4 research outputs found

    Influence of low-level prenatal exposure to PCDD/Fs and PCBs on empathizing, systemizing and autistic traits

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    Background\bf Background Polychlorinated dibenzo-p\it p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are assumed to act as endocrine disruptor chemicals. Prenatal exposure to these pollutants might influence fetal steroid hormone levels, which are thought to be related to sex-typical development and autistic traits. Objectives\bf Objectives We examined associations of prenatal levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs with autism traits and sex-typical behaviour in childhood. Methods\bf Methods We measured levels of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in maternal blood samples during pregnancy using gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry. Sex-typical behaviour was assessed at 9 years of age (n = 96) and autistic traits at 10 years of age using the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS; n = 100). Multiple regression analyses were conducted to estimate the associations between prenatal exposure and outcome variables. Results\bf Results Blood concentrations (WHO2005_{2005}-TEq) of Σ\SigmaPCDD/Fs ranged from 2.93–46.45 pg/g lipid base_{\textit {lipid base}} (median = 12.91 pg/g lipid base_{\textit {lipid base}}) and concentrations of Σ\SigmaPCBs were in the range of 1.24–25.47 pg/g lipid base_{\textit {lipid base}} (median = 6.85 pg/g lipid base_{\textit {lipid base}}) which is within the range of German background exposure. We found significant negative associations between PCDD/F levels in maternal blood and SRS scores in the whole group (β\beta = -6.66, p\it p < .05), in girls (β\beta = -10.98, p\it p < .05) and, in one SRS subscale, in boys (β\beta = -6.86, p\it p < .05). For PCB levels, associations with one SRS subscale were significant for the whole study group as were associations with two subscales in girls. We did not find significant associations between PCDD/F or PCB levels and sex-typical behaviour for either sex. Conclusions\bf Conclusions In an earlier part of this study, prenatal exposure to PCDD/Fs and PCBs was found to be associated with lower testosterone levels, therefore, our findings are consistent with the idea that autism spectrum conditions are related to fetal androgen levels. Several possible mechanisms, through which PCDD/Fs and PCBs might influence autistic behaviour, are discussed

    Pre-pubertal exposure with phthalates and bisphenol A and pubertal development

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    Objective\bf Objective Epidemiological studies indicate associations between childhood exposure with phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) and the pubertal development. We examined associations between the pre-pubertal phthalate and BPA body burden and the longitudinally assessed sexual maturation of eight- to thirteen-year-old children. Methods\bf Methods We started with eight- to ten-year-old children in the baseline study and quantified phthalate metabolites and BPA in 472 urine samples (250 boys; 222 girls; mean age: 8.8 years). Associations between the pubertal development, assessed in three annual follow-up studies by Puberty Development scale questionnaires (PD scales), and the chemical exposure from the baseline visit were longitudinally analyzed with generalized estimation equations. Results\bf Results The number of children with both chemical measures and PD scores (calculated from the PD scales) was 408. In the third follow-up, 49% of the girls and 18% of the boys had reached mid-puberty. For girls, we observed a delayed pubertal development with the di-hexyl-ethyl phthalate (DEHP) metabolites (β\beta: -0.16 to -0.23; p ≤\leq 0.05 or p ≤\leq 0.1), mono-n-butyl phthalate (β\beta: -0.15; 95% CI: -0.31; 0.01), mono-benzyl phthalate (β\beta: -0.11; 95% CI: -0,24; -0,01),and mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP) (β\beta: -0.15; 95% CI: -0.28; -0.01). In addition, significant non-linear associations of the DEHP metabolites and BPA with the PD scores were found, when their quadratic effects were included in the GEE models. In boys, no consistent relationships between the PD scores and the chemicals were detected except of an accelerated development with the ∑\sumDEHP metabolites (β\beta: 0.16; 95% CI: -0.02; -0.34) Conclusion\bf Conclusion We found indications that pre-pubertal exposures with phthalates and BPA were associated with pubertal timing in children, particularly in girls. For boys, associations were inconsistent, and not necessarily in line with the known anti-androgenicity of some phthalates during prenatal exposure

    From lab to lake\textit {From lab to lake}

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    Quantitative PCR methods are commonly used to monitor enteric viruses in the aquatic environment because of their high sensitivity, short reaction times and relatively low operational cost. However, conclusions for public health drawn from results of such molecular techniques are limited due to their inability to determine viral infectivity. Ethidium monoazide (EMA) and propidium monoazide (PMA) are capable to penetrate the damaged or compromised capsid of the inactivated viruses and bind to the viral nucleic acids. We assessed whether dye treatment is a suitable approach to improve the ability of qPCR to distinguish between infectious and non-infectious human adenovirus, enterovirus and rotavirus A in surface water of an urban river and sewage before and after UV disinfection. Like the gold standard of cell culture assays, pretreatment EMA-/PMA-qPCR succeeded in removing false positive results which would lead to an overestimation of the viral load if only qPCR of the environmental samples was considered. A dye pretreatment could therefore provide a rapid and relatively inexpensive tool to improve the efficacy of molecular quantification methods in regards to viral infectivity

    Overnight immune regulation and subjective measures of sleep

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    To ensure health maintenance of young athletes, immunological stress due to physical exercise has to be balanced for performance development and health maintenance. Sleep is an important influencing factor for immune regulation because of its regenerating effect. In an attempt to assess overnight immune regulation, this observational study aimed to examine associations between changes in capillary immunological blood markers and measures of sleep in adolescent athletes. Over a period of three nights, 12 male (n\it n = 6) and female (n\it n = 6) adolescent track and field athletes aged 16.4 ±\pm 1.1 years were monitored for their sleep behavior (e.g., sleep duration, sleep depth) and immune regulation by using subjective (e.g., sleep) and objective (capillary blood markers) measurement tools. Over the 4 day (three nights), athletes followed their daily routines (school, homework, free time activities, and training). Training was performed for different disciplines (sprint, hurdles, and long-jump) following their daily training routines. Training included dynamic core stability training, coordination training, speed training, resistance training, and endurance training. Capillary blood samples were taken 30–45 min after the last training session (10:00–12:00 a.m. or 5:00–6:00 p.m.) and every morning between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Changes in capillary blood markers from post-training to the next morning and morning-to-morning fluctuations in capillary blood markers were analyzed over a three-night period using a generalized estimating equations (GEE) statistical approach. Associations of overnight changes with measures of sleep were analyzed using GEE. We found significant decreases in white blood cell count (WBC), granulocytes (GRAN), granulocytes% (GRAN%), monocytes (MID), and granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio. In contrast, lymphocytes% (LYM%) increased significantly and systemic inflammation index showed no difference from post-training to the next morning. Furthermore, there was a significant decrease in WBC and GRAN between morning 1 and morning 3. At morning 4, values returned to baseline (morning 1), irrespective if athletes performed a training session or rested on day 3. Furthermore, sleep duration was significantly and negatively associated with changes in WBC (β\betaz = −0.491) and lymphocytes (β\betaz = −0.451). Our results indicate that overnight sleep duration is an important parameter of immunological overnight regulation for adolescent athletes