candidiasis (HSC) without documented candidemia often remains unrecognized. Case presentations.We describe three cases of HSC without documented candidemia and the challenges in establishing the diagnosis and adequately treating this condition. The first patient had a history of SCT for treatment of breast cancer and was scheduled for hemihepatectomy for suspected liver metastasis. A second opinion at our institute resulted in the diagnosis of hepatic candidiasis without prior documented candidemia, for which she was treated successfully with fluconazole. The second case demonstrates the limitations of (blood and tissue) cultures and the value of molecular methods to confirm the diagnosis. Case 3 illustrates treatment challenges, with ongoing dissemination and insufficient source control despite months of antifungal therapy, eventually resulting in a splenectomy. Literature review. A structured literature search was performed for articles describing any patient with HSC and documented blood culture results. Thirty articles were available for extraction of data on candidemia and HSC. Seventy percent (131/187) of patients with HSC did not have documented candidemia. The majority of HSC events were described in hematologic patients, although some cases were described in patients with solid tumors treated with SCT (n51) or chemotherapy and a history of leukopenia (n52). Current guidelines and practices for diagnosis and treatment are described. Conclusion. Clinicians should be aware that HSC most often occurs without documented candidemia. In case of persistent or unexplained fever or lesions in the liver and/or spleen, a history of neutropenia should place disseminated candidiasis in the differential diagnosis. HSC is not limited to hematological patients and may occur in patients with solid tumors treated with bone marrow-suppressing chemotherapy or SCT. In the latter group, HSC as alternative diagnosis for hepatic metastasis should be considered when lesions are not typical for metastasis. This might prevent unnecessary surgery or inappropriate treatment

    Value of Different Assays for Detection of Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in Predicting the Development of HCMV Disease in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients

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    In the present prospective study, five blood tests for detection of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) for detection of early (immediate-early antigen) and late (pp67) mRNA, PCR for detection of HCMV DNA (DNA PCR), culture, and pp65 antigenemia assay, and culture and DNA PCR of urine and throat swab specimens were compared for their abilities to predict the development of disease caused by HCMV (HCMV disease). Of 101 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with ≤100 CD4(+) lymphocytes per mm(3), 25 patients developed HCMV disease. The pp65 antigenemia assay (sensitivity, 50%; specificity, 89%) and DNA PCR of blood (sensitivity, 69%; specificity, 75%) were most accurate in predicting the development of HCMV disease within the next 12 months. Both blood culture and late pp67 mRNA NASBA had high specificities (91 and 90%, respectively) but low sensitivities (25 and 13%, respectively). The sensitivities of urine culture, DNA PCR, throat swab specimen culture, DNA PCR, and NASBA of blood for detection of the immediate-early antigen were 73, 87, 53, 67, and 63%, respectively, and the specificities were 58, 46, 76, 60, and 72%, respectively. The positive predictive values of all tests however, were low and did not exceed 50%. In conclusion, virological screening by these qualitative assays for detection of HCMV is of limited value for prediction of the development of HCMV disease in HIV-infected patients