2 research outputs found

    Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation on balance impairment in patients after ischemic stroke according to selected tests and scales

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    Udar mózgu jest jednym z najważniejszych problemów współczesnej medycyny. Pomimo podjętych wielu działań w celu zwiększenia świadomości, oraz znaczenia profilaktyki, choroba ta wciąż pozostaje jedną z głównych przyczyn powstawania niepełnosprawności. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu rodzaju terapii, wieku oraz okresu od zachorowania na postępy w rehabilitacji zaburzeń równowagi i stabilności ciała występujących w grupie badanych pacjentów w oparciu o wyniki uzyskane ze Skali Równowagi Berg’a (Berg Balance Scale), testu dwóch wag, wskaźnika symetryczności Kwolka oraz testu Timed Up and Go. Grupę badaną stanowiło 55 pacjentów po przebytym niedokrwiennym udarze mózgu. Wśród badanych było 29 kobiet (52,73%), oraz 26 mężczyzn (47,27%). Średnia wieku wszystkich badanych osób wynosiła 61,02 lat (przedział wieku 33-85 lat). Część pacjentów została poddana rehabilitacji przy pomocy klasycznej kinezyterapii, natomiast w drugiej grupie zastosowano rehabilitację opartą na metodzie proprioceptywnego torowania nerwowo – mięśniowego (PNF).Cerebral stroke is one of the most important issues for modern medicine. Despite the fact that numerous activities have been undertaken for the purpose of raising awareness and significance of prevention, this condition still remains one of the main reasons behind disability. The objective of the work was to assess the effects of the type of therapy, age and period from the incident occurrence, on the progress of rehabilitation of imbalance and body stability observed in a group of researched patients, on the basis of results obtained according to the Berg Balance Scale, tandem balance test, Kwolek's loading symmetry index and Timed Up and Go test. The test group comprised of 55 post-stroke patients. The group consisted of 29 women (52.73%) and 26 men (47.27%). The average age of the subjects was 61.02 years (age range between 33-85 years). A number of the patients were subjected to rehabilitation with the use of classic kinesitherapy, whereas the remaining group underwent rehabilitation based on the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation method (PNF)

    Anti-inflammatory effect on genes expression after four days of Qigong training in peripheral mononuclear blood cells in healthy women

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    Introduction. Some studies have shown the influence of Qigong on gene expression in different cells, but there is little data associated with the influence of this kind of therapy on genes expression in pheripheral monocellucar blood cells. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the expression of genes associated with cellular stress response in peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PMBC) in healthy women. Materials and method. The experiment took place at the Japanese Martial Arts Centre “DOJO” in Stara Wieś, Poland, conducted over the course of a 4-day qigong training session. To evaluate the genes effect of this training, blood samples were taken before and after the training period. This experiment involved 20 healthy women (aged 56.2±9.01, body height 164.8±6.5 and mass 65.5±8.2). To determine the expression of HSF-1, HSPA1A, NF-kB, IL10 and CCL2 mRNA, 3 ml of venous blood was collected. The blood samples were placed in tubes allowing for separation (BD Vacutainer CPTTM) before and after the 4 days of qigong training. Isolated PMBC were used to determine gene expression using real-time qRT-PCR (quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction). Results. Significant decreases in NF-kB and CCL2 mRNA and increases in IL10, HSF1 and HSPA1A m-RNA were detected after 4 days of qigong training. The obtained findings suggest that qigong caused a reduction in the inflammatory and intensified anti-inflammatory gene expression, as well as a higher expression of HSF-1 and HSPA1A. Conclusion. The adaptive response to qigong training was similar to the adaptive response to physical activity and was detected through gene expression in PMBC. Furthermore, this kind of training is especially indicated for women because of their higher susceptibility to psychosocial stress when compared to men