5 research outputs found
Long-term survival of adult Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in the Kuparuk River, Alaska
Author Posting. Ā© National Research Council Canada, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of National Research Council Canada for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (2004): 1954-1964, doi:10.1139/F04-126.In many long-lived species such as Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus), population growth rate is most sensitive to changes in adult survival probabilities. Understanding the factors that regulate adult survival in this species should provide insight into the population dynamics of this and other long-lived Arctic species. Using the program MARK, we analyzed 17 years of markārecapture data to estimate survival rates for Arctic grayling in the Kuparuk River, Alaska, from 1985 to 2000. Mean annual survival rates overall ranged from 0.39 to 1.0 and averaged 0.71 Ā± 0.05 for resident and 0.75 Ā± 0.05 for nonresident fish. Spending the summer in the more productive fertilized zone of the experimental reach had no influence on survival despite higher productivity on all trophic levels and consistently higher growth rates in Arctic grayling. None of the environmental (stream temperature, discharge, winter severity, and incidence of drought) or population parameters (growth, condition factor, and mean fish size) that we examined explained significant amounts of variance in survival rates. The lack of responsiveness of survival to annual environmental conditions was unexpected and suggests that multiyear factors or life history tactics that maintain survival at the expense of growth and fecundity likely determine survival.This research was supported by National Science Foundation
grants OPP-9911278 and DEB-9810222 in conjunction
with the Long-term Ecological Research Program
Investigating the reasons of variability in SiĀ IV and CĀ IV broad absorption line troughs of quasars
In this paper we analyze the CĀ IV and SiĀ IV broad absorption troughs of two BALQSOs (J101056.69+355833.3, J114548.38+393746.6) to the individual components they consist of. By analyzing a BAL trough to its components we have the advantage to study the variations of the individual absorbing systems in the line of sight and not just the variations of the whole absorption trough or the variations of selected portions of BAL troughs exhibiting changes. We find that the velocity shifts and FWHMs (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the individual components do not vary between an interval of six years. All variable components show changes in the optical depths at line centers which are manifested as variations in the EW (Equivalent Width) of the components. In both BALQSOs, over corresponding velocities, SiĀ IV has higher incidence of variability than CĀ IV. From our analysis, evidence is in favour of different covering fractions between CĀ IV and SiĀ IV. Finally, although most of our results favour the crossing cloud scenario as the cause of variability, there is also strong piece of evidence indicating changing ionization as the source of variability. Thus, a mixed situation where both physical mechanisms contribute to BAL variability is the most possible scenario