16 research outputs found

    Small bowel motility affects glucose absorption in a healthy man

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    WST臉P. Celem pracy by艂o wyja艣nienie zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy motoryk膮 dwunastnicy i jelita cienkiego a wch艂anianiem glukozy oraz ustalenie wp艂ywu zmiany motoryki jelita cienkiego na wch艂anianie glukozy po zastosowaniu substancji prokinetycznej - cizaprydu. MATERIA艁 I METODY. W badaniu wzi臋艂o udzia艂 7 zdrowych m臋偶czyzn, kt贸rych 艣rednia wieku wynosi艂a 22 lata. W spos贸b randomizowany badani otrzymywali cizapryd 10 mg 3 razy dziennie lub placebo, przez 3 dni. Po 2 tygodniach powtarzano pr贸b臋 z drugim preparatem. Rano 3 dnia badania wykonywano manometri臋 z u偶yciem 18-kana艂owego cewnika, wprowadzonego do dwunastnicy. Przez 30 minut badani otrzymywali przez cewnik p艂ynn膮 od偶ywk臋 (3 kcal/min), a nast臋pnie bolus analogu glukozy (3-OMG, 3-O-metyloglukoz臋). W celu oceny kinetyki wch艂aniania oznaczano w osoczu st臋偶enia 3-OMG. WYNIKI. Pole pod krzyw膮 st臋偶enia 3-OMG w pierwszych 30 minutach po podaniu dojelitowym by艂o zale偶ne od liczby ruch贸w robaczkowych rozchodz膮cych si臋 ortodromowo (r = 0,49, p < 0,05), ale nie wykazano zwi膮zku ze st臋偶eniem szczytowym, czasem do osi膮gni臋cia st臋偶enia szczytowego ani frakcj膮 wch艂oni臋t膮. 艢rednia amplituda ruch贸w robaczkowych by艂a wy偶sza przy podawaniu cizaprydu ni偶 placebo (p < 0,05), ale powr贸t motoryki w okresie mi臋dzyposi艂kowym, liczba ruch贸w robaczkowych i ich propagacja oraz charakterystyka wch艂aniania 3-OMG by艂y podobne przy stosowaniu cizaprydu i placebo. W obu typach leczenia propagacja ruch贸w robaczkowych w ponad 60% wynosi艂a jedynie 1,5 cm. WNIOSKI. Absorpcja glukozy w jelicie cienkim cz艂owieka wi膮偶e si臋 z propagacj膮 aktywno艣ci skurczowej jelita w zakresie kr贸tkich odcink贸w. Cizapryd zwi臋ksza amplitud臋 ruch贸w robaczkowych, ale nie wp艂ywa na ich organizacj臋 ani na wch艂anianie 3-OMG.INTRODUCTION. To investigate the relationship between duodenojejunal motor activity and glucose absorption and to evaluate the effect of modification of duodenojejunal motility on glucose absorption by using the prokinetic drug cisapride. MATERIAL AND METHODS. We examined seven healthy males, mean age 22 years, who were treated with cisapride 10 mg t.i.d. and placebo during 3 days in a randomized order, with a 2-week time interval. Duodenojejunal manometry was performed after each treatment on the morning of day 3, using an 18-lumen catheter. A liquid nutrient (3 kcal/min) was administered intraduodenally for 30 min, followed by a bolus of the glucose analog 3-O-methylglucose (3-OMG). Plasma 3-OMG concentrations were measured to assess absorption kinetics. RESULTS. The area under the 3-OMG concentration curve in the first 30 min after infusion was related to the number of antegrade propagated pressure waves (r = 0.49, P < 0.05), but not to the peak concentration, time to peak, and absorption fraction. The mean amplitude of pressure waves was higher during cisapride than placebo (P < 0.05), but the reoccurrence of interdigestive motility, numbers of pressure waves, and propagated pressure waves, as well as 3-OMG absorption characteristics, were not significantly different between the two treatments. During both treatments > 60% of antegrade propagated pressure waves were propagated over a very short distance (1.5 cm). CONCLUSIONS. Glucose absorption in the human small intestine is related to short-traveling propagated intestinal contractile activity. Cisapride increases the amplitude of pressure waves, but does not affect the organization of pressure waves or the absorption of 3-OMG

    Clinical and basal aspects of anemia during antiviral therapy for hepatitis C

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    Background and Rationale. Anemia is a major side effect of combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C. In this study, severity, potential risk factors for and potential underlying mechanisms of anemia were evaluated.Patients and methods. 44 chronic hepatitis C patients on interferon-ribavirin treatment were included. Anemia-related parameters were measured before and during treatment. Potential changes in membrane phospholipids composition of erythrocytes of patients on anti-viral treatment and potentially increased erythrocyte susceptibility to osmotic or bile salt induced stress were explored.Results. Anemia was almost universal during treatment, with evidence of hemolysis. Decrease of Hb after six months of therapy was 2.1 卤 O.I mmol/L (range -0.6-4.1). Higher pre-treatment Hb, highest ribavirin dose (1S-17.S mg/kg) and lower pre-treatment platelet level were independent risk factors for decrease of Hb. Serum erythropoietin levels increased during treatment with negative correlation to Hb levels at week 12 (r = -0.70, p = 0.002) and 24 (r = -0.72, p = 0.002). Erythrocyte membrane phospholipid composition did not differ between anemic patients and healthy controls. Also, resistance to osmotic or bile salt induced stress was normal in anemic patients. Phosphatidylserine exposure at the outer membrane leaflet did not change upon 24 hrs ex vivo incubation with pharmacological ribavirin concentration.Conclusions. Anemia is almost universal during anti-HCV treatment. The extent of anemia correlates with pre-treatment levels of thrombocytes and Hb and with high ribavirin dosing. Although we found hemolysis as contributing factor, our data do not indicate that altered membrane phospholipids composition is an important factor in pathogenesis of anemia