10 research outputs found

    Sistem Kontrol Kendaraan Roda Dua Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Berbasis Fingerprint

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    Penggunaan Fingerprint sangat baik untuk sistem keamanan khususnya Kendaraan Roda Dua , dikarenakan setiap orang memiliki sidik jari yang berbeda-beda. Cara kerja alat ini saat ingin menyalakan Kendaraan Roda Dua  tinggal menempelkan sidik jari untuk melakukan proses scan atau kecocokan sidik jari pada Fingerprint, jika sidik jari yang ditempelkan cocok dan pengguna sudah terdaftar maka Fingerprint akan merespon dan menempelkan kembali sidik jari untuk proses selanjutnya, jika sidik jari tidak terdaftar atau jari belum didaftarkan maka Fingerprint tidak akan merespon sama sekali. Diharapkan untuk sistem keamanan yang di buat ini yaitu sistem Kontrol Kendaraan Roda Dua menggunakan Mikrokontroler berbasis Fingerprint agar dapat meminimalisir akan kehilangan kendaraan Kendaraan Roda Dua  dan dapat mempersulit pencuri untuk menghidupkan kendaraan Kendaraan Roda Dua  yang dipasangkan alat tersebut.DOI : 10.29408/jit.v2i2.148

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Pemetaan Bengkel Tambal Ban di Kecamatan Selong Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    The existence of a realtime, fast, and accurate information is important for human survival at this time. The data and information needed must be easily and effectively accessed by various interested parties. Along with advances in computer and information technology today, GIS (Geographic Information System) is a technology that is developing both desktop and online. Many companies use this technology to advance the company and make the company better serve the community, besides this GIS technology can be utilized to advance small and medium businesses, especially in terms of location information as well as tire repair businesses that really need a touch of technology so that the existence The business is better known by the wider community, the number of tire repair shops spread so much in the District of Selong makes this business need to get more attention, considering this type of business has a very important role for the smooth transportation of the community. For this reason, the role of technology is very important in order to enable these entrepreneurs to move forward in advancing the tire tapping business. With the mapping technology, it is expected that the public will be able to find out all locations of the tire patch workshops spread across the Selong sub-district, so that when in the Selong area, the public does not need to worry if the motor / car has a broken tire, because the location of the tire repair shop is accessible from anywhere as long as connected to the internet. Based on the above problems, the author raises the theme of the research Application of Geographic Information Systems for Mapping Tire Repair Workshop in Selong District, East Lombok RegencyDOI : 10.29408/jit.v3i1.182

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Baju Thriff Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Palayanan dan Jumlah Transaksi

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    The development of information technology is growing very rapidly, so it has a very important role in various fields, one of which is in the business field, there are still many companies or businessmen who need information systems to support all activities ranging from marketing, data and information management. Queen thrift is a shop engaged in the fashion or clothing business located in Masbagek, Masbagek sub-district, East Lombok. So far, for promotional or marketing media carried out by Queen Thrift shop owners, namely using social media. With this, new innovations are urgently needed, and convenience in the promotion process, as well as online services in the form of information systems. so that these products can be seen by consumers quickly without having to come to the store.  With this, it is necessary to update the old system to the new system, namely by creating an online sales information system. With the hope to facilitate monitoring, storage, calculations and reports. In order to be able to provide the right information needed by customers and the store itself

    Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Penyewaan Wedding Organizer pada Doni Organizer

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    In carrying out and celebrating the wedding party, each couple will make total preparations to face this sacred event, especially with the various customary and cultural backgrounds of each partner, of course they have different habits in carrying out and celebrating the wedding party. This of course can be a continuous business opportunity that can be developed over time. In planning and supervising the implementation of a series of wedding ceremony events according to a predetermined schedule and budget, an application is needed that can be used to make it easier for customers. Wedding Organizer is a service that functions personally to assist the bride and groom and their families in planning and supervising the implementation of a series of wedding events according to a predetermined schedule and budget. The Wedding Organizer rental information system at Doni Organizer is made by utilizing web-based information technology, with the aim of expanding the area of promotion and sale of wedding packages and simplifying ordering and helping with their wedding planning problems. The Wedding Organizer rental information system at Doni Organizer uses the PHP and MySQL programming languages

    Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Untuk Pemetaan Geografis Lahan Pertanian (Studi Kasus : Desa Darmasari Kecamatan Sikur Lombok Timur)

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    The potential of agricultural land in Indonesia is still extensive, so the agricultural sector is still one of the incomes for most Indonesians. The agricultural land sector is widespread in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in Darmasari Village, Sikur District. As an agricultural area, most of the population in Darmasari Village chooses livelihood as farmers. However, the distribution of agricultural land has not been mapped, which can provide information about the location of agricultural land, especially those in Darmasari Village. In this study, a web-based Agricultural Land Geographic Information System was constructed in Darmasari village. The geographic information system that is built can display information in the form of spatial and non-spatial data that describes an object based on the state of the earth. The method used in creating this system is to use the object-oriented method. With the construction of this Geographic Information System, it is hoped that it will be able to provide information for the community about the distribution of the location and area of agricultural land, especially in the Darmasari Village are

    Penerapan Algoritma K-Means Untuk Pendataan Obat Berdasarkan Laporan Bulanan Pada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Medicine is one of the most important components in terms of health both to prevent reducing or cure a disease or symptoms of the disease bydoing medication processing every month can be a source decision making to ensure the availability of more effective and efficient drugs. However, the implementation of medicine for the health services district in lombok east has been affected by the difficulties dealt with with drug data documentation that resulted in increased drug use, and the distribution of drugs was hampered not only. Therefore there needs to be a method that helps the system of drug-filing systems based on monthly reports. K-means is expected to be able to group monthly medications that can be used as a model for planning medical supplies the following year, and the information generated from them can be used as a recommendation in both community centers and hospitals to improve public health services. The criteria for the most drugs in the East Lombok District Health Office were 193 items. This is because the usage is seen the most from monthly usage. There are 2 slices of drug use there are 2 slices, namely the first drug with group number 4, the item is less use than group 1. Second, there are drugs with group 3 number, the item which has the least use of group 1 and group 2.DOI : 10.29408/jit.v3i2.231

    Sosialisasi penerapan Smart e-Monitoring untuk pasien Covid-19 berbasis IoT di STIPARK NTB

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    The Merdeka Campus Competition Program, held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, is a financing program that aims to facilitate, encourage, and accelerate the transformation of higher education institutions. Informatics Engineering Study Program, Hamzanwadi University, as one of the universities that received the grant, developed an Internet of Things-based application to monitor the progress of Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating called SMART e-MONITORING. Therefore, this activity aims to socialize the Smart e-Monitoring application at STIPARK NTB as partners. This activity was held over four months. It’s were starting from product presentations to system testing and product launching. The activity results show that the developed application can run well and display the patient's condition in real-time. The recorded data include body temperature data, oxygen levels (SPO2), and heart rate (BPM). This data is used to facilitate the handling of self-isolated patients in real-time and without direct contact with Covid-19 patients.Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PKKM) yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi merupakan program pembiayaan yang memiliki tujuan untuk memfasilitasi, mendorong, dan mempercepat transformasi perguruan. Prodi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Hamzanwadi sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi yang menerima hibah tersebut mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis Internet of Things untuk memantau perkembangan pasien Covid-19 yang melakukan isolasi mandiri yang bernama SMART e-MONITORING. Oleh sebab itu, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan penerapan aplikasi ini di STIPARK NTB. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara bertahap, selama 4 bulan. Dimulai dari presentasi produk, sampai dengan proses uji coba sistem dan launching produk. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi yang dikembangkan dapat berjalan dengan baik, dan dapat menampilkan kondisi pasien secara realtime. Data yang direkam antara lain data suhu tubuh, kadar oksigen (SPO2), dan data denyut jantung (BPM). Data ini digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam penanganan pasien isolasi mandiri secara realtime dan tanpa bersentuhan langsung dengan pasien Covid-19

    Pembinaan kewirausahaan berbasis teknologi untuk mengembangkan jiwa Technopreneurship

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    The development of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia is currently very fast, as indicated by the increasing number of startups in Indonesia. The Indonesian government spends billions of rupiahs to encourage the millennial generation to become young entrepreneurs by developing startups to grow the Indonesian economy. Therefore, to support the government program, this service activity aims to understand technology-based entrepreneurial activities for students at Madrasah Aliyah Ridhlo Walidain NW, Batu Bangka, Jenggik that students' interest in entrepreneurship will increase and, they can become actors technopreneurs in the future.  The participants understood the use of e-commerce to support the birth of new entrepreneurs who later could strengthen the finances and economy for home-based businesses. The method used to achieve this goal is by conducting lectures and practices using available platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Google Business. The results obtained from the activity are understanding the basic techniques for carrying out technology-based entrepreneurial activities. The final results show from this promotion include making it simple to use the platform by utilizing smartphone technologyPerkembangan UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) di Indonesia saat ini sangat pesat yang dibuktikan dengan semakin banyaknya jumlah starup di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan dana miliaran rupiah untuk mendorong generasi milenial untuk menjadi entrepreneur muda dengan mengembangkan starup-starup sehingga perekonomian Indonesia semakin berkembang. Oleh karena itu untuk mendukung program pemerintah tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang kegiatan wirausaha berbasis teknologi untuk siswa-siswi di Madrasah Aliyah Ridhlo Walidain NW, Batu Bangka, Jenggik, agar minat para pelajar terhadap kewirausahaan semakin meningkat dan kedepannya bisa menjadi pelaku technopreneurship. Para peserta diberikan pemahaman tentang penggunaan e-commerce untuk mendukung lahirnya para wirausahawan baru yang nantinya dapat menguatkan keuangan dan perekonomian untuk usaha rumahan. Metode yang digunakan dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut yaitu dengan melakukan ceramah dan praktek menggunakan platform yang sudah tersedia seperti youtube, instagram dan google business. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan adalah siswa memahami teknik dasar untuk melakukan kegiatan wirausaha berbasis teknologi. Hasil akhir yang telah dicapai dari kegiatan ini antara lain siswa mampu membuat promosi sederhana dengan menggunakan platform tersebut dengan memanfaatkan teknologi smartphone

    Pelatihan penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Sistem Informasi Geografis mata pelajaran Pemrograman Web

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    Interactive learning media is one of the tools in the learning process. With interactive learning media, it will help students understand the learning material better, especially subjects that require practice to better understand the theory being taught. Web programming subjects in vocational schools are one of the subjects that have a lot of practicums. Therefore, to support the delivery of the subject matter, good interactive learning media are needed and are following the needs of students. This PKM aims to provide training on the use of web-based interactive learning media for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that have been developed so that students understand more about designing web-based applications. This activity was carried out at SMKN 1 Selong, with 25 participants from the Software Engineering department. The activity lasted for 4 months. The method used is lectures and direct practice on WEB-based software engineering with lecturers from the Informatics Engineering study program, Hamzanwadi University. The material presented is in the form of steps to make simple software by utilizing existing technology and seeing some examples that have been prepared previously by the resource person to be used by students. For this method use a computer with a local network. The results of the activity show that students can master basic techniques for WEB-based software and students are also able to make simple WEB-based applications by applying the concept of good system analysisMedia pembelajaran interaktif merupakan salah satu alat bantu dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan media pembelajaran interaktif akan membantu siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran dengan lebih baik, terutama mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan praktik untuk lebih memahami teori yang diajarkan. Mata pelajaran pemrograman web pada sekolah kejuruan merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang memiliki banyak praktikum. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendukung tersampaikannya materi pelajaran tersebut dibutuhkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa. PKM ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) berbasis web yang telah dikembangkan, sehingga siswa lebih paham mengenai perancangan aplikasi berbasis web. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SMKN 1 Selong, dengan peserta berasal dari jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak berjumlah 25 orang. Kegiatan berlangsung selama 4 bulan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu ceramah dan praktik langsung tentang rekayasa perangkat lunak berbasis WEB dengan narasumber dosen program studiTeknik Informatika, Universitas Hamzanwadi. Materi yang disampaikan berupa langkah-langkah membuat perangkat lunak sederhana dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang sudah ada dan melihat beberapa contoh yang sudah disiapkan sebelumnya oleh narasumber untuk dapat digunakan oleh siswa. Untuk metode ini menggunakan perangkat komputer dengan jaringan lokal. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan siswa siswi mampu menguasai teknik dasar untuk suatu perangkat lunak berbasis WEB dan siswa juga mampu membuat aplikasi berbasis WEB sederhanadengan menerapkan konsep analisis sistem yang bai

    Peningkatan kompetensi siswa SMK melalui pelatihan desain grafis dan animasi

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    Multimedia is a crucial field of study in the present era, as all professional domains require its application to aid individuals in effectively completing their tasks. However, the Multimedia field is contributing significantly to unemployment rates today. This issue partly arises from the fact that graduates in Multimedia lack the required proficiency, skills, and knowledge sought by various companies and institutions. SMK NW Kembang Kerang is a private vocational school located in East Lombok, which offers a multimedia program attracting a substantial number of students each year. Despite graduating students in this field annually, many face the challenge of inadequate competencies upon completion of their education. The lack of practical exposure during their school years hinders the alumni's ability to compete in the job market. Although numerous photo and video editing services are available in the Kembang Kerang region, it is observed that few SMK graduates are employed in this area. The school's teachers and principal comprehend this issue, attributing it to the limited opportunities for practical training experienced by the students. Consequently, to address this concern, the author conducted a competence training activity for students at SMK NW Kembang Kerang, with a specific focus on multimedia and graphic design. The objective of this training program is to enhance the students' multimedia and graphic design skills, empowering them with competent capabilities that will prove beneficial both for their personal growth and the broader community. Through this initiative, it is anticipated that upon completing their vocational education, students will possess the necessary competencies to thrive in the professional realm and contribute positively to society at large.Multimedia merupakan salah satu bidang keilmuan yang sangat penting saat sekarang ini. Semua bidang pekerjaan membutuhkan multimedia, untuk membantu manusia dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan baik dan benar. Multimedia merupakan salah satu jurusan yang tergolong banyak menyumbang pengangguran saat sekarang ini. Hal demikian terjadi salah satunya disebabkan karena keahlian dan kemampuan serta pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh lulusan Multimedia belum bisa di bawah standar yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan atau instansi lainnya. SMK NW Kembang Kerang adalah sekolah kejuruan swasta yang ada di lombok timur, dimana terdapat jurusan multimedia yang merupakan jurusan dengan peminat yang cukup banyak, setiap tahun meluluskan siswa dari jurusan multimedia. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh alumni multimedia adalah kompetensi yang dihasilkan setelah selesai dari sekolah masih sangat kurang, padahal dari informasi yang disampaikan oleh guru pengampu banyak dibuka jasa editing foto dan video yang tersebar di seputar wilayah kembang kerang, namun jarang sekali ada lulusan dari siswa/siswi SMK yang bekerja dibidang tersebut, hal ini dimaklumi oleh guru maupun kepala sekolah SMK NW Kembang Kerang, dikarenakan minimnya praktik yang didapat oleh siswa selama disekolah. Untuk itulah penulis mengadakan kegiatan pelatihan kompetensi untuk siswa siswi di SMK NW Kembang Kerang dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dari siswa dalam bidang multimedia dan desain grafis. Dengan adanya kegiatan pelatihan kompetensi dalam bidang multimedia dan desain grafis ini diharapkan nantinya setelah siswa menyelesaikan pendidikan di sekolah kejuruan dapat memiliki bekal kompetensi yang dapat bermanfaat baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk masyarakat luas