3,561 research outputs found

    Meron-Cluster Simulation of a Chiral Phase Transition with Staggered Fermions

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    We examine a (3+1)-dimensional model of staggered lattice fermions with a four-fermion interaction and Z(2) chiral symmetry using the Hamiltonian formulation. This model cannot be simulated with standard fermion algorithms because those suffer from a very severe sign problem. We use a new fermion simulation technique - the meron-cluster algorithm - which solves the sign problem and leads to high-precision numerical data. We investigate the finite temperature chiral phase transition and verify that it is in the universality class of the 3-d Ising model using finite-size scaling.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    An Introduction to Chiral Symmetry on the Lattice

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    The SU(Nf)L⊗SU(Nf)RSU(N_f)_L \otimes SU(N_f)_R chiral symmetry of QCD is of central importance for the nonperturbative low-energy dynamics of light quarks and gluons. Lattice field theory provides a theoretical framework in which these dynamics can be studied from first principles. The implementation of chiral symmetry on the lattice is a nontrivial issue. In particular, local lattice fermion actions with the chiral symmetry of the continuum theory suffer from the fermion doubling problem. The Ginsparg-Wilson relation implies L\"uscher's lattice variant of chiral symmetry which agrees with the usual one in the continuum limit. Local lattice fermion actions that obey the Ginsparg-Wilson relation have an exact chiral symmetry, the correct axial anomaly, they obey a lattice version of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, and still they do not suffer from the notorious doubling problem. The Ginsparg-Wilson relation is satisfied exactly by Neuberger's overlap fermions which are a limit of Kaplan's domain wall fermions, as well as by Hasenfratz and Niedermayer's classically perfect lattice fermion actions. When chiral symmetry is nonlinearly realized in effective field theories on the lattice, the doubling problem again does not arise. This review provides an introduction to chiral symmetry on the lattice with an emphasis on the basic theoretical framework.Comment: (41 pages, to be published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol. 53, issue 1 (2004)

    On certain finiteness questions in the arithmetic of modular forms

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    We investigate certain finiteness questions that arise naturally when studying approximations modulo prime powers of p-adic Galois representations coming from modular forms. We link these finiteness statements with a question by K. Buzzard concerning p-adic coefficient fields of Hecke eigenforms. Specifically, we conjecture that for fixed N, m, and prime p with p not dividing N, there is only a finite number of reductions modulo p^m of normalized eigenforms on \Gamma_1(N). We consider various variants of our basic finiteness conjecture, prove a weak version of it, and give some numerical evidence.Comment: 25 pages; v2: one of the conjectures from v1 now proved; v3: restructered parts of the article; v4: minor corrections and change

    Size distributions of shocks and static avalanches from the Functional Renormalization Group

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    Interfaces pinned by quenched disorder are often used to model jerky self-organized critical motion. We study static avalanches, or shocks, defined here as jumps between distinct global minima upon changing an external field. We show how the full statistics of these jumps is encoded in the functional-renormalization-group fixed-point functions. This allows us to obtain the size distribution P(S) of static avalanches in an expansion in the internal dimension d of the interface. Near and above d=4 this yields the mean-field distribution P(S) ~ S^(-3/2) exp(-S/[4 S_m]) where S_m is a large-scale cutoff, in some cases calculable. Resumming all 1-loop contributions, we find P(S) ~ S^(-tau) exp(C (S/S_m)^(1/2) -B/4 (S/S_m)^delta) where B, C, delta, tau are obtained to first order in epsilon=4-d. Our result is consistent to O(epsilon) with the relation tau = 2-2/(d+zeta), where zeta is the static roughness exponent, often conjectured to hold at depinning. Our calculation applies to all static universality classes, including random-bond, random-field and random-periodic disorder. Extended to long-range elastic systems, it yields a different size distribution for the case of contact-line elasticity, with an exponent compatible with tau=2-1/(d+zeta) to O(epsilon=2-d). We discuss consequences for avalanches at depinning and for sandpile models, relations to Burgers turbulence and the possibility that the above relations for tau be violated to higher loop order. Finally, we show that the avalanche-size distribution on a hyper-plane of co-dimension one is in mean-field (valid close to and above d=4) given by P(S) ~ K_{1/3}(S)/S, where K is the Bessel-K function, thus tau=4/3 for the hyper plane.Comment: 34 pages, 30 figure

    Green's Functions from Quantum Cluster Algorithms

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    We show that cluster algorithms for quantum models have a meaning independent of the basis chosen to construct them. Using this idea, we propose a new method for measuring with little effort a whole class of Green's functions, once a cluster algorithm for the partition function has been constructed. To explain the idea, we consider the quantum XY model and compute its two point Green's function in various ways, showing that all of them are equivalent. We also provide numerical evidence confirming the analytic arguments. Similar techniques are applicable to other models. In particular, in the recently constructed quantum link models, the new technique allows us to construct improved estimators for Wilson loops and may lead to a very precise determination of the glueball spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, with four figures. Added preprint numbe

    Computational complexity and fundamental limitations to fermionic quantum Monte Carlo simulations

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    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, while being efficient for bosons, suffer from the "negative sign problem'' when applied to fermions - causing an exponential increase of the computing time with the number of particles. A polynomial time solution to the sign problem is highly desired since it would provide an unbiased and numerically exact method to simulate correlated quantum systems. Here we show, that such a solution is almost certainly unattainable by proving that the sign problem is NP-hard, implying that a generic solution of the sign problem would also solve all problems in the complexity class NP (nondeterministic polynomial) in polynomial time.Comment: 4 page
