2 research outputs found

    PrevalĂȘncia de pectus carinatum e pectus excavatum em escolares de Manaus Prevalence of pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum in students in the city of Manaus, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalĂȘncia das deformidades congĂȘnitas da parede torĂĄcica anterior em escolares de 11 a 14 anos. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo escolares da rede estadual de ensino da cidade de Manaus (AM). Para a composição de uma amostra estatisticamente significativa, com precisĂŁo de 1% e IC95%, foram incluĂ­dos 1.332 escolares. A deformidade pectus foi identificada atravĂ©s de exame fĂ­sico do tĂłrax, e os indivĂ­duos com esta deformidade responderam a um questionĂĄrio com questĂ”es sobre hereditariedade e sintomatologia decorrente da anomalia torĂĄcica. RESULTADOS: A idade mĂ©dia dos participantes foi de 11,7 anos. A prevalĂȘncia da deformidade pectus foi de 1,95% (pectus excavatum: 1,275%; pectus carinatum: 0,675%). Dos 26 escolares com deformidades pectus, 17 (65,4%) tinham pectus excavatum, e 18 (69,2%) eram do sexo masculino. Houve associação com a escoliose em 3 casos (11,5%). HistĂłria familiar de pectus foi relatada por 17 escolares (65,4%), e 17 (65,4%) relataram dor torĂĄcica, dispneia ou palpitaçÔes. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalĂȘncia das deformidades pectus encontrada neste estudo (1,95%) foi inferior Ă quela de trabalhos em outras regiĂ”es do paĂ­s (3,6-4,9%), porĂ©m, superior Ă quela relatada na literatura (mĂ©dia, 1%).<br>OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of congenital anterior chest wall deformities in 11- to 14-year-old students. METHODS: Students participating in the study were recruited from public schools in the city of Manaus, Brazil. The statistically significant sample (precision, 1%; 95% CI) comprised 1,332 students. Pectus deformities were identified by physical examination of the chest, and the individuals with one of these deformities completed a questionnaire regarding heredity and symptoms resulting from the chest abnormality. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 11.7 years. The prevalence of pectus abnormalities was 1.95% (pectus excavatum: 1.275%; pectus carinatum: 0.675%). Of the 26 students with a pectus deformity, 17 (65.4%) had pectus excavatum, and 18 (69.2%) were male. Concomitant scoliosis was observed in 3 cases (11.5%). A family history of pectus was reported by 17 students (65.4%), and 17 (65.4%) reported chest pain, dyspnea or palpitations. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the prevalence of pectus deformities (1.95%) was lower than that reported in other studies conducted in Brazil (3.6-4.9%) but was higher than that reported in the literature (mean, 1%)

    Accidental hypothermia–an update

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