12 research outputs found
Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Cantula Terhadap Ketangguhan Impak Komposit Cantula-hdpe Daur Ulang Sebagai Bahan Core Lantai Ramah Lingkungan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh fraksi volume terhadap sifat mekanik dan fisik komposit HDPE daur ulang (limbah)-cantula yaitu massa jenis dan ketangguhan impak.Material komposit terdiri atas serbuk HDPE limbah sebagai matrik dan serat cantula sebagai penguat. Variasi fraksi volume serbuk HDPE dari 10% hingga 90%. Spesimen dicetak dengan cetak tekan hot press pada tekanan 30 bar, temperatur 120 C dan waktu sintering 10 menit. Sifat fisik dan mekanik komposit diketahui dengan melakukan uji massa jenis dan impak berturut-turut menurut ASTM D-1037 dan ASTM D-5941.Hasil penelitian komposit HDPE-cantula menunjukkan untuk fraksi volume serat cantula 10%-90% nilai massa jenis mengalami kenaikan rata-rata 10,86%, sehingga semakin tinggi fraksi volume HDPE limbah-cantula akan menaikkan nilai massa jenisnya. Ketangguhan impak mengalami peningkatan pada fraksi volume HDPE limbah 10% sampai dengan 40% dan kekuatan menurun pada fraksi volume serat HDPE limbah 50% sampai dengan 90%. Ketangguhan impak tertinggi terjadi pada 2 fraksi volume serat cantula pada 40% sebesar 4996 J/m
Kajian Pengaruh Fraksi Volume Serat Akibat Perlakuan Alkali Terhadap Ketangguhan Impak Komposit Limbah Serat Aren-Polyester
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of fiber volume fraction of the impact strength of palm fiber-unsaturated polyester composite and investigate the mechanism of fracture caused by impact loads. This research material is palm fiber (Arenga pinnata), unsaturated polyester matrix yukalac BQTN-EX 157 type, hardener metyl etyl ketone peroxide (MEKPO), alkali solution (NaOH) and H 2 O. Testing with Charpy impact tester, impact test specimens prepared according to standard test ASTM D-5942. While the macro picture is used for the analysis of the fracture. The results showed that the most optimum impact toughness of palm fiber-polyester composite reached 0.011 J/mm 2 on volume fraction (Vf) 40%. While the interaction characteristics of palm-fiber bond strength polyester showed matrix cracking behavior of failure on volume fraction (Vf) 10% to 30%, and fiber pull out the volume fraction (Vf) 40% and 50%, the same fracture behavior between the matrix and fibers in volume fraction (Vf) 40% indicates that fiber and matrix has a strong bonding interaction
Pengaruh Penambahan 12%mg Hasil Remelting Aluminium Velg Bekas terhadap Fluidity dan Kekerasan dengan Variasi Temperatur Tuang
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh penambahan 12%Mg pada hasil remelting aluminium velg bekas terhadap fluidity dan kekerasan dengan variasi temperatur tuang. Bahan penelitian ini adalah paduan aluminium dari velg bekas mobil dan magnesium, kemudian dilebur dan dituang ke dalam cetakan dengan variasi temperatur tuang 670 oC, 720 oC dan 770 oC. Pengecoran dilakukan dengan metode evaporative memakai pola dari polystyrene foam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi temperatur tuang terhadap fluidity hasil remelting velg bekas dengan penambahan 12%Mg, secara umum mengakibatkan peningkatan sifat mampu alirnya, sedangkan kekerasannya optimum pada temperatur tuang pada kisaran 700 oC
Kajian Kekuatan Kejut Biokomposit Serat Serabut Kelapa sebagai Bahan yang Ramah Lingkungan
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the weight fraction of coir fiber at 5 %, 15 %, 25 %, 35 % and 45 % of the strength of oil-polyester biocomposites shock. Examining cross-section of the test results in order to provide an analysis of the reasons for recommending the feasibility of coir fiber as a natural fiber composite materials that are environmentally friendly. The study was conducted with fiber coconut fiber, matrix type Unsaturated Polyester 157 BQTN, hardener metyl etyl ketone peroxide ( MEKPO ), alkali solution ( NaOH ), ethanol ( C2H5OH ) and H2O. The main equipment used in this study is a tool Charpy impact. From the test results showed that : Effect of treatment of coir fiber volume by immersion for 2 h at 35 % alkali solution is able to improve the strength of shock loads. The best specimens are those that contain fiber volume by 45 %, ie the shock force of 0.085 J/mm2. Based on the shock test the coir fiber is used as a viable alternative to composite reinforcing materials that are environmentally friendly
Pеngaruh еMployее еNgagеmеnt Tеrhadap Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior (Ocb) dan Kеpuasan Kеrja (Studi pada Karyawan Hotеl Dеwarna Sutoyo Malang)
Thе aims of this rеsеarch arе to analyzе thе еffеct of еmployее еngagеmеnt (X) on organizational citizеnship bеhavior (Y1), and to analyzе thе еffеct of еmployее еngagеmеnt on job satisfaction (Y2). This rеsеarch was an еxplanatory rеsеarch, and utilizеd quantitativе approach. Samplе sizе of this rеsеarch was 44 еmployееs of Dеwarna Hotеl Sutoyo Malang, and usеd proportionatе random sampling. This rеsеarch usеd simplе liniеr rеgrеssion analysis. Thе rеsults showеd that thеrе was a positivе and significant influеncе of еmployее еngagеmеnt (X) on organizational citizеnship bеhavior (OCB) (Y1). Thеrе was a positivе and significant influеncе of еmployее еngagеmеnt (X) on job satisfaction (Y2) Kеywords : Еmployее Еngagеmеnt, Organizational Citizеnship Bеhavior, Job Satisfactio
Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Inventory Control Untuk UD. 88
On this current situation, UD. 88 is not using transaction recording system with good information flow. All transaction recording still done in manual way, it makes UD. 88 very susceptible to exposure and loss caused by overstock and stockout costs.Based on this background, we designed a structural accounting information system with inventory control that can overcome the problems. That system was build using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and MySQL as database.The result obtained from the system are master recording, purchase and sale transaction recording, inventory control, stock report, purchase report, sales report, general ledger, and financial statement such as income statement and balance sheet
Identifikasi Toleransi Kekeringan Padi Gogo Lokal Tanangge Pada Berbagai Larutan Peg
Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi benih Fakultas Pertanian Untad bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui toleransi padi gogo lokal Tanangge terhadap kekeringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 taraf pemberian tekanan osmosis larutan Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 yaitu :tanpa pemberian larutan PEG (kontrol), - 1 bar, - 2 bar, - 3 bar dan - 4 bar, setiap perlakuan diulangi sebanyak 5 kali sehingga terdapat 25 satuan percobaan. Setiap satuan percobaan menggunakan uji kertas digulung didirikan dalam plastik (UKDp) dimana setiap unit menggunakan 50 benih. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam dan perbedaan antar perlakuan yang dicobakan ditentukan dengan uji BNJ 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengamatan. Uji cekaman kekeringan dengan penggunaan larutan PEG 6000 mengindikasikan padi gogo lokal Tanangge toleran terhadap kekeringan yang ditunjukkan oleh kecepatan berkecambah, waktu berkecambah, persentase kecambah normal, panjang plumula, rasio panjang akar per panjang plumula dan kandungan prolin bebas
Pemahaman Masyarakat Kecamatan Mergangsan, Gondokusuman, Umbulharjo dan Kotagede YOGYAKARTA Terkait Antibiotika Studi Pendahuluan dalam Pengembangan Materi dan Metode Edukasi dengan Pendekatan secara Kualitatif: Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (Dkt)
Antibiotics will be used safely when it is used rationally, and rational use of antibiotics need an appropriately of knowledge. In accordance to achieve appropriately knowledge about antibiotics, it is important to identify the level of knowledge about antibiotics to improve an educational method and material about antibiotics. As a qualitative study using focus group discussion (FGD) among residence of Four Sub-district in Yogyakarta City, e.g.: Mergangsan, Gondokusuman, Umbulhardjo and Kotagede. There was eight key person of each sub district involved in the study. The inclusion criteria are: Residence of one of the four sub-districts with age above 17 years old, willing to attend the activities. The exclusion criteria are: residence with Pharmacy education background, moving limited and mental disability. Results of the study show the characteristic demography of the participants are: 5 Female and 3 Male, age range from 40 to 52 years old, with educational level: 5 participants are high school graduated and 3 participants are University graduated. All of participants are key person of each sub district whose familiar with the residences and the environmental where they are living. All of participants mention that they do not know about antibiotics et all including resistance and other risks of irrational use of antibiotics. All of participants asking for complete information about antibiotics which simple, accessible and could be socialized through the routine activities in every sub district e.g.: PKK (mothers gathering). In conclusion, the level of participants' knowledge about antibiotics is still low, and need to be improved. Complete information about antibiotics in a simple form has to be developed as an educational material
Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Berbasis Web E-Procurement di PT Pillar Utama Contrindo
The aim of this research is to analyze the current business process at the procurement department at PT Pillar Utama Contrindo as well as develop a web based e-procurement application prototype to supportprocurement process at the company. Interview, survey, as well as analysis and design to develop the prototype are used in the research. The research results in an e-procurement application prototype built to minimize errors on related document filling, help the company to get best price on their supply, and increase control. It can be concluded from the research that the protoype can be implemented to be a tool for the users to decide the best supplier, obtain the best price, and increase control in buying process at PT Pillar Utama Contrindo