979 research outputs found

    QuickXsort - A Fast Sorting Scheme in Theory and Practice

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    QuickXsort is a highly efficient in-place sequential sorting scheme that mixes Hoare's Quicksort algorithm with X, where X can be chosen from a wider range of other known sorting algorithms, like Heapsort, Insertionsort and Mergesort. Its major advantage is that QuickXsort can be in-place even if X is not. In this work we provide general transfer theorems expressing the number of comparisons of QuickXsort in terms of the number of comparisons of X. More specifically, if pivots are chosen as medians of (not too fast) growing size samples, the average number of comparisons of QuickXsort and X differ only by o(n)o(n)-terms. For median-of-kk pivot selection for some constant kk, the difference is a linear term whose coefficient we compute precisely. For instance, median-of-three QuickMergesort uses at most nlgn0.8358n+O(logn)n \lg n - 0.8358n + O(\log n) comparisons. Furthermore, we examine the possibility of sorting base cases with some other algorithm using even less comparisons. By doing so the average-case number of comparisons can be reduced down to nlgn1.4106n+o(n)n \lg n- 1.4106n + o(n) for a remaining gap of only 0.0321n0.0321n comparisons to the known lower bound (while using only O(logn)O(\log n) additional space and O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time overall). Implementations of these sorting strategies show that the algorithms challenge well-established library implementations like Musser's Introsort

    A Taxonomy of Constraints in Simulation-Based Optimization

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    The types of constraints encountered in black-box and simulation-based optimization problems differ significantly from those treated in nonlinear programming. We introduce a characterization of constraints to address this situation. We provide formal definitions for several constraint classes and present illustrative examples in the context of the resulting taxonomy. This taxonomy, denoted QRAK, is useful for modeling and problem formulation, as well as optimization software development and deployment. It can also be used as the basis for a dialog with practitioners in moving problems to increasingly solvable branches of optimization

    Derivative-free optimization methods

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    In many optimization problems arising from scientific, engineering and artificial intelligence applications, objective and constraint functions are available only as the output of a black-box or simulation oracle that does not provide derivative information. Such settings necessitate the use of methods for derivative-free, or zeroth-order, optimization. We provide a review and perspectives on developments in these methods, with an emphasis on highlighting recent developments and on unifying treatment of such problems in the non-linear optimization and machine learning literature. We categorize methods based on assumed properties of the black-box functions, as well as features of the methods. We first overview the primary setting of deterministic methods applied to unconstrained, non-convex optimization problems where the objective function is defined by a deterministic black-box oracle. We then discuss developments in randomized methods, methods that assume some additional structure about the objective (including convexity, separability and general non-smooth compositions), methods for problems where the output of the black-box oracle is stochastic, and methods for handling different types of constraints

    Bayesian optimization under mixed constraints with a slack-variable augmented Lagrangian

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    An augmented Lagrangian (AL) can convert a constrained optimization problem into a sequence of simpler (e.g., unconstrained) problems, which are then usually solved with local solvers. Recently, surrogate-based Bayesian optimization (BO) sub-solvers have been successfully deployed in the AL framework for a more global search in the presence of inequality constraints; however, a drawback was that expected improvement (EI) evaluations relied on Monte Carlo. Here we introduce an alternative slack variable AL, and show that in this formulation the EI may be evaluated with library routines. The slack variables furthermore facilitate equality as well as inequality constraints, and mixtures thereof. We show how our new slack "ALBO" compares favorably to the original. Its superiority over conventional alternatives is reinforced on several mixed constraint examples.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Simultaneous Sensing Error Recovery and Tomographic Inversion Using an Optimization-based Approach

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    Tomography can be used to reveal internal properties of a 3D object using any penetrating wave. Advanced tomographic imaging techniques, however, are vulnerable to both systematic and random errors associated with the experimental conditions, which are often beyond the capabilities of the state-of-the-art reconstruction techniques such as regularizations. Because they can lead to reduced spatial resolution and even misinterpretation of the underlying sample structures, these errors present a fundamental obstacle to full realization of the capabilities of next-generation physical imaging. In this work, we develop efficient and explicit recovery schemes of the most common experimental error: movement of the center of rotation during the experiment. We formulate new physical models to capture the experimental setup, and we devise new mathematical optimization formulations for reliable inversion of complex samples. We demonstrate and validate the efficacy of our approach on synthetic data under known perturbations of the center of rotation

    Error Analysis in Nuclear Density Functional Theory

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    Nuclear density functional theory (DFT) is the only microscopic, global approach to the structure of atomic nuclei. It is used in numerous applications, from determining the limits of stability to gaining a deep understanding of the formation of elements in the universe or the mechanisms that power stars and reactors. The predictive power of the theory depends on the amount of physics embedded in the energy density functional as well as on efficient ways to determine a small number of free parameters and solve the DFT equations. In this article, we discuss the various sources of uncertainties and errors encountered in DFT and possible methods to quantify these uncertainties in a rigorous manner.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; Invited paper for the Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics focus section entitled "Enhancing the interaction between nuclear experiment and theory through information and statistics"; Revised version after comments by the referees: Figure 1 and Table 4 have been correcte

    Exploiting Symmetry Reduces the Cost of Training QAOA

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    A promising approach to the practical application of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is finding QAOA parameters classically in simulation and sampling the solutions from QAOA with optimized parameters on a quantum computer. Doing so requires repeated evaluations of QAOA energy in simulation. We propose a novel approach for accelerating the evaluation of QAOA energy by leveraging the symmetry of the problem. We show a connection between classical symmetries of the objective function and the symmetries of the terms of the cost Hamiltonian with respect to the QAOA energy. We show how by considering only the terms that are not connected by symmetry, we can significantly reduce the cost of evaluating the QAOA energy. Our approach is general and applies to any known subgroup of symmetries and is not limited to graph problems. Our results are directly applicable to nonlocal QAOA generalization RQAOA. We outline how available fast graph automorphism solvers can be leveraged for computing the symmetries of the problem in practice. We implement the proposed approach on the MaxCut problem using a state-of-the-art tensor network simulator and a graph automorphism solver on a benchmark of 48 graphs with up to 10,000 nodes. Our approach provides an improvement for p=1p=1 on 71.7%71.7\% of the graphs considered, with a median speedup of 4.064.06, on a benchmark where 62.5%62.5\% of the graphs are known to be hard for automorphism solvers.Comment: minor revisio

    Adaptive Sampling Quasi-Newton Methods for Derivative-Free Stochastic Optimization

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    We consider stochastic zero-order optimization problems, which arise in settings from simulation optimization to reinforcement learning. We propose an adaptive sampling quasi-Newton method where we estimate the gradients of a stochastic function using finite differences within a common random number framework. We employ modified versions of a norm test and an inner product quasi-Newton test to control the sample sizes used in the stochastic approximations. We provide preliminary numerical experiments to illustrate potential performance benefits of the proposed method.Comment: 7 pages, NeurIPS worksho

    Robust Learning of Trimmed Estimators via Manifold Sampling

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    We adapt a manifold sampling algorithm for the nonsmooth, nonconvex formulations of learning that arise when imposing robustness to outliers present in the training data. We demonstrate the approach on objectives based on trimmed loss. Empirical results show that the method has favorable scaling properties. Although savings in time come at the expense of not certifying optimality, the algorithm consistently returns high-quality solutions on the trimmed linear regression and multiclass classification problems tested.Comment: In ICML 2018 Workshop on Modern Trends in Nonconvex Optimization for Machine Learnin

    Origins and optimization of entanglement in plasmonically coupled quantum dots

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    A system of two or more quantum dots interacting with a dissipative plasmonic nanostructure is investigated in detail by using a cavity quantum electrodynamics approach with a model Hamiltonian. We focus on determining and understanding system configurations that generate multiple bipartite quantum entanglements between the occupation states of the quantum dots. These configurations include allowing for the quantum dots to be asymmetrically coupled to the plasmonic system. Analytical solution of a simplified limit for an arbitrary number of quantum dots and numerical simulations and optimization for the two- and three-dot cases are used to develop guidelines for maximizing the bipartite entanglements. For any number of quantum dots, we show that through simple starting states and parameter guidelines, one quantum dot can be made to share a strong amount of bipartite entanglement with all other quantum dots in the system, while entangling all other pairs to a lesser degree.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure