3 research outputs found

    Guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Introduction: This document presents the guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society (PTChP, Polskie Towarzystwo Chor贸b P艂uc) for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), developed by a聽group of Polish experts.Material and methods: The recommendations were developed in the form of answers to previously formulated questions concer-ning everyday diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. They were developed based on a聽current literature review using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology.Results: We formulated 28 recommendations for diagnosis (8), pharmacological treatment (12) as well as non-pharma-cological and palliative therapy (8). The experts suggest that surgical lung biopsy (SLB) not be performed in patients with the probable usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern, with an appropriate clinical context and unanimous opinion of a聽 multidisciplinary team. The experts recommend using antifibrotic agents in IPF patients and suggest their use irrespective of the degree of functional impairment. As regards non-pharmacological and palliative treatment, strong re-commendations were formulated regarding pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy (in patients with chronic respiratory failure), preventive vaccinations as well as referring IPF patients to transplant centres. Table 1 presents an aggregate list of recommendations.Conclusions: The Polish Respiratory Society Working Group developed guidelines for IPF diagnosis and treatment

    Guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society for Diagnosis and Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Introduction: This document presents the Guideliness of the Polish Respiratory Society (PTChP, Polskie Towarzystwo Chor贸b P艂uc) for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), developed by agroup of Polish experts. Material and methods: The recommendations were developed in the form of answers to previously formulated questions concer-ning everyday diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. They were developed based on acurrent literature review using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. Results: We formulated 28 recommendations for diagnosis (8), pharmacological treatment (12) as well as non-pharma-cological and palliative therapy (8). The experts suggest that surgical lung biopsy (SLB) not be performed in patients with the probable usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern, with an appropriate clinical context and unanimous opinion of a multidisciplinary team. The experts recommend using antifibrotic agents in IPF patients and suggest their use irrespective of the degree of functional impairment. As regards non-pharmacological and palliative treatment, strong re-commendations were formulated regarding pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy (in patients with chronic respiratory failure), preventive vaccinations as well as referring IPF patients to transplant centres. Table 1 presents an aggregate list of recommendations. Conclusions: The Polish Respiratory Society Working Group developed Guideliness for IPF diagnosis and treatment

    Wytyczne Polskiego Towarzystwa Chor贸b P艂uc dotycz膮ce diagnostyki i leczenia idiopatycznego w艂贸knienia p艂uc

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    Wprowadzenie: Niniejszy dokument przedstawia rekomendacje Polskiego Towarzystwa Chor贸b P艂uc (PTChP) dotycz膮ce diagnostyki i leczenia idiopatycznego w艂贸knienia p艂uc (IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), opracowane przez grono polskich ekspert贸w. Materia艂 i metody: Wytyczne opracowano w formie odpowiedzi na wcze艣niej sformu艂owane pytania, dotycz膮ce codziennych problem贸w diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych. Opracowano je na podstawie bie偶膮cego przegl膮du literatury, z wykorzystaniem metodologii GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).Wyniki: Sformu艂owano 28 rekomendacji, dotycz膮cych diagnostyki (8), leczenia farmakologicznego (12) oraz leczenia niefarma-kologicznego i terapii paliatywnej (8). Eksperci sugeruj膮 niewykonywanie biopsji chirurgicznej u chorych z wzorcem prawdopo-dobnego zwyk艂ego 艣r贸dmi膮偶szowego zapalenia p艂uc (UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia), przy odpowiednim kontek艣cie klinicznym i zgodnej opinii zespo艂u wielospecjalistycznego. Eksperci rekomenduj膮 stosowanie lek贸w antyfibrotycznych u chorych na IPF聽 i sugeruj膮 ich stosowanie niezale偶nie od stopnia upo艣ledzenia czynno艣ciowego. W zakresie leczenia niefarmakologicznego i paliatywnego sformu艂owano silne zalecenia dotycz膮ce rehabilitacji oddechowej, tlenoterapii (u chorych z przewlek艂膮 niewydolno艣ci膮 oddychania), szczepie艅 ochronnych, a tak偶e kierowania chorych na IPF do o艣rodk贸w transplantacyjnych. Wnioski: Zesp贸艂 roboczy PTChP opracowa艂 wytyczne diagnostyki i leczenia IPF