123 research outputs found

    Wartime Art: A Study of Political Propaganda and Individual Expression in American Commercial and Combat Art during World War II

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    This thesis will explore the mediums and functions of American art during World War II. The purpose of exploring art during World War II is not simply to provide an overview of the multiple media of art produced during the war, but to investigate the role that commercial artwork and combat soldiers’ artwork had on the lasting interpretation of the war. Themes addressed are propaganda, the role of posters, comic books, and cartoons along with their influence on American society at the time. Further analysis examines the role of three artists: Howard Brodie, Edward Reep, and Robert N. Blair. Their motivations and contributions to the documentation of World War II will be discussed

    Kat Black

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    A Seed Demography Model for Finding Optimal Strategies for Desert Annuals

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    A theoretical investigation of the factors that affect the population dynamics of annual plants growing in deserts was conducted through the use of computer modeling techniques. A series of three models of the yearly life cycle of desert annuals was constructed and their behavior examined. The dissertation centers around the third and most complex model, a computer simulation model with distinguishable seed cohorts in a randomly varying rainfall environment. A typical simulation run was for 80 years and cost $1.00. The five plant functions were (l} seed losses (mainly predation) as a function of seed age, (2) seed dormancy as a function of seed ages (3) percent germination of the non-dormant seeds in response to germinating rainfall, (4) percent survival from the seedling stage to maturity as a function of total rainfall over the growing season and seedling density, and (5) seeds produced per p 1 ant as a function of total rainfall over the growing season and density of mature plants. The stochasitc rainfall generator used historical rainfall probabilities from US Weather Bureau stations at Las Vegas, Nevada and Tucson, Arizona. The literature on desert annuals was carefully searched to provide supporting data for the plant functions used in the simulation model. Most of the data is for winter annuals growing on the Nevada Test Site near Las Vegas. Single species data are rare, so the model functions reflected the average plant responses for winter annuals as a group. This base run set of functions reproduced the observed data quite well. Sensitivity analysis of the simulation model indicated that in order to persist in the Las Vegas area, the seeds of annuals should have at least a one-year period of dormancy and a minimum threshold of about 15 mm of germinating rainfall. The age distribution of the seed reserves in the soil and the percent germinable is strongly influenced by the recent rainfall history of the site and the seed loss rate. The optimum balance is when the losses of older seeds from the seed reserves due to germination is the same size as the sum of the non-productive losses (e.g., predation). Several experiments are suggested -- some to cover gaps in the published data and some that became evident through the sensitivity analysis of the model itself


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    Saskatchewan has substantial potential to increase the number of irrigated acres in the province which could increase food production. An environmental consideration is the increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions often seen from irrigated land compared to dryland cropping. The yield-scaled emission factor (YsEF) can be similar to, or lower than that of dryland systems, however, due to increased yields associated with irrigation. The principles of 4R nutrient stewardship—the Right source, Right rate, Right time, and Right placement of fertilizer—were developed to minimize nutrient losses while still reaching yield targets. In a three-year field plot study, the effects of the 4Rs on GHG emissions were observed. It was found that (i) the highest rates of N fertilizer (165 and 220 kg N ha-1) resulted in greater N2O emissions; (ii) splitting the fertilizer over two applications instead of one reduced N2O emissions, but only at high application rates; and (iii) side-banded N fertilizer resulted in greater emissions in two of three years compared to broadcast and incorporated treatments. Soil moisture and N availability were found to be key factors that influenced N2O emissions, with large fluxes occurring after fertilizer applications— especially if closely followed by a precipitation or irrigation event—and small fluxes occurring later in the growing season when the crop would have used the available N. The greatest YsEF was consistently from the side-banded (SB) treatment at a rate of 220 kg N ha-1, however in 2015 the broadcast and incorporated (BCI-O) treatment at the same rate had a similarly high value. This research examined potential mitigation opportunities for irrigated canola in the semi-arid prairies and concluded that reducing N rates, splitting fertilizer applications and avoiding side-banding N at high rates may be effective in reducing N2O emissions in this area

    Chlorpromazine versus placebo for schizophrenia

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    Ye landsmen and ye seamen

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    Song regarding the loss of the fishing vessel the Cape Bonnie. Everyone - eighteen men - were drowned. There was a snowstorm, and no life ship to rescue them. The song ends with a message for all the sailors: pray before you sail, and don't forget this song.Written by a friend of Mr. Wilcott's, Russell Gould

    Music in motion

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    Music in Motion is an innovation in musical performance where a relationship is built between audio, gestures, and dynamic imagery. The basis of this project is to capture the movements of a musician during a performance and use that information to manipulate music and graphics in real-time.The performance system consists of two parts. The first part captures the movements of an electric guitar player during a performance. This motion data is then used to drive different audio effects and parameters such as tone, pitch, volume, and overdrive. For example, pulling up on the guitar’s neck will change the position of a wah pedal or increase gain and distortion. The second part is to create a visual presentation driven by the music and motion data. This real-time dynamic visualization can be projected during a performance, either on large screens behind the performers, on the sides of the stage, or on the floor and ceiling, depending on the venue.With both parts working together, a new genre of performance is born. A performance that connects the audience to the musician through dynamic visuals and physical body movements. This new relationship encourages a very expressive performance that gives an everlasting impression.M.S., Digital Media -- Drexel University, 201
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