25 research outputs found

    Temperature and force dependence of nanoscale electron transport via the Cu protein Azurin

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    The mechanisms of solid-state electron transport (ETp) via a monolayer of immobilized Azurin (Az) was examined by conducting probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM), both as function of temperature (248 - 373K) and of applied tip force (6-12 nN). By varying both temperature and force in CP-AFM, we find that the ETp mechanism can alter with a change in the force applied via the tip to the proteins. As the applied force increases, ETp via Az changes from temperature-independent to thermally activated at high temperatures. This is in contrast to the Cu-depleted form of Az (apo-Az), where increasing the applied force causes only small quantitative effects, that fit with a decrease in electrode spacing. At low force ETp via holo-Az is temperature-independent and thermally activated via apo-Az. This observation agrees with macroscopic-scale measurements, thus confirming that the difference in ETp dependence on temperature between holo- and apo-Az is an inherent one that may reflect a difference in rigidity between the two forms. An important implication of these results, which depend on CP-AFM measurements over a significant temperature range, is that for ETp measurements on floppy systems, such as proteins, the stress applied to the sample should be kept constant or, at least controlled during measurement.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, plus Supporting Information with 4 pages and 2 figure

    Controlling Chemical Selectivity in Electrocatalysis with Chiral CuO-Coated Electrodes

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    This work demonstrates the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect for inorganic copper oxide films and exploits it to enhance the chemical selectivity in electrocatalytic water splitting. Chiral CuO films are electrodeposited on a polycrystalline Au substrate, and their spin filtering effect on electrons is demonstrated using Mott polarimetry analysis of photoelectrons. CuO is known to act as an electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction; however, it also generates side products such as H 2 O 2 . We show that chiral CuO is selective for O 2 ; H 2 O 2 generation is strongly suppressed on chiral CuO but is present with achiral CuO. The selectivity is rationalized in terms of the electron spin-filtering properties of the chiral CuO and the spin constraints for the generation of triplet oxygen. These findings represent an important step toward the development of all-inorganic chiral materials for electron spin filtering and the creation of efficient, spin-selective (photo)electrocatalysts for water splitting

    Electron transfer of plurimodified DNA SAMs

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    An STM-based current-voltage (I/V) investigation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 18 base pair (bp) oligonucleotide monolayers on gold is presented. Three bases of each of the immobilized and complementary strands were modified with either iodine or phenylethylene moieties. The oligonucleotides were immobilized on template stripped gold (tsg) surfaces and characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). AFM imaging showed that monolayers of the expected height were formed. A comparative study of normal, halogenated, and phenyl-modified DNA was made with the STM in tunneling spectroscopy (TS) mode. I/V spectroscopic measurements in the range +/- 250 mV on both single- and double-stranded (ds) DNA monolayers (modified and unmodified) showed that for negative substrate bias (U-sub) electron transfer is more efficient through a phenyl-modified monolayer than through normal or halogenated DNA. This effect was particularly clear below a threshold bias of -100 mV. For positive U-sub, unmodified ds DNA was found to conduct slightly better than the modified strands. This is presumably caused by greater order in the unmodified versus modified DNA monolayers. Modifications on the immobilized (thiolated) strand seem to improve electron transport through the DNA monolayer more than modifications on the complementary (not surface-bound) strand