1 research outputs found

    Predicting and Comparing the Retention and Turnover Intention of Generations X and Y at Selected Service Companies in Sri Lanka

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    The generation gap has impacted a much higher turnover in the generation Y than in generation X during the previous years. It has impacted in achieving a healthy working environment at organizations to achieve the organizational goals. Hence it was needed to identify on what factors does the turnover rate of generation ‘y’ has increased than in generation ‘x’ within organizations and to predict which employees will retain and leave from the organizations during the next year. This study is based on a quantitative research type. A survey was used as the main research strategy and the study is based on deductive research approach. The population of the study was 1298 employees who belong to the two generations ‘x’ and ‘y’ of selected private companies which operate under the service category in Sri Lanka. The target sample of the study was 297 and the researchers were able to fulfil their requirement. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression and binary logistic regression using SPSS. It was found that differences in characteristics of the two generations and the behaviors of them had influenced a higher turnover intention in generation ‘y’ than in generation ‘x’. It was specifically noted that the three independent variables had a positive impact on the retention and intention to leave of the two generations at workplaces separately. The results will be of utmost importance for employers to predict the retention and turnover intention of employees and for employees to have faith and continue the career providing the best to fulfill the organization’s needs. Hence, this concept could be recognized as a key factor to drive the quality in both employers and employees while achieving sustainability to have a healthy working environment. The main limitation of the study was that only two generations were taken into consideration. Therefore, it is recommended for future researchers to have research studies on upcoming generations at workplaces to identify the generational behavior. Keywords: Sustainable HRM, Generation ‘X’, Generation ‘Y’, Predictive Analysi